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cba fan

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Everything posted by cba fan

  1. He is not doing that on purpose...….lol Flacco sucks balls.
  2. reading eyes?? really is bull ****. No one can see a QB's eyes from 30 or 40 yards away. They may see the helmet turn in a direction but not eyes. Is a DB trying to say they can cover their guy and at same time also have eagle eye vision that can zoom in and see little eyeballs moving one side to the other??
  3. Because the Steelers are a bunch of !@#$ heads.
  4. we all know how that works. Ask Brady and Gronk in Cheatersville.
  5. If this is true...that guy puts the ass and hole in !@#$. Loser. A product of the social media all about me generation. A pox on sports humanity and sports reporting to the highest order. A guy that should be outed and then beat down in the back alley every time he tries to step foot into a bar to have a beer. I rank him even below people calling in swatting pranks or bomb scares. !@#$ him and all who aspire to copycat him now.
  6. I remember that. lol You took an unmerciful beating from some who did not believe you. It is all funny now though...… ?
  7. I have done it by just highliting the web address of the vid and pasting it into the message box and post it. Youtube then automatically brings up a box with start of vid for people to click on. It does not always work.
  8. agreed. The system to pay players 100% on performance ship has sailed. Founding fathers of NFL would have had to implement a system like that when they had all the power when league started. NFLPA union is too smart to give into this now. Even though NFL pays players on performance slightly with a payment made at end of year based on playing time and performance that NFL owners slipped in last time they "won" the CBA. I guess that could evolve over the years and make the paid for performance slowly come to be. This money counts towards salary cap and I suspect is something owners put in to guarantee they spend the proper amount of cap every year to avoid NFL players union litigation. The best system of course would be very simple. Rank all players on last year performance and playing time and pay them on a sliding scale.(age would be no factor) Spending all salary cap allowed. Rookies and first year players all play on min contracts(ideal) or draft slot pay(less ideal). If injury was a big factor previous year then pay the guy 80% of his take home for the next year just like workman's comp.
  9. Never thought of it that way before. Thanks for the uber thinking. LOL It is kind of like a age progressed or chronological series of photos of meth addicts on each arrest looking weirder and more disfiguring. Start with Bills logo and end with Pats logo just before death.
  10. I liked this hilarious mock up someone made on here awhile ago.
  11. So let me see if I have this straight. Kendricks goes batshit crazy over a report he will sign with Browns. Basically denying the story, and throwing around expletives like Incognito tossing weights and tennis balls in a workout club, then a few hours later signs with Browns. Yep another social media Einstein is made.
  12. You don't need to believe the entire story. The eyewitness accounts, the police report, the tweets, is all we need to know.
  13. How come my employer will fire me if I protest on the job during working hours or on their property at any time?
  14. If you are just streaming after game is over then just sign up for NFL Game Pass for 49.99. That was price last year. You can live stream preseason only, and replay and rewatch all reg and post season games you want all year. In broadcast mode, condensed mode, all-22. Not sure when games become avail for replay. If you are in school in Europe or other country and just plan to watch after the fact due to time zone issues this would be the way to go. Little bitches just upped the price to $99.99 Everyone can get it, no discount as student needed like you need to live stream reg season with Sun Ticket.
  15. It's just my opinion, however, I have seen this movie time and again. lately with Flacco at Baltimore and Carson at Cards. Gettleman had a chance to get a stud QB without paying extra as he had #2 and could have moved down for net advantage of picks and still picked Rosen. Instead he now may have to mortgage the future to move up, like teams drafting in late 1st, when he needs QB. He choose to ride Eli which I believe will prove to be a fail. I firmly believe Eli is done and Giants will fold like a house of cards this year. Time will tell and I have been wrong before. I did predict Maclin going to a ship sinking slowly in Baltimore was correct.?
  16. Bress did lose his job in 2003 to the guy he beat out in Doug Flutie. To then regain the job by default when Flutie showed he was done as an NFL starter. Bress did not continue to play like a QB that should be benched. Tyrod on the other hand was not terrible but also not good enough to generate a consistent passing offense.
  17. Giants had decent draft? They took a RB who likely will be on career downward cycle when they return to Super Bowl contention again. They had a chance to draft a QB at a high spot when they really needed one and whiffed. Or trade out and take a boatload of high picks and whiffed again. Gettleman overplayed his picks value and no one would trade with him. I hope Beane learns from his ineptitude. FAIL.
  18. Injury settlement announcement usually implies player took less than his contract to get released from said contract with no encumbrances or limitations on what he does in future. Most of these are done so player can immediately sign with new team and make a new contract income. Since new contract and income is not in the cards for Woods, then I surmise that was taken into account when Bills offered him the settlement. I would still guess he took a little less than he had coming to him in contract to avoid paying back any sign bonus and/or an ugly fight with team he has from the beginning had a great relationship with, OTHERWISE, why would they announce he took an injury settlement as the contract is what the contract is and no weird announcement like this would have been needed. This has to be one of the strangest end of career situations that rank right up there with, Incognito story, Ricky Williams, and Barry Sanders.
  19. I don't trust anyone(guys) who wears girl length arm sleeves. It makes me uncomfortable for reasons I can not explain. Two working together is truly "bone-chillin"
  20. That has a lot of merit. I myself would first like to see AJ play a handful of consecutive regular season games to see what he can do. Then decide if Allen is the way to go the rest of the way. If Allen only starts game 16 in week 17 that would imply AJ is resting for the playoffs.
  21. Maybe they could get on the line in an upright postion instead of down in a stance?
  22. I agree and would throw in on--- How about fullback management?
  23. Exactly. He played well in games after Seattle.
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