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cba fan

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Everything posted by cba fan

  1. Eric Wood is a Daddy Star-Bucks apparently the transition from Brandon to Nix to Whaley to Beane is going swimmingly.........lol Could you imagine the vitriol and bashing Whaley would be taking right now if he was still GM? Thank the Football Gods he had no hand in this. Somewhere Doug is enjoying a beer and having a smile. PS: personally I give Beane a complete pass on this. He is a rookie GM, **** happens, and this is a good learning experience.
  2. I really like this about McDerm. If he does (not want to talk about it/cannot talk about it) he does not make up a canned non-accurate statement. A plus in my book.
  3. Good thinking K-9 Or even IR him for 2018 may work for salary cap implications. No need for Bean to rush. It is not like he is trying to do a trade or anything.....lol.
  4. Agreed. I love Eric Wood and all he gave to Bills and wish him best of luck. Happy as hell he walks away while still walking. He has a family to take care of now. Great for him really. He arguably could go on the Wall of Fame. Everyone loves him and rightfully so. As for Bills business side opinion: I was on record that 8 mill+ per season with injury guarantee was way too much for an at best avg center on the clear downside of his career. Groy would have been better option. Other posters mentioned that Wood and K Williams are like "GLUE" that hold teams together. Well that all sounds nice, but to win in todays NFL Bills need less "Elmers"......Wood, K Williams, Tolbert, Colt Anderson, (all on downside of careers) and need more Gorilla glue types on upside of careers. It will be interesting to see what K Williams gets if he wants to play another year or two. He has had chronic back condition issues and lets hope he does not get a Wood contract.
  5. Apples and oranges. Brain injury CTE etc etc......is almost impossible to diagnose and predict future effects especially considering players routinely try to scam the system as they admit they give dumber and less clear info on the baseline concussion e v a l to then hopefully be able to answer concussion protocol questions well enough to pass to play when put in concussion testing during a game. Virtually all players admit to lying about concussion effects in order to keep playing.
  6. just using history as a guide. Bills will only dump players onto teams for draft picks who are playoff or Super Bowl bound. They have not figured out the advantage of for EX: a Browns high 2nd round pick and a Eagles low 2nd round pick for example.
  7. Holy crap that would have been epic Billsy fail. To think of the negative backlash FO would have received if last year they traded draft pick #10 for Alex Smith and pick #27 in 2017. This place would have gone apeshit. If McDerma insisted on that buddy deal with his pal Reid at 2017 draft, it would not have been surprising that Whaley would have vocally noted to the media after his firing he did not agree to this. I know Whaley did not get new GM job, but being on record as the trigger man on that deal would have killed any chance for future employment. Or as you speculate it would be a trade for this year giving Chiefs back the pick they gave Bills in 2017 trade which now is #21 in 1st round this year. Again we all would be going apeshit mad over that ridiculous overpay for Alex Smith who Chiefs may be forced to cut on 1st day of new league year 3-14-17 due to they are over the cap. In a year Bills hoped to move up for a franchise QB no less.
  8. 100% right. In fact virtually all the dead cap was Bean's doing.
  9. lol........yeah you little rebel to think someone can't joke around a little without worrying if the next generation will be born with a double forehead or an extra ear or finger or some ****........
  10. Why would we want to do that? He is joking and wanted a response. We are non discriminatory and here to satisfy all types.
  11. lol.......So my internet board Dr degree has determined from the OP the following: all's not well in Wellsville, NY............................................RX= more beer. Lots of beer.
  12. I would trade that Pats loss for three wins when games where handed to them from crazy coaches Seahawks "just run it" and Falcons "run the dam ball" to refs gifted wins, Jaguars "refs gave it to them"
  13. I would take Stafford over Manning at this stage. You still have a big window to build around Stafford. Plus bonus points for not having to deal with OBJ.
  14. They need to get the Bills crack PR dept on this. McDermot selling the process. Beano lock step and yet bold power to make the move that many Bills fan(myself many times) don't like but he has the winning vision. Show the playoff drought ending hilites, fan passion, how he will own this town if he makes Bills a winner...etc etc.......meet and greet and eat with the Pegulas. It can be done..
  15. Glenn only cost 3.45 mill to play RT.(due to dead cap it cut) 3.45 mill is a bargain. Jordan Mills is over 2 mill. Who would you rather have strating? Mills could be depth. You will not find a guy with Glenn talent for less than 6 mill.
  16. They will spend more to get less and watch Glenn be an All Pro on Giants deep playoff run.......book it.
  17. Glenn should stay. They only save about 3.45 mill off cap by dumping him. That will then be spent and likely more to replace him with someone not as good. Maybe Glenn can play center or guard.
  18. That est of 29 mill in cap room left takes into account the nearly 30 mill of dead cap.
  19. What kind of league would let Wood play in the Pro Bowl with an injury no Dr would sign off on him continuing his football career. Makes no sense. Would Bills have said nothing knowing what they knew and watched Wood risk his health in a meaningless worthless pro Bowl???
  20. Not trying to be negative but: It's Nervous Nellie and Negative Nancy. I like what you did though. I give you points. Carry on.
  21. yeah sounds like errant misinterpretation of Grahams Tweet. I pasted from other poster who listed the source as Graham tweet. My bad.
  22. Graham was quoted as saying he was retiring regardless of the neck injury. A neck injury is partly to blame for Wood calling it quits, though the Buffalo News' Tim Graham reports Wood was going to hang the cleats up regardless. Wood was the 28th overall pick in the 2009 draft and spent all nine of his seasons in Buffalo, making the playoffs for the first time this past season. He made 120 career starts and was a one-time Pro Bowl selection in 2015. It's a big loss from a leadership standpoint as well. Ryan Groy makes sense as a replacement. Source: Tim Graham on Twitter What are we missing here?
  23. What??? This is the tweet. From Graham. Eric Wood held off the announcement in case he got the call to play in the Pro Bowl on Sunday. He was an alternate behind Maurice Pouncey and Rodney Hudson. Wood was hopeful that could be his farewell, but he had planned on retiring regardless.
  24. This is getting weird now. If this is the case why is the injury such big news and why would Wood tweet that he was retiring due to injury. His salary was guaranteed for injury they found at end of season physical so he was getting paid either way how he announced it after physical.
  25. Report say he suffered career ending neck injury. That headline implies an acute traumatic event. Not a degenerative medical situation just discovered. Then the body of the news describes it as a complicated condition. Does not mesh. Hard to believe media would treat a situation like this with a click bait headline. So I wonder if he was skiing or surfing or something and suffered an injury. I wish him all the best for a speedy recovery and able to enjoy retirement from NFL with all his mobility working.
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