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cba fan

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Everything posted by cba fan

  1. Camp arm??? Bills will have AJ as starter, a first round rookie, and Peterman. They have plenty of arms in that group. One of them likely will not get enough reps, why would Bills need a 4th QB?
  2. Arm the police with the same(or more powerfull) weapons they face on the street. When police are policing and trying to keep the country safe I do not want a fair fight, I want the police to overwhelm the perp.
  3. NFL has rules that players must be on field and standing for anthem. (not clear what current 2018-19 rules are now) It is (was) part of an atmosphere and projection NFL choose to project as they thought it was financial inducive to do this. This is an employer right to maximize income. Part of this could have been due to military paying NFL to feature military themes. NFL made money off this. Military in effect then became an advertiser. Just like players can not show logo of non approved companies..... and in some cases can only wear non approved NFL sponsors apparel they want as long as logo is taped over or paying sponsor logo is taped on like Nike on the shoes.(not sure who isponsors are now and this is only example.) If employee refuses to follow the rules and employer is financially harmed, the player could be subject to recovery of losses via lawsuit. For EX if Nike has exclusive on field sponsorships of shoes and half the league lets players wear Adidas with logo visible it could cause Nike to drop their sponsorships and even ask for refund as NFL did not honor the contract. Same with Gatorade if NFL then allowed players to hold and drink out of Powerade bottles.
  4. NFL is an allowed monopoly so many normal work rules do not apply.
  5. No this is not any type of discrimination. Owner of business is allowed to protect his financial interest and placing reasonable works rules in place are his right. Employee does not need to follow those rules as is their right, but are then subject to discipline including termination. Owner of business has a vested interest in protecting owners financial interest and employees that work for them also expect the owner to do this as it protects their jobs also. EX: if a terrorists wish to demonstrate he/she is sympathetic to terrorist ways they do not have a right to do this during working hours at work. EX: Potential hires have been not hired just based on their social media postings. EX: I do not need to hire anyone I disagree with or just don't like. I don't need a reason. If activists want to protest they can do that anytime they want. On their own time, off company property, MAYBE on company property depending on company rules. Protesting at work and costing owner money is not proper and violates the owners rights. No protestor has a right to put a business out of business. Take the protest to the public spaces.
  6. He had one good year with Chip Kelly and one decent playoff run with a great Super Bowl. He is Joe Flacco 2.0. Hard pass if he cost any more than a 3rd round pick and I would never give him 20 mill a year or Flacco mistake money.
  7. To think another slot receiver by the name of Jordan Matthews would have to play almost 15 years to earn what that POS Landry will make in one year. (not counting mega sign bonus) What an ass wipe to ask such a stupid question. She is a "special kind of stupid" to steal a quote. I would have turned it right around on her and asked if she ever showered with a known gay person. Then get some insight from her about how it all went down why I should feel anything at all. It is just a freaking normal athletes group shower room, not a date.
  8. Twice no less, so has instant double cred with McBeane's love for all things Carolina.
  9. Blueprint Shoeprint. If they have a deal it would have been done already. No reason to wait.
  10. Well.... you know he never had a hand in hiring McDermott. McDerma may not be his guy in his eyes.
  11. He needs to take a conference call from Jordan Matthews, EJ Gaines, and Preston Brown, to review this years market values. Then head down to TB12 clinic and get on a better diet and de-stressing plan.
  12. more draftees and also those he acquired. gone: M Goodwin, Kevon Seymour, N Bradham, S Gilmore, Alan Branch, Nickel Robey-Coleman, R Woods, C Glenn, still here: D Dawkins, L McCoy, J Poyer, Micah Hyde, R Incognito, Hauschka, C Clay, M Milano, gone: Tyrod Taylor, Chris Hogan, Zach Brown, M Gillislee, Corey Graham, Leon Searcy, Ross Cockrell, Karlos Williams, Whaley assembled a playoff team of talent. Of course it was mismatched as he was always drafting for a different D and O every two years. Not his fault. 8 former Whaley Bills played in last Super Bowl. EIGHT! That is not a misprint. And many more played in playoffs.
  13. How many of Whaley's draft picks are productive NFL players? Answer: a lot. (not Whaley's fault McBean wanted to purge most traces of former regime)
  14. Agreed. This sounds like a contract his mom or Ricky Williams or Jordan Matthews himself negotiated.
  15. Not to poke holes in this amazing draft strategy that would make old inept Bills GM's look like General Patton on steroids but..........only Pats Browns and Colts have multiple 2nd round picks this year. Pats 2nd and Browns 3rd 2nd rd picks are last two in that round. So very poor value. No one with a brain trades with Pats. Colts just traded back and are trying to acquire more picks rather than trade up. Browns want many players to jump start their turnaround. No way to get four 2nd round picks this year. If you trade for 2nd rounders next year the time discount makes them worth 3rd rounders.
  16. I do know people who grew up and lived in Buffalo most of their lives and are not football fans so are not Bills fans either. They kinda know what the Bills are up to if something big happens but do not really care. Also know many Sabre fans who do not know of or follow any other sport so only follow Sabres. Not weird at all as many Hockey fans are kind of in their own little world. Them against the world mentality and shun other sports etc etc........ Also know some Buffalonians who do not like sports at all so do not follow any teams. Example of people like that who I don't know is lead singer of Goo Goo Dolls Johhny Rzeznik. He came and sang the national anthem at Bills game when Pegs was introduced and walked out of the tunnel and left as he said he is not into sports. I checked out Goo Goo Dolls only because they are from Buffalo and find it odd he has no affinity for something as popular as Bills in his hometown. But to each his own. I still like their music though.
  17. That secretary must have been a Pats fan. I hope she was immediately escorted to the door. Who interrupts a meeting like that??
  18. Now just a minute???? Swapped 6th rounders.?(assuming Browns got the value and did not trade their 1st pick in 6th round which would have meant they pd Skins to take him) That would mean Browns gained 17 draft spots in 6th round. So Hogan was worth roughly a half a draft pick......lol That will make for some fun trivia in the future and/or jokes Hogan can tell to his grandkids when he gets older.
  19. as 4 kid 4 said. Broncos wear same navy helmet. They put on the old Elway era D logo and old strips. Weird as ****.
  20. Logo is washed out on Navy background since they now have grey border. Stupid. Needs white outline.
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