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cba fan

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Everything posted by cba fan

  1. you are not stupid...…....many probably thought the same thing as that has been a long debate on the boards. Use of the word "there" implies that. Using the word "here" in headline would have been more accurate.
  2. It is satire. Not able to press any charges for someone doing satire. When jauronimo said "I'm 100% serious all the time". That was sarcasm.
  3. I agree the draft is the answer. RB's traded do not have a good recent history as a difference maker. Let McDermott and Beane groom our next drafted RB. I wouldn't let Shady groom my dog.
  4. No no no and no. He is on a crusade to fight for higher RB wages that he thinks NFL unjustly stifles. The Steelers tried to make him the highest pd RB in NFL history and he would not accept. Why would he accept a Bills offer? Bills could never afford a 15 mill per yr approaching 30 yr old RB. And his dancing and hesitating MO behind o-line blockers at line of scrimmage waiting for an opening would put him 6 ft under with Bills line skills.
  5. If you want to get Spiller in space...…….you would need to call Elon Musk.
  6. I would do the bet for this upcoming season only if I was the other guy who gets the $200
  7. Swan was awesome. Still remember him. And Skip Lockwood a close second fav.
  8. I agree with your well thought out post. I was mainly attacking the thought of those who say 'its not my money why worry" and why that is an error in thinking in a salary cap context. I kind of hijacked the OP a little sideways. The Star signing fills a need and I like him on Bills. Did they overpay? Not sure, but likely, as many day one FA signings are an overpay.
  9. My point is: Bills fans want the team to spend the salary cap money wisely so fans get better value at a better price for the product they purchase. We all get it is not our money in a salary cap context. on your point above: EX: If WalMart tricks out their semi's with color change paint, glow lights under the chassis, bouncing shocks, mega expensive sound system, oversized polyester mannequin of Mr Walton on top of trailers, etc etc...….and because of that spending they must raise the cost of milk by 3 dollars a gallon, I have every right to complain that is stupid. Of course I could just stop buying milk but they are the only store in area selling it as they have a monopoly. Seriously this is a salary cap issue. If team spends salary cap unwisely then team will not be as good as they have less money to acquire and keep good players, product will be poor, and I am less likely to buy it. Assuming you are a Bills fan: would you say "I don't care" if Bills spent 99% of the salary cap on Aaron Maybin. ?
  10. So many fans state this and they are completely wrong every time. It is your money if you do any of the following: pay taxes in WNY, buy any Bills merchandise/collectibles, Bills tickets, food in stadium, support outlets that show Bills content like Sunday Ticket, any tv showing Bills games, CBS, ESPN, radio stations etc etc...…...
  11. Yeah.....I guess.......if you call getting herpes smart. And giving a basket of gifts in the hired car when girls leave in the morning after a one-nighter, including a signed baseball and a pic. Creepy man. Jeter of course does not deny it just says it is a dumb story. https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2015/11/derek-jeter-gift-baskets-rumor
  12. No. I think you have the inner workings of a curse mixed up. Berchtold took the desk with him to Buffalo when he switched from working for Green Bay to his new job with the Bills. This would have angered the Football God known as Vince Lombardi that he would curse the Buffalo Bills for holding this desk. IE: Bills should lose to Packers every time they play in Buffalo where the desk is. This did not happen for reasons unknown as Bills beat Packers all the time in Buffalo. I can only surmise this desk is a fake and Vince never used it, or, alternately, Vince has no power from the grave/afterlife. If desk is authentic, why would Vince put a curse on Packers for a former employee taking his desk? Curse should be brought upon the team the employee brought it to. or War Memorial or Rogers Centre.
  13. Not really. Most bars with best TV setup for sports is more restaurant than bar. You get a table and order food without alcohol. Then when done you can usually stay at table unless they are very busy in which case then just go to the bar and have a drink. I go with a group of friends and several can not drink alcohol due to health reasons. No one working in the bar cares one bit. The drinkers order plenty anyway if they did care.
  14. He looks like a drunk fan who ran on the field to steal a ball......LOL Is that him yelling QB QB......then skipping away after the catch?..…..lol
  15. It seems what is lost on everyone focusing on accuracy is the big difference between throwing at stationary objects, throwing at receivers with no D on them in practice...….and the big one...throwing accurately during a live game. Nothing matters until Allen shows what he can do live vs a NFL D.
  16. A big bar has all the games on. If you limit alcohol intake the bar becomes affordable.
  17. This is what passes as throwing a ball now?? If Luck threw that ball any softer it would stop its forward motion in mid flight and just hang there. Like Flubber.
  18. Yes he is. He did not have a favorite team so I had to choose my own.
  19. I never recalled a bad long snap by Bills since Joe was cut.
  20. I don't think anyone is suggesting the salary cap would be abolished. The players collectively, including those injured, would still share the players portion of all defined income via the current salary cap. The plan suggested by several would just redistribute some(but far from all) salary away from underperforming and injured players and into the rightful hands of players who produce and are available. Virtually every NFL contract has some guaranteed portion. Some have salary itself guaranteed, some have sign bonuses that are paid out on signing so are same as guaranteed. For those low end guys who do not get a sign bonus I agree wholeheartedly they should have a portion guaranteed or given a sign bonus. Even practice squad players should get a reasonable severance pay when cut.
  21. All the Bills have for loss of Darby is rookie Harrison Phillips. I would rather have Darby.
  22. lol...…...You had me worried there. I thought you may have been doing something else with it...…..
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