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cba fan

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Everything posted by cba fan

  1. No you do not have this right. Cops in the wrong here just as much as McCoy. How does a citizen like McCoy abuse power? What power? WTH are you babbling about?? No one said anything about national media. Bills current regime has shown they will get rid of anyone who is a distraction. Dareous drag racing and late for preseason game......dump traded. Cujo....syn weed reaction on highway.....dumped. Watkins wanting targets.....traded. Darby not down with the process......traded. If McCoy was acting today like he was a few years ago he would be long gone by now. WTF you are clueless. Bills fans have supported this franchise at the highest levels in NFL history taking into account how putrid the product was on the field, front office, and actions of previous owner. Never had issues with the color of a players skin. Lead the league in early African Americans playing for them. Even involved with Black protest/boycott 1965 AFL all star game. That even white players joined in. https://theafricanamericanathlete.com/2017/08/02/black-player-boycott-of-1965-showed-the-power-of-the-black-athlete/ If ever there was a time racist fans would turn on a team that would have been it, and it NEVER happened. NFL is nearly 70% black players. Yet 83% of fans are white. If racism was an issue with Bills or NFL fans the team/league would not exist. McCoy is now the most beloved player on the team. Not because he is Black or White. Because he is good and has voiced his support for the Bills. Fans in the stands are colorblind. Stop making **** up.
  2. Are you talking about Canadian beer? Labatts?...lol All Philly lives matter. So my flag is green? I guess?.....lol If you had been paying attention. I pointed out how police screwed this up. Those off duty guys sounded like the instigators, did not want to be subject to any blood alcohol tests, and likely where having some other recreational items in their systems, so no way can you say I was siding with the blue on this.
  3. Point is it cost nothing to unload the bad contract. All you need to do is cut him or trade him for nothing(or little return like swapping late round positions) before the 3rd league day. You could trade him for like swap 6th round positions, in the team favor you are giving him to, if you really wan to get technical on savings: they save a million of dead cap if they trade him. But they also save that million if he plays somewhere next year for at least 1 mill a year. So it makes no sense to give any asset up to dump his "bad contract" when he will play somewhere next year for at least 1 mill so dead cap will be same.
  4. Great story. I love your parents for doing that. Little did they know how entertaining your next 45 years would be!! I too started rooting for Bills in 73 just because I liked the helmet logo and colors and OJ running around in it clinched the deal. FYI: That Kelly run in was in Miami in the Orange Bowl in 1989. http://www.buffalobills.com/video/videos/Van-Miller-Moments-1989-Victory-over-Miami/033457c7-302e-4b49-9792-dacf51d0f62e
  5. He hit the cop when he was on the floor. The video showed it. They refused to press charges due to the cops behavior and delay in reporting it among other issues. Those police in that bar had too much fun that night and the Philly police dept did not want a full scale investigation to make them look bad.
  6. Why would you give up a pick to unload a 18 mill contract that you instead could just cut TT and keep your pick??
  7. Hitting a cop laying on the floor engaged with another person. Yeah OK call it whatever you want.
  8. NO. You do not need to pick up his option. You just need to make the trade official on Mar 14, 2018 at 4 pm to midnight or anytime on Mar 15, 2018 up to midnight. Just like the Alex Smith trade and contract that is pending but supposedly a done deal. I think it is a two day window as the 6 mill bonus is due on 3rd day if TT is on Bills roster. But why can't they do the trade right now just like Alex Smith trade and contract was done???? Smith trade is not official until Mar 14 2018 4pm at the earliest ONLY if both teams send in paperwork. Tyrod is signed for 2018. There is no option to pick up. A 6 mill roster bonus is due 3rd day of league year.
  9. yes curb stomping. hitting a guy when he is down. sucker punch. rib kicking. cheap shot. whatever you want to call it.
  10. Agreed. Just pointing out you had to be living under a rock to ask what he has said(or done) to make Bills fans think he was a media distraction. He has since matured considerably. Sometimes we forget how young he was when he was in that phase of his life many of us go through also.
  11. Have you been paying any attention at all?? His pointed comments about Philly and Kelly. His girls only party. His curb stomping cops night out. His comments prior to first game against Eagles as a Bill. Comments about his baby momma. + others. Not a good look for anyone. He has since calmed down considerably or was counseled by his agent or someone who he respects their opinion.
  12. Thank the Football Gods Bills did not give back McCoy for Jordan Matthews. What a fail that would have been. Would rank up with never happened and almost happened and happened fails like the following: Bills wanted Eric Ebron if trade for Sammy Watkins did not get done. Eric Ebron major fail if it would have happened. Drafting Aaron Maybin as Jauron and Levy are clueless. FAIL that it did happen. Instead of Rex and two years of junk, Whaley wanting Hue Jackson and Jim Schwartz and D Watson as QB drafted last year at 10. FAIL that it did not happen. Pegula wanted Mahomes last year. FAIL that it did not happen. And the #1 FAIL: not making Whaley a true GM with hiring power. We would all love him right now going on 3rd straight year of a playoff team with Hue Jackson, Jim Schwartz, and D Watson, or Mahomes,(Whaley would have maneuvered up to get one of them) waiting in wings to make Bills a serious Super Bowl contender in 2018.
  13. That was after a 2015 game when they lost to Bradford and the Eagles in Philly. And he ran off just as the clock ran out or just before. Mad as hell. A game Bradford won with his feet. 23-20. I know crazy. Memes are very fake news to steal an overused term.
  14. Many of us don't speak "twittergrambookspacechatvinetubelinkflick" fluently...... That exchange could mean anything.
  15. Because bean cuts/trades talented players by the handful in his less than 1 year on the job.
  16. Good thinking about Browns. Other thing is since they had such mega cap surplus they could have signed Smith for a good deal like Skins did, eat sign bonus later if/when they decide he needs to be traded. So instead of an option out or cut, they trade Smith in future turning a cut into a trade for assets. Browns may have pulled out due to what looks like a serious overpay for A Smith's talents be Washington.
  17. Great post. Beane is one bold ****. Would not put anything past him. He seems to get that you have to get that franchise QB. We have not had a GM before who seems to get that since Polian fell into Kelly. question: does Taylor really add 15 million to the surplus? He is 18 mill cap hit if on team and about 8 mill if off. If they do the designated post June 1 cut and he plays for someone else for at least 1 mill a year in 2018 is that where you are getting 15 mill added to Bills cap surplus for 2018??? Which then puts a few million of his cap hit onto 2019?
  18. What? He has not answered anything. He gave a canned response like a good company man. He can't say what he really wants to.
  19. He will be drinking TB12 juice....and be a player forever in certain crowds........lol
  20. I heard from an inside source the refs will institute, for the first time in NFL history, a continually running clock. As soon as Pats get a 21 pt lead. Scheduled for the 13:00 min mark of the 4th quarter.
  21. Are you going to tell her to take them off or do I have to do it??
  22. You are a genius my friend..........still laughing.......
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