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cba fan

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Everything posted by cba fan

  1. They should have put more thought into voting for a stadium referendum that would have funded a new stadium with hotel and car rental tax. Fees locals never pay. Just dumb asses voting because they hated the owner. Just like Cleveland built new palaces for Indians and Cavs and said no to Browns. SD builds new palace for Padres and says no to Chargers. They have no one to blame but themselves. Not going to feel sorry for them.
  2. ??? Does not matter when they cut Clay. His salary for this year is all on the books. https://www.spotrac.com/nfl/buffalo-bills/charles-clay-7893/ hit the red x on 2018 for details of post 6-1-18 cut. His cap hit for 2018 is 9 mill whether he is on the team or not. Dead cap is 9 mill if he is cut. Same cost. Dead cap 2019 is 4.5 if cut now or in offseason. Same with 2019 dead cap it he is cut. it is 4.5 mill regardless of what you do with him this year. If they cut him during 2018 season now they then pay a roster replacement that would only add the vet min or rookie min prorated for just a few games. No factor.
  3. Even catching passes out of the backfield and easy screens he is dropping now. Sad to say I think he is done.
  4. Jim Rypien Mark Kelly. both really. FYI: later health problems are not part of their careers. Just the athletic accomplishments as players are the career.
  5. I want the offense to upgrade like virtually all Bills fans, however, Bills desperately need a pass rusher so I am OK for taking one when the value is there. If pains me to admit if it is in the first so be it.
  6. triple sigh. like I said it is all semantics and I explained how these terms are applied by vast majority of all involved. I will try again. we are not talking about money like for an item(gum) cost. we are talking about extra asset traded to draft someone. IE: a 1st round pick player cost nothing as we have that player we used the pick on. The pick is here in camp playing on the team, starting, and continues to carry value like Tre White.(who technically cost less than a 1st round pick due to trade back, but that is another argument I should not start until you get the first premise of drafting) using a 1st rd pick is "using" not costing, not losing, not paying, just "using". The pick was free and available to Bills to use given to them by the league. They paid NOTHING for it. Therefore it cost nothing to use it and again when they use it they still have it. It is just now a player. what did it "cost" to draft Watkins. It cost an extra 1st(worth a 2nd at the time of trade) and a 4th. that is why everyone in the world says team X "USED" a 1st rounder back in 2009 to acquire player X who is currently playing like a starter etc etc.........NOONE says it cost team X a 1st to acquire or draft player X who they drafted.
  7. yes every player picked cost a pick. This is all semantics, however, we should use it in the same context that the vast majority of teams and fans and media use it as. did Maybin cost a 1st ? did Dareus cost a 1st ? no one ever states a player cost a 1st round pick when team uses the pick to pick the player. It cost nothing as they have the player that that pick was used for. Watkins cost an extra 1st. So a premium was paid to draft him and a 2nd 1st round pick the next year was the cost (in addition to the 4th) However context is needed: a pick traded in a later season is worth one less round than the round it is due to time value. So that 1st rd pick traded for Watkins the following year was worth a 2nd rd pick at the time of the trade. Bills also gained value by moving up 5 spots with the swap of picks in 1st. So the trade of Bills 1st that year was traded for more than what #9 pick was worth if they stayed at 9. Watkins was not Bills 1st rd pick in 2015. Bills had no 1st rd pick in 2015.
  8. Nothing can slow TB down. He can not run any slower then he runs already even before this ligament issue.
  9. I normally am on board for late season draft postion "posturing". That yr Bills started with the 31-0 win and then lost at end of season was perfect. They started season with hope and had a signature win and later when season went south they lost a meaningless game at end of season. Win win, right? I of course still, and will always, want Bills to beat down Pats whenever possible. This year is different as Bills are developing a potential franchise QB and a lot of young guys also. I don't se any boost in losing to Pats in a normal Bills beat down. I see confidence building in Allen and a win over Bills greatest nemesis would help him. JMO Happy Holidays to you as well.
  10. I will never forget that beat down Bills put on Pats 31-0. A high point in Bills/Brady relationship. Also will not forget the last game that year. Not sure what your point is on that. Bills were not developing a rookie QB and Bledsoe decline was on full display.
  11. Fans, and I think Allen, will never forget the grudge match win over the budding rivalry Jags this year. Same if Allen can beat BB and the Cheats first time he faces them. On the road no less. That would be a huge confidence booster and could start a new trend we can only dream of.
  12. Very clever for those who want to go to all that trouble and feel confidant it will work on that given Sunday you need it. I give you major smart points for work arounds. Personally I would just suck it up and go to the nearest bar that has Sun Ticket and watch it there.
  13. If he starts playing WR he could up his worth.
  14. He did that on an INT when on SF 49ers also. Made what should have been game winning INT and only needed to fall down or not fumble, yep guy ran up on him as he just kept running down left sideline for no reason, punched the ball out, other team recovered, and other team then went down and scored to win. very good player for Bills but dam...dumb.
  15. Milano was flexing his left foot as the cart rolled off the field to the tunnel. Hopefully that is a good sign.
  16. https://www.spotrac.com/nfl/buffalo-bills/charles-clay-7893/ Cost 9 mill to keep him next season and 4.5 dead cap if they cut him before next season. So they save 4.5 mill on the cap if they cut him in off season or before season next year. Contract was setup for 2019 to be a likely cut year or restructure year.
  17. that must be it. I recounted and this time counted the blue lines with nothing under it as passes and I now see a green under the nearest INT so yeah you/we got it now at 29.
  18. Rule as enforced currently, is that runner is allowed to contact and push the facemask.(I don't agree with it at all but that is the rule) What is illegal is exactly what Henry did. He grasped and pulled on the facemask on Buoye. Should have been a flag. If I am an official I throw a flag on Ramsey for unsportsmanlike for faking. NBA calls players for flopping. on 2nd thought I would flag him for delay of game. 5 yards seems fair. 15 not so much. Maybe.
  19. The back side of that 2 pt chart he referenced said punt on opponents 36 yd. line.
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