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cba fan

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Everything posted by cba fan

  1. More events will bring in more revenue and help justify the annual losses that civic center public event centers lose every year every place they are built except a couple rare instances like the Allstate Center in Chicago that is the busiest arena in the world and yet still barley breaks even or loses some every year. Public event centres never make money directly. The ancillary financial area economic benefits are very hard to extrapolate and estimate. Many studies based on fuzzy math as local money spent on these events displaces local money that would have been spent other places locally. If it is an event that hordes of out of towners come in to spend mega money than that is different. Like a Star Trek convention or Super Bowl or Political convention or other things that bring in a lot of outsiders would be preferred. Concerts and truck shows RV shows etc etc are more for locals so do not generate new income. Do you think the Sabres arena should be torn down because it loses money every year??
  2. No thanks. I don't want to sleep with Tom. I would rather have a beer with Geisle.
  3. I hope you and all the rest saying this are right. I have been following his so called development.... So far though I have seen nothing. Routine drops, tuff catches in hands drops, no run after catch, no game breaking speed, no jumpball skill, no outside deep threat, playing volleyball in end zone, no end zone threat, no red zone threat, no return game apparently as he never does that, no ST play of note, They have continued to force the ball to him because he was a high draft choice, wr corp is putrid, and he is a McDerma guy apparently. Just exactly what do all you guys see in him that tells you he is an all pro in the making? I am listening...... It all looked good and like a smart decision until he fell face first into a 12" pile of snow like falling into a huge feather bed and came up hurt. He must not be close to healthy yet. Fighting through it is commendable and I hope he and medical staff are smart about this.
  4. 10-6 gets you in much easier with higher probability.
  5. That is where this rule change(which I believe was put in to make Pats pick plays legal but that is another thread) goes off the rails. When it is a pass play then no WR should be able to pick anywhere. On a run play yes absolutely WR can block any witch way they need to.
  6. Good point Incognito has been called for holding on similar pancake blocks. Not sure why that is holding as he just pushes him from side and the guy falls. I guess the snow causing players to slide slip may have been a factor in those not being called holding in that game as there seemed to be a lot like that let go.
  7. If anyone thinks the Bills coaches actually thought about any of what you printed here,.........then those fans are dumb enough to be the Bills next headcoach. Aside from that opinion I have, what you printed was very well thought out and your % guesses sound resonable, however to delve deeper what you printed has some real relevance but not against the Colts. Colts was a must win gimme game Bills absolutely had to win to stay in the hunt. Just like next week against the Dolphins at home also. And last game @ Dolphins not being a gimme is also in that boat. The game that your post makes complete sense is in two weeks when Bills play @ New England. In that scenario a tie is much better than a loss as that game is a sure loss on paper 99% of the time. Thanks for a very good post overall. I would award you some rep points if allowed.
  8. I don't want McDermot piloting and being on board mission commander of the manned NASA vessel they send him and my crew into space in. We may as well crack open the cyanide pills as we leave the launch pad.
  9. Just because Pagano was as equally stupid to punt the ball back on 4 and 4 and with about zero likelihood of getting the ball, No, noone should be mad if Bills went for it. All metrics, stats, possible outcomes, likely scenarios, show going for the 4 and 1 was the correct call every time. Why do the football Gods continue to give us different versions of inept game managers, clock managers, time out screw-ups, red flag boneheaders, time after time? We essentially have a Rex Dick Kay Gregg Doug as head coach. They make Wade and Mike M and Chan G look good at the aforementioned and even they were slow getting it done. Marv L was best. Exactly. Bills D looked like total ****. Colts went for it on multiple 4th downs and had little trouble converting. Even a 4 and 8 and 4 and 11 I believe.
  10. Football is a fall sport. Never intended to be played in winter. Only the need for profit results in football played in winter. There is a reason NCAA bowl games are played primarily in the south in better fall like weather. It makes it watchable and it attracts fans. Dome or go home. Buffalo new stadium needs to be a dome.
  11. Not twisted in the slightest. Completely factual. You are in denial as to what really transpired. Go back and review. Do you even know how a legal trust works?
  12. agreed. What kind of idiot thinks driving the crown of your helmet into a players face is legal?
  13. Not true. Starting in 2000 Fish/Jets/Bills have beaten Pats 12/11/5 times. When Jets and Fish made playoffs(total of 10 times) they each beat the Pats at least once in those years except for one year Jets lost both. To make playoffs Bills need to beat Pats at least once. Jets and Fish chances to make playoffs are twice as good as Bills as they beat the Pats at more than double the rate.
  14. I don't know why Bills fans keep trying to rewrite history. Make no mistake this team was being sold to high bidder regardless if they wanted to move or not. Some of that money being left to local charity does not change the fact he did little to stop team from moving. It would have just been a consolation prize if Bills moved. If Bills stayed, the club, the players, and NFL, combined, continually address charitable causes and raise a lot of money year after year after year for charity that would otherwise be taking place in the Bills new city Toronto London Mexico City Portland OK City etc..... Ralph's "will" absolutely stated this team was being sold to high bidder and had no stipulations limiting outside bidders wanting to move the team. The trust was a legally binding corp setup to maximize the return for all those who are beneficiaries of the trust. His spouse, his relatives, Brandon, kids, Littman, and unknown others were ea given a small % of the team.(his spouse obviously large %) They all deserved and received, through the setup of the trust, legal protections to get max return on that gift to prevent the following scenario: Your uncle you dearly love and loves you back dies. You are heir to your uncle's estate of Italian Deli's chain in town X which have a market rate worth at least 20 million. Stipulation is they be sold at his death and heirs paid out. He leaves you 25% which at market rate is 5 million dollars for you. The deli's are a city landmark and treasure causing uproar they may close or move. The executer does not like you due to family squabble. So he sells the deli's to a local super market owner for 200k who promises to keep them in town. You get only 50k now. Trusts are setup and legally binding to prevent this. Ralph put a small temporary roadblock in place to make it harder to move the team, but not even close to stopping a move. 400 million lease breaking cost would have been minor cost to a group of Billionaires and Jon Bon Jovi from Toronto if they really wanted the team. Only thing that stopped that was Jon Bon Jovi ego. His net worth cash on hand was too low so he was unable to be majority contributor and his unwillingness to give up controlling capital outlay prevented the Billionaires from contributing more so they could compete bid with Pegs. They also could have waited a few years and only paid a 28 million penaty or just waited 7 years when lease expired and paid no penalty. Giving them plenty of time to arrange things in Canada and have new stadium done before move so no temp home in Rogers dump dome. I don't know why Bills fans keep trying to rewrite history. Make no mistake this team was being sold to high bidder regardless if they wanted to move or not.
  15. McCoy is going to do wildcat all game. Discuss??
  16. We are talking about a sprained ankle. The horror of a guy who is so injury prone some guy rolls up on his ankle. Ship him out. What system does he not fit in? Bills need run stuffers and he pushes two guys off the edge all the time. Great depth player at least.
  17. Come on Sal......you have access. Can't you just ask someone what they are really wearing. Is this going to be like before the season that you said they would not be wearing throwbacks because it was not listed in the media guide. Yet they wore them at home this year vs Raiders. Just ask someone already. It is your job.
  18. I never said Super Bowl P_L_A_Y_O_F_F_S....... is the first goal....... baby steps my friend...they would be fighting for home field playoff game right now if they had kept the good players. I have analyzed all this many times. Bills win with talent not with scrubs. I never mentioned any "Lee" and there were no ramblings with Tolbert Dimarco, they are the two biggest mistakes the regime have made. By signing them and keeping them they neglected the b/u RB positon in a way not seen since Dick Jauron signed Bears cast off, Anthony Thomas A-Train with no motor left, and dumped faster better RB's in preseason. You do not get rid of good young talent in a rebuild. Look it up it is at "rebuild101.com"
  19. good funny there. Like it.... I am not even remotely from the area and he got me all fired up......lol. Seriously though this coach should get as smart as a dog. Dogs know well enough not to **** where they sleep.
  20. He has played in every game since his first after surgery in 2016. Only played in less than 21 games total. And only one preseason set of games. That is why he is essentially closer to a rookie than a NFL vet..
  21. Someone from a different school he gives to will get that scholarship.... so what is the difference? It will go to a deserving student either way.
  22. What an out of touch clueless braindead zombie apocalypse drone. LOL. Everyone and his brother/sister/cousin knows the Jills disbanded years ago and are never coming back. What a freaking loser. Run him out of town now. Not petty at all. You don't t give to a cause that does not support your ideals. Bad behavior draws a response most times.
  23. Hughes is the best or second best defensive player on team. Getting rid of him would be another stupid trade by Beano.
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