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cba fan

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Everything posted by cba fan

  1. That part was left out because it never happened. Lewis was never offered the job so no spouse block possible. I heard rumblings but no proof of reports spouse did not want to come to Buffalo. That was Cowher's wife. The school issue is laughable. Every area has high rated private schools for people with money to spend. Marvin's wife would not have stopped Lewis from taking the job and Marvin was bitter he was not hired. He would have taken the job based on his response in interviews after and agent corroboration. This was a sensitive racial HC hiring time and he would have been pillared by the African American community if he turned down a HC job. He was taking the job if offered. Carson Palmer demanding trade out of Cinncy in 2011 has nothing to do with Bills not hiring Lewis in 2001.
  2. Gilmore has perfected the trot return of INT's. I have never seen a DB not go full speed when returning an INT until Gilmore. Is he that afraid of contact?
  3. History update. Donohoe waited to decide on HC choice until Lewis was available for interview after Ravens Super Bowl. By that time Donohoe(or meddler Ralph Wilson) had pretty much made up his mind it was going to be GW. So he did a cursory interview with Lewis and choose announced GW as HC. I never heard he met face to face. I thought it was a phone interview. Marvin and agent unhappy and thought they were recipients of racial bias. I remember Marvin vividly talking during ESPN interview about and complaining he did not get a fair shake and that they never discussed areas in Buffalo with nice houses or good schools etc etc....... The coach whose wife did not want to come to Buffalo was Cowher. At some point after this mess. NFL changed rule and allowed coaches in playoffs to talk to other teams about coaching vacancies prior to playoff run ending. http://www.nytimes.com/2001/02/04/sports/pro-football-notebook-marvin-lewis-s-agent-accuses-bills-of-bias.html
  4. If not for the cheap shot into Carson Palmers knee by the Steeler in 2005 season, Bengals were the cream of the top of the AFC, Bengals may have been in Super Bowl that year. Instead those lucky bitches from Pittsburgh had the refs steal the Super Bowl from the Seahawks for them. And Cowher leading the players in locker room after that tainted Bengal win with a "who dey" "we dey" chant. Completely sickening. So Bengalsy. Oh and by the way. During off season, NFL made a rule outlawing that type of hit on QB's.
  5. Screw those losers. If you attack police you should get full riot treatment with billy clubs flying and bloody noses flowing. They should all go straight to jail.
  6. Yes, butt the question is.... Is that her ass? If it is it needs its own zip code.
  7. If Beano does this Cousins loser trade for all the Bills good picks he just dumped all the Bills good young talent to get, he will be run out of town. He is not worth more than the worst first this year and a 2nd next year. But only a loser trader would even consider this. You have to call Wash bluff and make them tag him or not.
  8. As PatsFanNH smartly pointed out is why it happened. Kraft is the boss apparently even to BB. If Bills had a persistent owner Bills right now would likely have Mahomes or Watson as QB. Neither option would be bad IMO. As for Pats trading to Niners for "only" a 2nd round pick. They were handicapped: 1. they refused to send Graps to QB hell Cleveland. 2. did not want him in AFC East or likely AFC at all. 3. Kraft orders Brady stays regardless of thoughts. 4. Graps turns down bridge contract for obvious possibly once-in-a-lifetime $$$ reasons. Personally I think he will get another one or two big paydays when he proves he is that franchise guy but no guarantees so he must take the money now. He has waited like a good teammate and soldier. 5. Trade market a little soft in 2nd half of a season. 6. Many good QB's available in upcoming draft so many other options for current QB needy teams. 7. I don't think a lot of teams thought Pats would trade him during season and did not get a chance to bid. I believe many others would have offered a 2nd and 3rd for him at least or at least more than Niners gave. What a steal man. It is going to be fun watching him play. I already put Niners games on TV over from Bills now and watch as much as I can without missing any Bills action.
  9. So do we all. And we all wish it was not a valid term that is used so often. "in the way" lol love that Freudian type slip.
  10. You are forgetting how clueless most NFL players are in this scenario. Even the smart ones. I have heard quotes from them stating basically "they(the team they are going to or staying with) will find a way to pay me my market worth and field a winning team talented roster. Only Brady does take less than market. All the rest ruin chance to win when they get the big deal. Shown repeatedly with Rogers Rothlesiberger Bress Wilson Eli etc etc.... all their chances for Super Bowl go in the toilet as soon as they get the big deals. Bress may be an exception this year but I would not count on it.
  11. Yes a sign bonus would go against their cap, however, if the return was two 1st and a 2nd, a 10 or 15 or 20 mill sign bonus would not be a bad deal. Of course they would like to limit that so more likely they let Kirk/Agent negotiate with other team on contract then the team negotiates compensation at which time Redskins drop the franchise tender and do a deal for less than the two 1st rounders. Problem with that is if the offer sheet has a huge or any sign bonus Redskins are on the hook for that in money and cap space. That would effect compensation they would want back from team trading.
  12. Any signing that takes plays away from Tolbert would by default look like a genius move. Bets thing that ever happened for Bills playoff chances was when Tolbert tweaked his hammy.
  13. TV stations decide what game they want to put on. So those pockets are just 5 channels deciding to skip the 1 pm games and go with JAX at 4 pm.
  14. Signing bonus is a signing bonus so when he signs the contract he gets the signing bonus. They then could give him roster bonuses paid every year he is on the roster at start of season. More than likely they will tag him and he will wait to sign it until it is advantageous for him. It can go some weeks into season. Not clear how many. Meanwhile Redskins must keep all salary for the tag available per NFL rules.
  15. Well thanks Pats fan. I appreciate the good wishes for future Bills teams to rise up when Pats fall back. Not that i expect that to happen. Too bad BB did not get his way to keep Graps. He would have had a good chance to keep the train rolling if BB stayed also or even if a new younger coach took over when BB retires.
  16. Now you are trolling. After never saying anything negative about the Bills before. That didn't take long, did it. LOL Gronk is the biggest culprit of Offensive PI in the league. Yes he has calmed that down considerably in the last 2 years or so because finally the refs started calling it on him. You are a typical delusional fan. Get "all 22" views and key on Gronk. You will see Gronk pushes and/or initiates contact every time he leaves the line of scrimmage. It is criminal. I would do the same since they only call it about less than half a flag per game over the course of the season. Approx 6 to 8 times a year.
  17. Yeah sorry you were wrong. I realize Broncos did pick plays, but Patriots took it to a whole new level. In addition Gronk for years got away with run straight ahead push defender off turn around and catch easy pass completion. Then he cries because he gets 5 or 6 PI for a year of doing that on nearly every play. Then nearly killed Tre White because he is mad about getting held. What a whinny little baby. If Jerry Hughes concussed every player that held him the NFL would have 7 players in concussion protocol every week. It was just a blanket statement. I did not go back and see if you trolled. If you are not trolling then no Hate here.
  18. I hate Cheater fans trolling Bills boards. Not Cheater fans per se or Cheater fans as a person. Just the act of Cheater fans trolling Bills boards.
  19. you answered the question. Bills need a dome to survive long term profitable to NFL needs/wants/requirements. Must be done to appease screw balls Jones/Snyder and other owners with massive debt loads etc etc who need teams to maximize profits. Does not matter if Pegs does not care about bottom line being even or some loss. Dome is the cost of doing NFL business in Buffalo long term.
  20. TV viewership/ratings do not care how spread out the tv audience is.
  21. You !@#$ers invented the illegal pick play that NFL then modified the rules to allow it, so shut the hell up. They pick all the time in the one yard window and don't get called. Go away. edit: error. I meant outside 1 yard window. Sorry.
  22. There is a lot of grass in Perry Projects area and on google maps a lot of windows boarded up on those buildings. It is not far from downtown Sabres Arena and Cobblestone District. Would that be better than tearing down the Cobblestone District? I don't see a stadium fitting between the Sabres Parking deck and that casino. Is the Casino planning to move and expand?
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