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cba fan

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Everything posted by cba fan

  1. current talent wise Mahomes and Allen are about equal. Rogers is third. accomplishments is a different order.
  2. he should reconsider. He was trending down at LT and KC just signed a RT to highest salary ever for Olineman. So RT pay is technically higher than LT now. I know historically LT has pd more but KC could start trend now equalizing the pay. Maybe.
  3. lol....i guess you did.......my bad
  4. Packers are a corporation owned by the public via stock with no resell rights. It is set up that they can not move. They could only dissolve the corporation and no longer exist. Players would be dispersed in draft. Or maybe they would make a rule they can go to new expansion team. NFL grandfathered them in and no other franchise is allowed to be public. NFL hates it as their business books are visible to the public as Packers must disclose financials being a corporation. This allows good insight into how all the other teams operate. If they dissolve NFL would have a windfall. As they immediately likely award an expansion franchise for Billions to keep scheduling proper. There is debate if Packers can move is ongoing. I believe they would never get the votes from the 537k shareholders to approve a move as vast majority are Packer fans. But dissolve is a way around it maybe. But those pesky fans votes stand in the way.
  5. most contracts have built in restructure language that does not need player or agent approval to enact. Just notification to all parties sent by team.
  6. lets recap; Aaron now owns; Packers FO Darkness Bears Franchise Soldier Field Lambeau Green Bay 2 of the Great lakes Wi public as they own the team Pat McAfee Show Lazard Cobb Mercedes Lewis Jets FO coming soon OBJ Atlantic Ocean Jersey NYC AaronLife Stadium
  7. you misspelled "DNP" 😎😉🤣🤣
  8. means he seamlessly fit in on old team and matched the vibe and personality on that old team. Also means he matches vibe and personality of next team if he matches the culture wanted on new team he is going to. Usually is meant in a positive light and means he is a good person who does not put himself over team. and does not get in trouble in locker room, on field, or off field. In Bills case he needs to be down with the process and in McD case he also likes religious guys. Now saying he is a culture fit with Bills is completely different then saying he is a culture fit with for example 1980's Raiders, the Cowboys of any era, etc etc as they were down and dirty/nasty/criminal/drug users on and off field. Another term appointed for these guys when coming to teams who favor religious guys is choir boys. But that is taking the characteristic description to the extreme.
  9. preseason games he was not good. Terrible even, throwing int's. The two reg season games he completed just a couple for about 1.5 yards per completion. count yourself lucky you missed it.
  10. don't trade for him before 3-17-23.....lol and fyi if traded new team only on hook for about 15 mill in 2024. Rams take prorated bonus money sal cap hit.
  11. Buffalo News reported it. And never posted a retraction. FYI. And Ed never refuted it, but again have to keep in mind Ed ain't no wanna talkin wit anybody 🤣🤣🤣
  12. relax all you. I got it
  13. i don't know when it exactly started. But the big deals had it in first. Not all have it in so apparently Hill did not agree to the language. or see below speculation The KC Hill restructure had more details allegedly speculatively KC wanted to add void years which required Hill agreement. see here..... Tyreek Hill turns down restructured contract for K.C. Chiefs (arrowheadaddict.com) Tyreek Hill turns down restructured contract for K.C. Chiefs.url
  14. it Von stayed healthy and Daquan Jones also was healthy for Bengals games.....Bills may have won.
  15. what many forget is most contracts now come with restructure language team can invoke at any time. Simple notice to players. agents, banks, payroll dept of team, then money payouts are commenced per new restructure schedule. And player gets money sooner, so they are happy too. So no time-consuming negotiations and team can wait until last minutes to activate them depending on what moves come up as ops present themselves as FA runs. i see just the opposite. He always drafts players they interview or bring in for visits. And telegraphs need picks in first round every year. Just like most do.
  16. i am sure Beane has already informed Diggs and his agent, that due to the contract and salary cap implications, he is untradeable for at least a year. And really is untradeable for two years but i wouldn't tell Diggs and agent that as you just want to placate for next year.
  17. she probably thought of kicking him in the balls.....but..... lol
  18. he also looks like Caitlyn Gender too, so we got that burden to carry as well. lol
  19. yes that one two punch of Gronk and Hernandez was a killer in the end. lol what a sad tale to be honest.
  20. I get that. I do. You are right about PSL's genesis. I thought more teams directly kept some of the PSL money in past. And i am sorry for beating this topic into the ground. But.....lol This county, state, and Pegs, deal is very very different from others. There is absolutely no language tying any of the PSL money to go to the stadium construction. Pegs is only one selling PSL's and keeps it all. Only language in it, if it is in it, is that Pegs is the only one allowed to sell PSL's. (Okland city actually marketed and sold PSL's for a while in Oakland) very weird imo but later sent it back to Team to market and sell. There is only language stating Pegs must contribute 350 million to the deal. And get approved for the 250 million forgivable loan from NFL from its stadium fund. If Pegs can't sell any PSL's or sells low amount it changes nothing for the deal. If Pegs sells 1 billion dollars or any amounts more of PSL's it changes nothing in the deal. ty for the discourse and staying friendly🙃 they need a larger🤣 overhang.................🤣
  21. the psl money is Pegs. I don't know what is not clear about this. The sports owners get the PSL money and then chooses to put it into the stadium by contract. Their money. If they choose not to put it into the stadium they must put more of their "other "money into the stadium. Shell game don't matter. It is owners' money one way or the other. Pegs is contributing 300 mill plus 50 mill for Highmark demo. Pegs KEEPS all PSL money he acquires, regardless of how much or how little. State and county did not want to risk an iffy PSL WNY market to tie Pegs amount to put into the new stadium. They wanted hard guarantee and got it. Kroenke getting a loan from NFL is not public money either. His sofi is private financed 100%. No taxpayer is paying that loan back. Kroenke and his partners are.
  22. all polls and the Bills survey showed majority wanted a roof. Bills only would say after the survey (that they refused to give actual results of) that it showed "there was not an overwhelming outcry for a dome" read between the lines. Bills wanted a large majority to want a dome before they would seriously consider it, not just the simple majority which the survey showed wanted a dome.
  23. your money pays for all operational cost of the theater. Movie building operation ins labor etc etc.... It is part of the ticket price. I managed a theatre for years and was involved in all. PSL's are the property of the entity who negotiates the ownership of the PSL monies. Usually, the owners own the PSL revenue, like Pegs owns this upcoming PSL monies per negotiations. Oakland the team also owned the PSL money and kept it. Then the timeline of PSL ownership expired and fans had to pony up again. Ravens owners kept all the PSL money for their new stadium when they moved from Cleveland. Rams and Chargers PSL money goes directly to Rams owner Kroenke and after 30 years it is all paid back to PSL owners without interest. It is assumed Kroenke puts it into the stadium build cost but that is up to him. His RE deals around the stadium is paying for the stadium so he does not need to put the PSL money in. It is his money. Kroenke also owns the stadium w 100% private financing, so PSL is all his money regardless of what he does with it. The list goes on. Yes if Seneca money does not go to stadium it will go to NYC for some other project. Yes taxpayers have paid it but state compact recouped it for taxpayers. recouping some of the gambling losses mostly paid by WNY gamblers. Best use is to spend it in WNY. win win after a lot gambling loss loss. but my 50%+ est of Pegs paying counts this casino money as taxpayer contribution and nulls your point. here are the hard numbers you did not follow properly: Hochul announced a stadium agreement in March: of the $1.4bn, Erie County will contribute $250m, the NFL and Bills $550m and New York state will provide $600m.(from old Seneca nations payments recently litigated)That totals $850m. Pegs contribution to start is 300 mill w additional 250 mill from NFL(which is Pegs money too and only comes due to Bills paying into stadium fund for decades and another use it ot lose it deal) and 50 mill pegs must pay for Highmark demo.(which likely will cost more and Pegs must pay) Total 600 mill.+ Pegs also responsible for all cost overruns so he will pay over 50% of total when it is done. County already stated their contribution will not raise property taxes or any services taxes. State money coming from Seneca that would otherwise be spent in NYC not WNY. This is a big win for WNY, Buffalo, Orchard Park, Erie County, all residents, taxpayers, Seneca gambling losers, NFL, Bills, and Pegs.
  24. it is Pegs money. Any PSL belongs to Pegs. They are contributing it to the stadium. Pegs are contributing large sum off the bat plus paying 50 mill for demo of old Highmark. Plus responsible for all cost overruns. Plus money NFL is putting in was paid in by all teams including Bills over the years. A use it or lose it scenario. If you want to play allocation game with NFL money then we will also with Senneca Nations casino money that is footing all of the state contribution. Another use it or lose it to NYC scenario. bottom line is Pegs is responsible for over 50% of cost when all is said and done. Not as bad a deal as some want to make it out to be. Lucas Oil and Chicgao was all tax funded. TN new digs well over 50% tax funded. Similar to Vegas too. https://www.cnbc.com/2022/12/22/taxpayers-are-paying-billions-for-nfl-stadiums-heres-how.html for the record i am in favor of no tax subsidies for stadiums or private business building. But efforts to pass those have failed. Until it is stopped for all private entities like walmart superstores, civic center, arenas, tif districts, strip malls, theatres, etc etc... it is discrimination to deny Pro sports a piece of the pie.
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