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cba fan

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Everything posted by cba fan

  1. This kind of thinking is totally lost on race baiting driven political individuals. They fail to see how they themselves put race into it. Trump never put race into it. He commented on the sad state of economically and politically failed nation states being a cesspool. Then the snowflakes say things like "we have many great immigrants from all countries and we should celebrate all of those people". Trump never said we should do anything different. He was asking to level the playing field. Why favor people from the failed countries over any people that want to come here? All applicants should have the same chance to immigrate here if they wish. Right? We have room to allow all people of all backgrounds and economic levels and of course could give some weight to those in situations of impending doom to flee and make a better life in US. Our self populating aged adults are not having kids at a self sustaining rate that a successful capitalism system requires. So we absolutely need legal immigration. But it should not all come from cesspool countries or well off countries. Should be a fair mix. It all sounds made up. Jax has a history of trash talking. Would not be surprised they started the talk.
  2. Brady shreds Achilles. Bills fans are like: http://www.buffalobills.com/video/videos/Watch-The-Best-of-Bills-Fan-Reactions/8ba4c95a-427f-467d-9e3e-94dcaa1462e8 Kraft is in intensive care and is expected to live. Long recovery ahead for both. BB spotted at airport headed for NYC.
  3. Yes that is a liilte goofy. I know many people later in life who were very good at basketball but you would never know that by looking at their appearance now. Better question here is how does negative Sully get the BNEWS to pay his way to a NBA game to troll LeBron. That is amazing sway for Sully.
  4. A college type spread may be the way of the future in NFL, however, It would be very smart of anyone trying to implement it to go back and take a look at Chip Kelly offense in Philly that crashed and burned and not try to run that. Some hybrid spread for NFL would be in order with the right QB and a good b/u QB with similar skills as injury risk goes up.
  5. Yeah we are waiting for "connected" Vic to give us some more news. Why someone would just blanket post Bills will not be hiring McCoy, after he was listed as one of the top 2 candidates, and not give even a shred or small hint of additional info as to why, is not a good reporter.
  6. lol....stop it.....they both do clap a lot but it stops there. Jaurons ceiling was 7-9. "The process" is by definition an unlimited celling as they have proven now without a doubt they will make changes pretty fast when they identify a problem. So I will withhold judgement on game day management mistakes now until I see if McDerma improves over the off season.
  7. Like mace/pepper spray......lol Never like pajamas after about 7 years old.
  8. They will put him through the processor and if he comes out OK Bills have a QB.
  9. Yeah for sure the color rush should use the throwback helmet logo. Only friends I know who love orange are females who are the masculine side of their lesbian relationships. I know it is a small sample size and I am not trying to make a negative about this. Maybe orange is a masculine draw though.
  10. Making a real attempt to get better at QB is a big positive flag showing they are playing with the right FO now. Other FO dinked and dunked on QB for "salary cap" "Ralph Wilson" "cash to cap policy" causing avoidance of high draft picks for QB's in draft and even moderate high draft picks in draft. Not to mention whiffing on Russ Wilson who they liked, Dak Prescott who they liked, and it goes on and on. If is also not lost on me that Beane apparently has final say on trades and draft picks so that has not been the same "picks by committee" BS Levy, Nix, and Whaley, were handicapped with. Yeah things are looking up. The further we get away from the dumping of clear talent by Beane this past year the better I will feel.
  11. Rumors were a deal was brought to McCoy and he declined it to stay with Bills.
  12. You have to give Dunkirk credit on the K Williams run prediction. Even the players on the sideline heard on Tre White microphoned up where surprised/incredulous that KW was in the backfield and went crazy when he actually got the carry.
  13. I hope McDermott also looks deep in the mirror and fires his game day game management inner skills. Hire a young guy to manage clock and timeouts and challenge flags and what is challengeable etc etc...... understand it takes about 12 to 14 sec to run a play without timeouts left and get set for clock stopping spike etc etc.......... Get in Beans head a real NFL team needs real back up RB's to succeed in NFL. Don't let Tolbert balling out like a soldier sent into battle with surrender not an option the last couple games and in playoffs fool you. Everything else about him is pretty good.
  14. Cheifs always look great and classic as far as helmet. Overall classic as they never changed it much. Problem when I look at helmet(which is awesome, almost as good as Bills if Bills fix the mullet and outline the logo with navy outside the white outline): Helmet does not match uniform. It is Red White and Black in logo. Uniform is Red Gold and White. Add some black pin striping to jersey and pants, especially around numbers to make it match. If done right like when Dolphins added some navy before going super teal a few years ago, it would tie it all together. I don't think I would add any gold lines/accents to helmet logo but maybe that would help also.
  15. That is a product of NFL rules. Rams want to go back to Navy and White. They can only change uniforms/helmets/logos(I assume to prevent backlog of outdated unsold apparel gear inventory) every so many years and wanted to time it with new stadium opening but also NFL got in the way. http://theramswire.usatoday.com/2017/10/01/nfl-los-angeles-rams-dallas-cowboys-uniform-mismatch-combination-photos/ http://theramswire.usatoday.com/2017/10/13/nfl-los-angeles-rams-uniform-navy-twitter-mismatched-week-6/
  16. Belichick is the next....... coach of the Giants.
  17. Not gonna happen but if they want TT for Dalton i would listen. Glenn is worth more than Dalton. (this trade would setup a pretty awesome preseason home opener next year, yes?) Stupid to trade Glenn. He may be needed to play LG if Incognito situation blows up.
  18. http://subscribers.footballguys.com/teams/teampage-buf-6.php He missed the equivalent of almost 7 games. "Seven" He left games injured about 4x and missed complete games 5x. He also went off injured a few times but did not miss a snap.
  19. I am not trying to be disrespectful of your opinion, however, I feel you are going the wrong way on this debate though. We don't care if European fans enjoy NFL. We don't care if they don't enjoy NFL. To ea his own. Americans are kind of that way. Free to chose what you like and go for it. I do not believe Americans feel all self righteous over monopolizing and understanding NFL. Anyone can study it and in a few short hours and a few games watched can understand it just fine. I will never fall into that age old liberal trap that we are all the big bad Americans with no empathy. Not buying that for a second. OK I am off my soap box now...sorry to derail your thread.
  20. Fair enough, however, you should not then have made a click baited inaccurate thread title that implies it happened after 'The Game" when everyone will read that as being after "the game" that Bills just played.
  21. and then also use the 85K that show up in London for their designated 8th home game as part of their avg to show that are not that far away from other NFL team avgs.
  22. Just because Americans could good give a rats ass about how other countries feel about American Football does not make us isolationists. Are Europeans isolationists because they continue to try and force feed soccer down Americans throats, via some assorted individual billionaires who love soccor, when Americans have clearly and strongly demonstrated they don't like it?
  23. That really is crazy. He had like 7 or 8 good games in his career. Unfortunately one was a win against the Bills.
  24. Why are you posting something that happened 2 years ago after Eagles game?
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