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cba fan

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Everything posted by cba fan

  1. It is similar but not the same as a "red herring" in argumentative situations. basically they are both diversions or redirections. wkie: A red herring is an unrelated or irrelevant topic in an argument that distracts someone from the actual argument. A straw man, on the other hand, is when someone distorts an argument into a new, twisted version that's easier to argue against.Apr 14, 2016
  2. Not true. Terry offered him a generous raise thinking that would placate Marrones desire for FO changes and more power Marrone wanted. Terry was shocked Marrone opted out after promising to talk to him first and then next day opting out.
  3. that's SIX And I will add T Johnson DB as seven. And the new punter has clear potential. Just needs more hang time.
  4. well then...…...it better turn into a 3rd before they trade him or otherwise no trade.
  5. only way Bills have a chance would be if the D could magically pitch a shutout. even then it is still 50-50 if Bills can win.
  6. ?? what is your point? There are literally about only 3 or 4 starting white receivers in NFL on any given year(and about 50% of them are on Patriots) so him saying Bills should draft WR implies you draft an African-American about 99+ % of the time.
  7. DiMarco is kind of a Peterman type TE. trouble seems to find him.
  8. Liberals and Dems answer to every need is: raise taxes.
  9. you will gross the complete 970 over 20 or 30 years. you never net all of any income due to taxes. So not sure where you are going with this. it is not the states job to give you tax free lottery winnings. In Europe they do have lotteries that are guaranteed after taxes. So if you win a million you actually get more to pay any taxes due. only tax free income I can think of in US is life insurance.
  10. that's why he said. "However, that is highly unlikely so we don't need to worry."
  11. you can get all 970 if you take it over 20 years or whatever that state offers. all will still be subject to taxes just like any income you receive.
  12. ?? It is too early to call the Knights fans, bandwagon fans, a fan of a new expansion team/season tix holders etc etc, that went to many games the very first year and sold out the arena are more likely to be a die hard fan as the team had no expectation of winning. Based on everything I can find the Knights fan interest has gone up this year even to the point they revoked some season tix when fans sold or gave to family/friends as few as 10 of their 40+ season games and team classified them as ticket broker activity. So they do not show bandwagon characteristics. Did they drop off now?
  13. of course it did, just like any decision for the face of you franchise. Has nothing to do with his religious affiliation.
  14. -other leagues played 18 game seasons. -game situation would be mitigated with my 2 byes etc etc I noted earlier. -draft being later is absolutely no factor as season ends only one week later so no factor. draft stays on week it is. season now runs Sept 9 to Dec 30 and Super Bowl is 2-3-19 = 22 weeks I start 18 game season w 2 byes Labor Day weekend like it did for decades Sept 2. Skip the two week layoff before Super Bowl. So early start and no break only adds one week to end of when season ends now. Season ends only one calender week later on Feb 10. my season runs Sept 2 to Feb 10.
  15. Good info you provide here and I agree with most of it. Good questions. I hear this often that many fans would like to just tailgate and stay in lot to watch game on TV. I don't get that. Tickets for Bills are not expensive and you can get real good deals. You do not need to drink all game long and eat all game long as you can fill up at the tailgate. I would do both and just be frugal inside stadium and use that as my protest of a poor product I guess.
  16. San Antonio St Louis Portland Oakland...plenty of options. Even SD after they approve and start building a stadium. SD completely screwed the deal by turning them down time after time for deals that essentillay cost the taxpayers ZERO. Just like Cleveland did to Modells Browns.(although Modell was just asking for some support but not to the mega-level the city gave Indians and Cavs.) with two bye weeks, larger game day rosters, no team playing on short rest IE team with bye week before are only teams eligible for thurs night games etc etc.....a ban on players playing every snap every week etc etc...….. and only 1 or 2 preseason games. YES this would address the safety issue. It can be done and could include two expansion teams to help placate the NFLPA as even more jobs are then created along with the bigger rosters.
  17. https://www.profootballrumors.com/2018/09/matt-moore-turns-down-titans-workout https://www.profootballrumors.com/2018/09/matt-moore-turns-down-titans-workout
  18. https://www.profootballrumors.com/2018/09/matt-moore-turns-down-titans-workout
  19. KC D is NFL ex-lax. Can't stop ****. 3rd and 10 was a legit running play last night for Pats. Two INT's by Mahomes cost them a win.
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