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cba fan

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Everything posted by cba fan

  1. lol.......All you dreamers need to schedule a sleep over ASAP and get this **** figured out.
  2. Teams with less talent can overachieve and play better with good coaching and motivation than some teams with better talent. Especially in high physical sports.
  3. FO and coaching surprised us last year. Coaching has a year of experience and hopefully corrects some very questionable calls last year especially in game management and awareness. I would not count them out. They made playoffs first try, it could hopefully be a trend. They clearly overachieved and played better than talent they had. And had luck on their side for 1st time in almost 18 years.
  4. perfect. To expand a little. You know by watching if you have a franchise QB. It is apparent to virtually all football fans regardless of results. PS: QB would show some ability to come back late and pull out some games. Not fold like a house of cards like Tyrod and Fitz did/do. Stafford, Rivers, Jimmy G., and similar are franchise even though they have not won Super Bowls. "Yet" Big Ben would be even if he had no Super Bowl wins like the two tainted/lucky ones he was "awarded". Kurt Warner would be even without his one St Louis Super Bowl win.
  5. Agreed, that was true at first but they walked that back a bit. Then of course they all went ballistic when Trump needlessly interjected and told everyone not to jump off cliffs...so what did they do?...like sheep waiting for directions.......they all jumped off cliffs. It is now to the point I don't think anyone knows what NFL and individual owners stance is now. Some owners like Jones stated they wanted players to stand as written in employee rules for NFL players. Then you have the Tomlin fiasco that made him sound like a stutterer trying to win a Chines spelling bee with the Villanueva situation. Trump just stirred it all back up again when it had died down. Stupid. I wish Trump would come out and advise all players to take a knee every time they hear the anthem and to also strike at the next labor impasse, take more drugs, spend all their money in Vegas, etc etc...you get the picture.
  6. What? Sunday is a work day for NFL players. It starts several hours before game when they have mandatory time they must show up at stadium before game, then ALL day until game is over and mandatory interviews after game are done. I believe on road games taking the team flight back to home city is also mandatory unless excused by team.
  7. Then sign Kap for a big/decent sign bonus and cut him in camp to then carry over dead cap for Kap on the cap next year. I would tip my cap to Belly if he was that spiteful to the power struggle he apparently lost last year. lol. Maybe Brady could drop kick Johhnny in practice recreating Flutie's last NFL drop kick for Brady's reality series about his life. That way Johhny would earn his namesake. Johhny Football.
  8. Who is "Dick?" 3rd time. OK yes I am being a dick and I will stop now. Sorry to draw this stupid **** out. I am just being dumb now. Peace. I will strive to be nicer to my fellow brother Bills fans.
  9. Who is "Zero" ? He was being a dick and I called him out. I consider it closed.
  10. I call bull ****, he knew exactly who the OP was referring to and wanted to soft call out the poster. Anyone who follows NFL knows who Mort on NFL LIve is.
  11. How many Morts do you know involved with NFL??? And are on NFL Live????
  12. Tweet is a language all its own. Trying to figure it out sometimes is as hard as trying to figure out a hip hop/rap song, IE: odd name of song, then writer, several performers, featuring someone? who?, sampling, etc etc........
  13. Only the Browns, who currently own the 1st and 4th pick, could be hoodwinked into giving up draft pick assets to improve the most attractive 1st round sitting position in decades by putting out, or believing other teams, putting out fake news. Why would any team be tempted to try and improve a draft they have the 1st and 4th pick? Has someone gone crazy in Cleveland?? Maybe they should trade 5 future 1st rounders to get Giants 2nd pick then try to pry Jets 3rd pick so they have all the first 1-2-3-4 1st round picks. Go Big Dog Browns or go home. All crazy talk.
  14. You hit it on the head with that choice. Along with Langston Walker signing at same time I thought the line was finally on its way to respectability. Yeah WRONG.
  15. Is Jimmy Hoffa now in the parking lot? Or did they move him inside Mets-Life stadium.
  16. Funny **** right there. Bricks on napkins. Cool as hell......lol
  17. Yeah what i wouldn't give to be a bad starting QB who fell into Brocks position or Matt Moore or Bradford(but yes he is better talent) or M Glennon or even Tyrod etc etc.....
  18. Agreed. Hell he could have been used in trade to Browns for pick#4 also.
  19. Yeah....lol. That security lady roughed him up with a flashlight. Those real long ones that hold D cell batteries. Like 8 of them.
  20. He needs to hire A Hernandez lawyer and just report to the nearest jail. Just get it over with allready. We all know how this movie ends.
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