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cba fan

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Everything posted by cba fan

  1. all things being equal in regards to personality, age, health, contract, salary cap hit, coachability, etc etc........... who do you want? Tyrod Kirk or Matt ?????
  2. Anything is possible.....but Shades would need a couple big runs. Like 70+ to have a shot.
  3. was not burning you. Pointing out it is silly that a pro team who directs all there marketing branding efforts into getting fans to buy in as in "we" should not result in fans being ripped for going along. That is all. No disrespect.
  4. Yes it is silly. Personally I never do it myself. However this is exactly what pro franchises want. They want fans invested in the team over investment in players as players come and go. Think about Packer fans who they have hundreds of thousands of owners as it is community owned. Is it OK for them to say "we" ?? If it is then it is also completely OK for any NFL franchise fans of teams who accept taxpayers money to use the "we" term. Local fans pay the taxes that go to the team therefore are defacto owners. To rip on someone for saying "we" is beyond silly. Just because Don has a million posts and uses it a lot is not a factor.
  5. If the idiots doing clock management on Bills sideline would have waited a few seconds before calling timeout before Christie's game winning kick.........Music City Debacle would have never happened. CLOCK management- GET SOME!!
  6. If college refs where able to slow down instant replay to HD 100 frames per half second like NFL. There would never be another completed pass in history.
  7. Thanks. I have been trying to find the link that he can not play and I can't because you I think are correct.
  8. Tre can not play vs Bills. It is against the rules. Can not pick up a player from team you are playing so late in the week you are playing them.
  9. HEY? What about my gem.....everyone knows Dove soap fly's ? pat self on back........lol
  10. What would you do with it? It would be a joke cartoonish logo of a Cowboy shooting the Bills namesake. They went the right direction when they did back in 1960. 1961 when they started using an American Bison as logo. Technically the current NFL team was named after a team not after Buffalo Bill. The team was the AAFC Buffalo BISONS who the next year had the name the team contest and changed to Buffalo Bills for...you know the rest.....then that team was not invited to join NFL when leagues merged in 1949. Ralph then adopted the NAME of that team for his AFL franchise nickname in 1960. So contrary to all previous verbiage on this team nickname you see constantly because Bills name is so unique and stands out, especially paired with Buffalo making Buffalo Bills one of the coolest sports named teams in history. Kind of like London Werewolves then later London Rippers baseball team from London Ontario. Technically Buffalo Bills are not named after Buffalo Bill Cody they are named to pay homage to the AAFC team that folded.
  11. I was just joking that it was an easy mistake Dove for Ivory and making fun of the other guy.......
  12. yeah LOL....everyone knows Dove soap does not float....it fly's.
  13. I can't find the link however I believe Bills have worse record on grass than turf so they may want to reevaluate going to grass.
  14. Dunkirk......if you can plant fan desires in OBD you should pine for 71 k stadium with the retractable roof you mentioned is latest Pegs/ODB want.(and expandable to 80k+ in case Super Bowl would be possible-I know long shot but can't win if you don't play) That area for expandability could come in very handy for the inevitable upgrades all stadiums usually add years down the road. 71k would be a lot louder than 65 and if 71 k is selling out in Indy it should do ok in Buffalo. I think Bills will regret making it too small. There is an untapped spectator source that opens up when weather is bad and they will not go for outside stadium. I know I would go to many more games all season and bring group of family that would not otherwise go due to weather. If I knew the weather is no factor except walking from car to stadium similar to walking from parking to the mall we would go a lot more. Same thing with season tickets. If the buyers know they have a better late season market now due to no weather factor, they would be more inclined to buy seasons as they can more easily sell extras. Brewers benefitted immensely from this when they built Miller Park.
  15. It could be if the field rolls out into a green house. Not likely as greenhouse would need to be too tall, but if desired then that field could be used to practice on if needed depending on wear tolerance.
  16. There are only two rivalries that matter to Bills now. #1 Cheatriots. #2 Refs.
  17. Lets tell it like it is. If Zay was a Whaley holdover before McDerma was in the draft room. He would have been cut long ago, or traded, or inactive most weeks, or on practice squad.
  18. I am skipping out on a family Christmas celebration to watch the Bills. Win or lose, playoffs or not......I win!!
  19. NY office should have a bank of officials that have one job. Know the rules inside out and backwards. They then can call the game site if a rule is being applied or interpreted wrong. Those game refs can also call the NY office for clarification of a weird rule that comes up occasionally. I guess making the original call be replay changed should be left to on site game officials. Unless Riveron is fired and they go back to interpreting the rule of "clear and obvious" for an original ruling overturn I would kill any decisions from that office.
  20. #3 This is interesting but?? would make all WR catches falling out of bounds incomplete as the ball would hit out of bounds? yes? #1 I would give them 90 sec from when ref announces the play is being challenged or reviewed. Then scoreboard clock counts down the 90 sec and horn sounds at end. If Ref is not speaking on his mic and explaining why the call is changed by 90 sec then play stands as called. In fact if call stands. Ref does not need to even speak to the crowd. Let horn sound and we all know it is done deal. not sure what to do with !@#$ head Riveron NY office. I guess abolish it. Otherwise they would not be allowed to look at vids until ref in stadium starts vids on monitor. How to know that happens per the rules would involve a congressional inquiry.
  21. If it all falls like you write.....then yes Marrone is far far out of my doghouse for good.
  22. Really? Then how do you explain the Grinch launching off mountain peaks and cliffs like a North Korean missile with no navigation sense? PS: keep feeding use Dunkirk Don.......I love the info and controversy it stirs up....lol
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