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cba fan

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Everything posted by cba fan

  1. If they are smart they limit his contact in practice and do not let him play any preseason. lol...I have a replica fan ring of METS 1986 WS champioship. Does that count too.
  2. Backpedaling like Rex and Rob Ryan tandem mountain biking uphill. Impressive work. Hey this is not the LAPD, we know evidence when we see it. Message boards don't lie.
  3. I don't know unless I see all the plays AJ made and how he was in clutch time. Then would need to see how the rookie is progressing in practice and preseason etc etc. In the meantime I play this song over and over. By Scars On 45. Because that is how we would all feel after 23+ years waiting and waiting for a QB.
  4. It seams you just need to grow a mullet. Or get white micro pigmentation to hide the stitch scars. AJ could do this with his long scar on head from ear to ear from his water ski accident. It is neat. They do short depth black tattoo that mimics look of hair stubble and would cover his scar. Not that he probably cares. But if he did.
  5. You want that gun to backfire? Or are you taking my final offer. #12, best 2nd rounder, best 3rd rounder, Shaq Lawson, 2nd rounder in 2019, plus swap 1st round position the next two following years when Bills choice is better then Giants. Yeah that won't happen will it.
  6. I read the tweets as a one year 2.5 mill total deal. Which includes 1 mill sign bonus as the only guaranteed part.
  7. yeah I hear yay....but the way it works around here is when that duplex sells for 120,000 it immediately is adjusted and new owner pays taxes based on the new price. $120,000 Now you might think it works in reverse also, but not really. It is suppose to though. We no longer have distressed sale exclusions and my purchase was not distressed anyway and was not purchased from a relative or friend. I bought a home that was on the market for two years at 220,000 and was sitting empty for most of those 2 years as owner was a Dr who took job in other state and moved. I bought it for 180,000. You would think the assessed would come down automatically to 180,000. Wrong. The assessor sent out a letter to me that they wished to inspect the property. The two very nice friendly girls/assessors one of which I actually knew that came out told me during inspection they wanted to find out if the home was trashed or not matching the description sg footage lot size etc. etc..... to see why it sold low. Property was perfect and no discrepancies. After some creative arguing they did lower the taxes from assessed at 220,000 down to number below 200, 000 I can not recall right now but they would not go to 180,000. I did not bother fighting it as every 4 years this area it is changed anyway to match market which had tanked and that was coming up. And I get that homes put on market have a premium attached just like anything. But 40% to 60% seems harsh. Sorry to be long winded it is just an irritant for me. The local assessor is right on top of same and similar sales in the area and they adjust you up every year when market dictates. But with what they call an equalizer applied in this area and a statute that allows all the taxing bodies a guaranteed small increase in revenue regardless of real estate revenue taken by allowing them to then increase their levies our taxes never hardly go down when market tanks and usually still go up. Crazy system/racket they have .
  8. down a fight of stairs after tripping over his dog who was bringing a beer up the steps for Brian, in his mouth.
  9. He is a former big money player who had a big money contract in AZ who has seen his skills depreciate and worth less than his contract money. AZ then asked him to take a money cut. He was open to a money restructure but not open to losing any money. AZ then released him over money. He then went money shopping and signed with Texas for ONE yr for 7 mill. money. Then he said it was not about the money. That he still and always will love AZ.(yeah he thinks we are all that stupid) If it was not about the money, he would still be in AZ.
  10. Just like my area for house sales. Owners scream for years they are over assessed on valuation fair market value by local assessors office resulting in higher then they want in real estate taxes. Then when it goes up for sale they all ask for 40% to 60% over what the local taxing body is assessing it at. Very small rental Duplex I just looked at wants $120,000 and fair market assessed value by assessors office is $75,000......60% markup!
  11. then be known as TP ??? wonder what is like to initial your name as TP. or BS or BJ or FU etc etc..... wonder if those people avoid initialing something at all costs. Or likely they put middle initial in also. Like Terry Pegula.
  12. No. But I had a rush to judgement on DiMarco and whoever called the blocking schemes on Bosa and guy on other side also.
  13. He kicked through a plate glass window on a balcony with his foot and tried to crawl through it to his impending death 30 stories below. His brother grabbed him before he got through and stopped the suicide. Your welcome. Now you do not need to waste time reading the link.
  14. agreed. same with: skill set. money ball. information super highway. analytics. optics.
  15. Much more than any QB in 2018 draft for college play. And more than any 2018 draftee in NFL regular season play. Considering all draftees have ZERO NFL exp. More than any draftee in NFL playoff play. He has the arm talent and ball speed of a 1st round pick. has a INT % that would make Tyrod Taylor smile. has TD to INT ratio that would make Tyrod happy and J Grapps smile.
  16. Rick Dennison called and advises Tolbert may be able to pick up the slack as a slot guy.
  17. This link does not really explain the going to the ground change. Under the new rule will mean that once the receiver has control of the football, any slight movement in the receiver's hands viewed during a replay review would not be an incompletion. If the receiver is in the process of going to the ground, they will have to maintain control of the football while on the turf for the catch to be ruled as complete. It says going to the ground is going to be eliminated. Then contradicts that by above. Which sounds like old rule. So what has changed besides movement is ok? So player can lose the ball when hitting ground and then grab it again and it is a catch? As long as he is not out of bounds or ball touches ground? And if he loses control it is no catch? What is defined as losing control? It leaves his grip but not his body? Or outside his reach. Or it touches the ground?? IS THIS THE CHANGE ?: Old rule: If receiver goes to the ground in the process of completing the catch he must survive the ground. IE: if diving/flying through air and/or catches it and does not take enough steps to establish himself as a runner as he falls/dives to ground? and ball moves, comes out, or hits the ground while not in control. Incomplete no catch no fumble. New rule: If receiver is in the process of going to the ground he must maintain control when hitting the ground. IE: he is diving/flying through air?? Does not matter if out of bounds or if ball moves? Incomplete? Why do you need to survive the ground? If ball never hits the ground it should be catch.(debatable part is if player is out of bounds then likely incomplete or maybe not: i would let him still catch it even if touching out of bounds after getting 2 feet in. EX: wr catch fall two feet in fall out of bounds to the ground ball bounces up a little or moves player grabs it. catch in my book) another EX: receiver has ball go through his hands as he is diving, WR falls on his stomach, ball hits WR back and bounces up or just sits there, DB catches it in the air or takes it off WR back for a clear INT. YES??.......NO, if new rules are applied that is an incompletion. WR was going to the ground and did not maintain possession while on turf. Incomplete. Another EX: WR dives for catch and is sliding on his back as ball hits his hands for catch, as he is sliding on his back the ball pops up 8 inches and then falls back into his hands. No one is contacting him. Catch rule says that is incomplete.
  18. "Unchanged" is the alter ego of the "The Process" Have you never watched Star Trek? It is like those two guys the last of their species chasing across between two universes via time travel or portal(not sure) they were black on one side of body and white on the other and they were enemies because they had the colors on opposite sides.
  19. No they will be out of their minds happy AJ is taking them to the Super Bowl and Bills are getting a kings ransom when they trade Rosen or Darnold or whoever they get this year.
  20. So does Don Shula and Lou Saban but they would fail in todays NFL also.
  21. If Zay takes a step up next season, all those balls hitting him in his hands will be hitting him in his ass...........lol.
  22. The real question is(if all the reports/rumors were correct that Whaley loved Watson and Pegs banged the table for Mahomes) Why McDermott overruled them.
  23. His leading receivers are Fred Turf, Greg Ground, and Saul Air. He will be OK.
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