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cba fan

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Everything posted by cba fan

  1. 4 good games is an exaggeration....... but I will stand by he had more bad games then good games for Pats last year. And of course he played better in NE than he did in Buffalo his last year here. Still not worth 65 mill. Too inconsistent.
  2. He may never be the same coming off Achilles injury. With that injury likely slowing him down he would become a crazed man on the field as he can not keep up anymore. He also would then lead the league in PI/holding if he played in Buffalo as Bills do not get preferential treatment from officials on those calls like Seahawks have received for years. AFC East refs are conditioned to call it for Pats year in and year out. Not like Seahawks D that got away with muggings for years when they all did it up there. Why? All they need is a decent corner to give them 4 good games a year like Gilmore did.
  3. It would make more sense to throw a couple more million at S Watkins if he is open to a prove it deal.
  4. Not sure. But they do allow a plate of armor on elbow/forearm to help apply a forearm shiver on small DB's laying on ground not looking after whistle, while future LB for forearm team stands over the guy and just points..
  5. If the Bills do "move to different city playing in pink with purple polka dots leotard uniforms"" and if the Bills don't "reverse their decision on the new uniform colors and leotards". That pretty much sums up my lifetime commitment as that complete combo of events will never happen.
  6. No 1st rounder for Foles. I would start Peterman before I did that.
  7. Agree and would add I would not use Bill Parcells method 100%. That is where the evolving nature of drafting comes into play. Many high end guys now come out early so you factor that in. Not a big factor when BIll Parcells was in his prime.
  8. Yes a 3rd round pick is worth millions. 6 is on the very high end though I agree. for comparison: Browns pd 16 million in cap space for the Texans 2nd round pick in exchange for taking Brock O contract off Houston's books. Using that example would put a 3rd rounder at 6 mill a decent to good get. Especially considering how low the 3rd round salaries are. I would easily trade 24 million in cap space for one year for "4" 3rd round drafts picks in a heartbeat. You could package them with Bills first rounders and move up to get that QB Bills need.
  9. lol......he runs......but he can be caught....... Bill Polian is clearly not 100% on his game anymore however on the QB issue.... He would still do Ok just drafting proto-typical QB's and following Bill Parcells rules for drafting QB...you know 4 yr starter winning accuracy at certain level etc etc.....
  10. This guy needs professional help and intervention. He publically and behaviorally has shown characteristics appearing to possibly be gender conflicted or some other personality/mental disorder. I hope those close to him get him some counseling or other treatment that will give him a better chance to lead his life in a direction that makes him happy, whatever that may be. A life appears to be hanging in the balance here.
  11. The pec is muscle not a ligament. And is not in the knee area.......
  12. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/60-minutes-oklahoma-rise-in-quakes-linked-to-man-made-causes-2/
  13. You are assuming they don't make it. I am not. The starts are aligned for MN. QB is the missing link.
  14. McDermott is a little out of touch sometimes as he does not use social media, Facebook, message boards, etc etc....... Vast majority of the sports world already know Bills are not a powerful playoff contender and are in the midst of a rebuild.
  15. Why not? signed Randy Moss, Chad Johnson, Michael Floyd, Kenny Britt, Donte’ Stallworth,
  16. A lot of processed process as they are not going to tip their hand, go all "Buddy Nix", and tell everyone who will listen they intend to get a QB.......oh wait......never mind.
  17. Colts have put it out there that they will honor their contracts. That would make most normal people endeared to Colts as they are paying them. And most normal people would make the best of it, circle the wagons so to speak after talking to a clear upbeat stand up guy like Reich. Even if they would rather spill a drink on McDaniels then share a beer with him.
  18. Davis was cut so he should not count in the compensatory formula.
  19. How about 25 yards(or 20?), or spot of foul, witch ever is less?? So if foul is 11 yards from LOS it is enforced to there. 24 enforced there etc etc..... but if it is a 60 yard PI call it is only enforced 25 yards.
  20. Every one he played in he performed well. He has no long-term history of being hurt. The small cap savings due to dead cap left over if cut/traded will be eaten up by the marginal avg player with less talent then Glenn has that they would sign to replace him. Do you want a guy worse than Ducasse or Mills replacing an All Pro LT who could play guard or RT and actually make the Bills O line good. And not fake good like some reports are suggesting they were last year. They stunk last year overall by any game play eye test measure.(McCoy had career low ypc, TT sacked a lot)Anyone who does not believe that just needs to watch the moves the Bills FO will make to improve the line to understand they also see it the same way.
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