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cba fan

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Everything posted by cba fan

  1. cut 4 and you get at a 3rd. Cut 5 and you get a 3rd and 7th. To put in perspective if they cut 5, Kelvin Benjamin would have basically been FREE. They could have then immediately resigned Ducasse Johnson DiMarco Davis and Holmes after cutting them. If they wanted them. This would have been a delicate thing to do, but you go to the guys you want to bring back and explain the situation. You also sweeten the pot a little by signing them to a little more salary for the remainder of the year. Win win. They keep the guarantees in original contracts and get another for remainder of year. A savvy FO would have gotten this done.
  2. Correct. There is no conspiracy. So lets work with the facts only. What we do know that happens is refs favor the Cheats. So all we want is answers to the following. #2 being much more important than #1. 1. Why do refs favor the Cheats? 2. How can we stop it so best team in NFL stops getting extra help winning and the playing field is leveled for all teams? Thanks Al Riveron. Did not know you were a board member here........lol That is why it should have been a TD. It was ruled a TD and replay was inconclusive. TD all day.
  3. No reason to cut Glenn. Non what so ever. If they can not trade a All Pro in his prime highly coveted LT positon player that has a reasonable contract with most of the dead cap absorbed by Bills then Bean has completely lost me on his abilities to trade in NFL. Peterman would be a fine bridge guy. He will stink it up some at first but who cares. I think he can be developed next year and could become a long time back up like Matt Moore Ryan Fitz types do. Next year is a rebuild anyway so perfect timing, lets see what he can do with full support. Unless they get A Smith or Cousins then it is more of a win now season..
  4. Agreed 100%. Yes I took this thread pretty far off topic. Sorry I didn't mean to bust on ya. We agree on a lot here. Business owners have a tough job keeping it all running smooth I know.
  5. Makes a person wonder how Canadians get along.
  6. Single parents have many things happen they can not control. Not every family can afford to have one parent be a stay at home caregiver. Kids get sick in a matter of hours. Kids need to be picked up when school calls and says they have to go home early for whatever reson, daycare shuts down for a day, weather closings, people get sick and hurt and can not make it in when they planned to work, cars break down, fender benders happen everyday on commutes to work, etc etc. Very unrealistic to expect all employees to show up every day they are on schedule. That is why many places in essential fields like healthcare, police, fire, etc etc have designated people on-call for theses normal occurrences. I don't want someone working for me who puts a job over the safety and welfare of their kids/family. That is just bad business. They fought every one of them claiming they were fired for cause. Since they won all of them, in our state the unemployment laws are all written to favor employer and put the burden of proof on employee. So they paid no unemployment insurance to the state as their account was full and never taking any hits from any unemployed. Only had to pay in some when state mandated higher amounts periodically.
  7. Very hard to believe any NFL team, coaches, or players, would be so dumb to think they could get a team with a known rep of trash talking like the Jags, to commit penalties by trash talking them. Crazy. That is just what they want. That would be like challenging Rick Barry or John Stockton in their respective primes to a free throw shooting contest and expecting to win.
  8. No not even close. I worked for a place that after calling in sick 3 days a year you were fired. That is a crappy thing to do.
  9. Yeah very intently. No fouls on Pats offense or defense. Very rare occurrence.
  10. The whole sports world is complaining. media, fans, even players days after games, which is quit a departure from the norm as players seldom say anything after post game light comments.
  11. I do not believe it is a conspiracy, but they get favoritism for some reason. Refs showing Pats favoritism is like global warming. We have clear and conclusive proof it is happening....we just do not know the cause. PS: did you even watch that "game ending" run play. Are you talking about that one with a clear hold by Pats player on Jax who would have stopped that run 5 yards short of a first. With ref looking right at it. That one?
  12. Refs showing Pats favoritism is like global warming. We have clear and conclusive proof it is happening....we just do not know the cause. I do not think it is a conspiracy but they get favoritism for some reason.
  13. I hope he gets directions to the nearest airport to leave the continent.
  14. I hope he does not walk alone in NYC, Central Park, or any of the boroughs/burbs. I fear for his safety. They should just admit bias and move that review office to TB12 clinic at Patriot Way outside Gillette Stadium.
  15. Yeah bring on the Rex. Then hire his brother Rob as one of the sideline reporters. Have a sideline reporter for each side. He is good and learning still. Yes a little goofy but very good. He does have this annoying twang every time a slow mo replay is questioning any reason to overturn a call. Like he wants to be the first to say I see something as he talks and makes funny sounds trying to find something.
  16. That is why you let the play play on. Just like Tre White TD vs Falcons. On review it would have been proven he did not have possession until no Pat was touching Jack. Or as you have pointed out and proven by having to watch it 7 times and still can't tell, would have been inconclusive so call stands for TO and Jax has TD on return the refs botched.
  17. Since virtually every living human being carries the DNA from the cradle of life that mass immigrated out of Africa way back in the early infancy of the start of human population taking over the world, when humans had no real spoken language or written language, we are all DNA wise, per the one drop rule, African/Black. We are all the same DNA speaking. Kind of fitting that some football players say they heard something racist but yet can not remember what was said exactly. It is kind of like calling yourself out. Weird.
  18. Go away Pats fan. Don't you have a NFL officials "after party" to get ready for? PS: If you are going to use cba as an acronym please use it right. Crybaby is one word. Something like "complete B word ass" would work better and be more fitting as I always B word when refs show bias. Are you the guy who invented the long old hilarious joke: what does Bills stand for. Using Super Bowls as one word? I like good humor. Just do a better job. EX: row would be "retarded overofficious whiner".
  19. http://ftw.usatoday.com/2018/01/myles-jack-fumble-call-whistle-video-touchdown-missed-patriots-jaguars-afc-super-bowl Penalties 6-98 and 1-10. The 1 for 10 was a meaningless hold on a kick off. Obvious and clear hold on last run play for game sealing 1st down by Cheats. Official congrats Brady on field after game. Official laughing it up with Pats after Pats score. Walt Coleman somewhere Lit up a cigar after the game. I heard Riveron worked the NYC replay office out of a back room VIP area at Scores Strip Club in NYC.
  20. You are right. I think. I also think they beat Jax with all those guys but then are not in any good position to do a rebuild with draft picks they would not have this off season. Looking back now I am happy for how it all turned out. Bills had the most dramatic make playoffs moment after 17 season party like no NFL franchise in........like history. Bills fans put in good light for once donating to Dalton and Boyd's charities and now we have thousands of YouTube fan celebration vids to watch and get through winter/off season. Things are looking up for once.
  21. Foles is: Foles Gold. Don't fall for it. He literally had one good game all season.
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