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cba fan

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Everything posted by cba fan

  1. true, and yes, however, the odds of those long odds hitting two years in a row for a Bills team that wins the odds about every 18(I know the drought was technically 17) years are clearly "against all odds"
  2. No not exactly. Back when they wore this the NFL was celebrating its 75th year anniversary in 94 season and all teams were strongly encouraged to make and wear throwbacks for one home and one away game designated by the home teams. They did not have the one helmet rule at that time. Ralph was too cheap to spend for new white helmets and opted for this fiasco of the red with white standing bison. http://nfluniforms.blogspot.com/2011/07/throwback-helmet-evolution.html Jets also went the cheap route. a year earlier celebrating 25th anniversary of Super Bowl win then came to their senses long enough to do a white throwback in 94. Bills wore this on Monday night vs Denver and on the road against Oilers in Houston. They won both games by the way. It was the 1st year after the 4 Super Bowl run, so Bad luck uni. in my memory.
  3. Because NFL does not allow for any other helmet than the prime for fit concussion safety reason per NFL. Since the prime is white they are limited to changing decals only on that white helmet. My solution is to wrap the white helmet in red and do the 90's. Then remove the wrap for next game. Simple.
  4. Just for sake of argument. Lets say DA really does not want to play significant NFL minutes anymore and subject himself to more head trauma/body trauma at the end of his career. It would be easy to answer the concussion protocol questions in a way to look like he is not recovered. Hell, all he would have to say is he feels dizzy every time he runs or jogs and has memory issues...headaches etc. etc....…...that would keep him in the protocol for the rest of the season and he would keep getting paid. He was forearmed to the head and the back of his head hit the turf. Also hit the back of his head on the turf a play of two just prior to that forearm aided hit. Easiest way to get a concussion is the back of the head hitting. lol... I think it is common knowledge that if a QB signs with Buffalo it is presumed he has some degree of brain damage.
  5. I would mail him a cubic zirconia in aluminum setting replica...…….lol semantics maybe, but a very good point nonetheless.
  6. on a positive note he didn't play the "Super Bowl" card, or the "Championship" card. Those are older than Bill Bellycheck's gameday wardrobe.
  7. Big reason Packers lost was missing the red flag challenge on a clear incompletion.(not to mention the punt on 4th and 4 with only 1 TO left) That would be enough for me to consider firing a head coach. If you can't get something this easy right, how can you be trusted to get anything right? How hard is it to have someone in the booth watching replays and tell him to throw red flag on the headset. He looked like Rex(and a little like Sean McD) screwing those up all the time.
  8. Bell is in Pittsburgh. Ben is in Pittsburgh. He should have just driven over and said hello and...……….what's up. and when one of them is an off duty police office.
  9. getting called up the a MLB club roster is gold in this day and age. One day on a MLB roster and you get a lifetime of free healthcare. https://benefitsbclp.com/major-league-baseball-pension-and-healthcare-benefits/ 41 days and you q for a pension.
  10. By rule can only enforce and mark yards off for one so the other two by rule must be declined. Refs let the team choose which penalty they wish to accept so they can decide which one helps them the most. Like decline off sides and accept the long PI. Weird part is by declining them it is like they never happened. They are wiped off the stat sheet. They should all count as a penalty even if they are not accepted.
  11. lol...……...Thanks Teddy Bruschi…….. I'll take the #1 rated NFL D with a guy like T Edmunds as the weakest link...………....….all day.
  12. He went to a workout in season with the Browns. You don't go workout for a team if you have no interest signing with them...……. easy. Mahomes.
  13. This is getting more screwed up than a Stormy Daniels presser pre and after party. Everyone seems to think this new loophole is money for Bell. And he and his agents are geniuses for figuring this all out at the 11th hour. I have not heard anything conclusive on this new interpretation of the cba. IE: that this year counts if he does not show up and receive the salary and next year would be 3rd tag. And that third tag is top five in NFL vs top RB and salary from this year is no factor. DOES ANYONE REALLY KNOW? Also no conclusive proof his 3rd tag would be calculated from the money he made this year (which would be zero if he does not report) or the contract available(which he did not sign and refused forfeited) Or that he could be transition tagged for salary of 20% bump from this year(which again is not clear if it is money actually earned or money he was offered if he had accepted the tender) This is all going to arbitration and then courts and Bell could be held up playing next year waiting for it to all play out. Maybe, but likely it is fast tracked to prevent NFL liability if Bell is delayed earning an income next year.
  14. well...…..we finally found the genesis and origin of "the process"...…...interesting it started as "criteria and process" and nicely evolved into just "the process". this is like when early man found the monolith. nice find.
  15. he plays well in practice according to multiple reports and has played very well in preseason.
  16. no you could not. You would have to show a live arm and grasp of football many times in practice and pre season games to earn the right to make a 53 man roster. Every year you will be tested by many younger QB's coming out of college. It is not easy.
  17. no of course not....however, if that is how your career fell then so be it. Make millions holding a clip board. Still play NFL QB in practice and occasional starts at the same time reducing head injuries drastically etc etc......could be worse things than that. Players do not have total control over their careers.
  18. What passes as a retractable roof these days is crap. That hole in Atlanta stadium is about the size of a manhole giant sized sphincter muscle look to it to top it all off. FWIW: Miller Park never makes you feel like you are outside when the fan shaped roof is open. The side walls are so high you feel like you are in a prison exercise yard. KC had the right idea with a few mocks where a large half moon roof on rails would have moved from on top of Kauffman Stadium to then rail over to be on top of Arrowhead as needed. That would have preserved the being outside feel as intended. KC tax payers turned it down a couple times. https://www.thepitchkc.com/news/article/20568115/a-look-back-at-the-original-truman-sports-complex-plans-roof-and-all 1st pic was original to roll on rails between the two stadiums. 2nd pic was referendum that voters rejected in 2008 that would have brought the 2015 Super Bolw to KC. They approved the refurbishment of Arrowhead jut rejected the dome which would have been stationary over Arrowhead only.
  19. I base my 100% opinion on a very visible set of events I believe to be more likely than not. IE: Because he did a decent job considering all the restraints and handicap working for a dysfunctional FO/ownership structure. If he had real GM power he would have been allowed to hire(and fire if needed) his coachs(Hue) and others and would not have been forced to draft completely different players for the every two year scheme changes going on. He would have also drafted his QB(Watson likely and maybe Mahomes as Pegula wanted him and he may have swayed Whaley as in my scenario they are even closer friends then they were reported to be in the bad scenario, so Pegula would have had Whaley's ear in that discussion) This is just speculation and extrapolation. A guess based on the knowledge we have and the track record of other GM's around the league who normally have full control over these things. Would it have worked out in the end? Who knows 100%, but he would have had a much better chance at success, again based on how well he did in the dysfunctional setup he was in. He brought in enough good players to make Bills a playoff contender. We will never know if he could have taken that up a step to Super Bowl contender.
  20. You are making our point pretty clearly. If he was given true powers like a real GM should get then he would have done better. He struggled under the weird structure of the Bills FO and still did pretty well.
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