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cba fan

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Everything posted by cba fan

  1. Edit: Update: When the refs walked onto the field.........lol
  2. I agree. Even though with current coach it would hurt the Bills as he wastes challenge flags on obvious plays he can not win and would be more likely than the avg team to be out of challenges at end of game for wrong calls on scoring plays. The grounding non call when Brady was falling. McDerma thought he was down because his knee touched. Even though no Bill touched him. SMH. He told sideline reporter Sun he would have challenged Clay incompletion in end zone but was told(never said by who) he could not. This just days after the Pitt/Pats game Jesse James call that shows clearly it would have been a non catch. How could McDerma not know this.????
  3. McDerma needs to go to NFL coaches game management summer camp. If he is honestly assessing his game day performance. I won't list all the failures..... Is that even learnable? Has any coach with poor game manager skills ever improved? Reid still sucks. Jauron never improved in 3 HC gigs. Rex did improve on challenge flags.
  4. Many reasonable fans agree the Music City debacle should not have been reversed on replay. Those same and others are in the company of opinion that the refs should have thrown the flag as it clearly looked live that it was illegal. Then inconclusive replay, call stands, and Bills win. I and others believe the refs purposely let it run as they felt replay would sort it all out correctly. Without replay they would have been more inclined to throw flag as it looked. That is using replay as a crutch. JMO.
  5. Dunkirk Don.....thanks for info What is OBD thoughts on starting Peterman next year as the new drafted QB learns for a year? Is this even on their radar of thoughts. This roster is likely more than a year away from being respectable for the long haul anyway.
  6. yeah you know the Steelers scored a Super Bowl win with a toe tap that looked very similar in its inconclusivetivity and the Steelers tap was a TD.
  7. It took way too long, but, How can they get this right? And yet Tolbert is 3rd down back, Vlad impalling people, Tate can't return ****, Humber less than Milano early on, Dimarco should be only playing beach volleyball, Clay should never be a Red Zone target, how can they get all that wrong???? Hell Woods at center is a liability now. How about Groy? just when you think they got it after healthy inactive Tolbert for a few weeks they throw him right back in in the most critical games of season.(biggest game is in hindsight after all playoffs needs failed yesterday)
  8. you are absolutely correct. Using time travel theory. When you go back and change something it changes everything that comes after. "everything WOULD have been different after that" For all we know Bills up 7 at that point could have gone on to score another 21 straight and rode home with a punishing defensive ending. We will never know now.
  9. yeah and then to rub salt in Bills fans wounds...those SOB's on network telecast showed a freaking slow mo replay.....WTF. b/u RB on Bills are like Red Shirts on Star Trek landing parties.
  10. yeah but Webb would be shoveling ALOT faster and moving the pile. He does turn 2nd and 2 into 3rd and 4. So we have that. He should be a coach only.
  11. That sound like a good solution. In practice i am afraid every defender will do PI on every throw to prevent the big play anytime it is even an inkling of being completed.
  12. Running Tolbert on what looked like two exact same plays on 2nd and 2 and 2nd and 2. Woods whiffed on Guy each time and Tolbert turned those two attempts into 3rd and 4 and 3rd and 3
  13. A different poster stated a player does not get forward motion when extending a football unless he extends for and hits TD plane. That if he fails to hit the TD plane the ball is spotted where the player pulls it back into his body. If that was the case then the ball should have been spotted short of the line to gain on that Pats 4th down challenge. The player extended the ball and then pulled it back in before his knees touched. When his knees touched he was short of the first down. Ball is always placed where the ball is when player is down. Can't find in NFL rule book. Anyone know?
  14. http://www.spotrac.com/nfl/buffalo-bills/tyrod-taylor-7899/ (very strange contract. Appears if they keep him through 2018 his contract auto voids yet Bills on hook for over 10 mill in dead cap spread over 3 years) His cap hit is 18 mill if on team next year. 8.640 mill if cut. So would cost approx. 9.36 mill to keep him next year. Not 16 mill you state. A little high for a back up. Bargain for starter.
  15. LOL That elbow armor can withstand a train hit......it did not even bend.
  16. using the number 13 for the manned Apollo program?
  17. That part was left out because it never happened. Lewis was never offered the job so no spouse block possible. I heard rumblings but no proof of reports spouse did not want to come to Buffalo. That was Cowher's wife. The school issue is laughable. Every area has high rated private schools for people with money to spend. Marvin's wife would not have stopped Lewis from taking the job and Marvin was bitter he was not hired. He would have taken the job based on his response in interviews after and agent corroboration. This was a sensitive racial HC hiring time and he would have been pillared by the African American community if he turned down a HC job. He was taking the job if offered. Carson Palmer demanding trade out of Cinncy in 2011 has nothing to do with Bills not hiring Lewis in 2001.
  18. Gilmore has perfected the trot return of INT's. I have never seen a DB not go full speed when returning an INT until Gilmore. Is he that afraid of contact?
  19. History update. Donohoe waited to decide on HC choice until Lewis was available for interview after Ravens Super Bowl. By that time Donohoe(or meddler Ralph Wilson) had pretty much made up his mind it was going to be GW. So he did a cursory interview with Lewis and choose announced GW as HC. I never heard he met face to face. I thought it was a phone interview. Marvin and agent unhappy and thought they were recipients of racial bias. I remember Marvin vividly talking during ESPN interview about and complaining he did not get a fair shake and that they never discussed areas in Buffalo with nice houses or good schools etc etc....... The coach whose wife did not want to come to Buffalo was Cowher. At some point after this mess. NFL changed rule and allowed coaches in playoffs to talk to other teams about coaching vacancies prior to playoff run ending. http://www.nytimes.com/2001/02/04/sports/pro-football-notebook-marvin-lewis-s-agent-accuses-bills-of-bias.html
  20. If not for the cheap shot into Carson Palmers knee by the Steeler in 2005 season, Bengals were the cream of the top of the AFC, Bengals may have been in Super Bowl that year. Instead those lucky bitches from Pittsburgh had the refs steal the Super Bowl from the Seahawks for them. And Cowher leading the players in locker room after that tainted Bengal win with a "who dey" "we dey" chant. Completely sickening. So Bengalsy. Oh and by the way. During off season, NFL made a rule outlawing that type of hit on QB's.
  21. Screw those losers. If you attack police you should get full riot treatment with billy clubs flying and bloody noses flowing. They should all go straight to jail.
  22. Yes, butt the question is.... Is that her ass? If it is it needs its own zip code.
  23. If Beano does this Cousins loser trade for all the Bills good picks he just dumped all the Bills good young talent to get, he will be run out of town. He is not worth more than the worst first this year and a 2nd next year. But only a loser trader would even consider this. You have to call Wash bluff and make them tag him or not.
  24. As PatsFanNH smartly pointed out is why it happened. Kraft is the boss apparently even to BB. If Bills had a persistent owner Bills right now would likely have Mahomes or Watson as QB. Neither option would be bad IMO. As for Pats trading to Niners for "only" a 2nd round pick. They were handicapped: 1. they refused to send Graps to QB hell Cleveland. 2. did not want him in AFC East or likely AFC at all. 3. Kraft orders Brady stays regardless of thoughts. 4. Graps turns down bridge contract for obvious possibly once-in-a-lifetime $$$ reasons. Personally I think he will get another one or two big paydays when he proves he is that franchise guy but no guarantees so he must take the money now. He has waited like a good teammate and soldier. 5. Trade market a little soft in 2nd half of a season. 6. Many good QB's available in upcoming draft so many other options for current QB needy teams. 7. I don't think a lot of teams thought Pats would trade him during season and did not get a chance to bid. I believe many others would have offered a 2nd and 3rd for him at least or at least more than Niners gave. What a steal man. It is going to be fun watching him play. I already put Niners games on TV over from Bills now and watch as much as I can without missing any Bills action.
  25. So do we all. And we all wish it was not a valid term that is used so often. "in the way" lol love that Freudian type slip.
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