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cba fan

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Everything posted by cba fan

  1. hockey fans. ? don't studies show individual season tix holder fans of NHL earn a lot more than avg individual NFL fans. ?? I mean seasons for NHL are a lot more than NFL. I guess you have never been to NC or Atlanta during a snow dusting "event" then.
  2. Let me see if I have this straight. Instead of having a few million call in sick or just not show up on Monday after Super Bowl and big cost to employers, we should make it a paid holiday and then EVERYONE does not show up and still gets paid for a much much higher staggering cost to employers.(you know this will be a mandated paid holiday if it ever comes to pass) These threads are funny as ***** sometimes.
  3. lol... I don't know about that. Irvin liked to keep it all I heard.
  4. Now way I pick up his 5th year option as he is not a 10 mill per year value. He is a nice OK player but if you give him 10 mill a year it is a hole you will not be able to climb out of, as the next contract will be expected to be at least 10 mill per year, or Shaqs agent is *****.
  5. Agreed. We can not have a holiday for every minute little cause or event. It will never end. If this is allowed may as well go to a 4 day work week 10 hrs a day and have every Monday off all year then all these special interest groups can pick a Monday to have their special day recognized. There are 10 to 12 holidays per year right now depending in what state you live in and what year it is. That is enough.
  6. lol... very true. I made a comment recently that after that game Rex, off to fire someone, got confused and walked into the wrong coordinator's office.
  7. can someone please fix the misleading headline on this thread. ESPN is clearly stating: would Bills trade White/Jones/Edmunds for Mahomes. The use of commas after blocks and Allen separate this thought. They are not asking for any scenario as to how Bills acquisition of, or draft picks spent for, or any changes after doing anything they already did in any scenario. If they had wanted Allen included in this debate they would have said 4 instead of 3. Allen was last one mentioned so he is #4. The question is a clear and simple hypothetical question: The use of the word trade does not mean, do you think Chiefs or Bills would could make this trade. It means would you wish you had this or this. Who would you rather have right now? White/Jones/Edmunds or Mahomes?
  8. Yes I was making a SOS joke. And sorry I did not realize that horn sequence you mentioned was a standard crossing blow even though I have heard crossing train blows forever. Thanks.
  9. take your time, because they have trademarked Nevada Raiders also.
  10. lot of opinion to consider. Davis family built up that brand and it has immense value. Why does he not own the name? And yet taxpayers and city in Oakland subsidized the team. Why do they not own it or able to eminent domain it to city? Stan Kroenke was going to LA come hell or high water and there was nothing NFL could do to stop him. He would have proceeded using the Raider model and likely would have won a lawsuit if NFL interfered too harshly, if it came to that. I do like the idea of your Raider solution. SoCal Raiders, Southern California Raiders, Golden Raiders. What about Golden State Raiders. Although since Golden State is not a city the GS Warriors could possibly object and sue. California Raiders probably best as you suggest. Then they could move anywhere in CA. Even SD.......
  11. This is a very good point. No definitive yes/no answer IMO. Some leagues retain the trademark team names and logos as part of their league and have kind of a proxy ownership. Some leagues own all franchises like fast food stores. Others like NFL seem to be on a case by case basis. Cities at times try to invoke eminent domain to take ownership of franchises and have all failed. It all depends on the legal contracts signed by franchises establishing their relationship with the league when league starts or expands etc etc......and ongoing negotiations when this matter comes up. Each situation is different. Arena, Indoor Football leagues, minor league BB leagues like CBA, and some obscure hockey leagues, have many instances where teams change leagues yet stay in same town and arena and are forced to re-brand due to legalities. Then in some cases the league went into bankruptcy and the current teams bought back the rights to their brand for small amounts on court auction bidding and went on as same name.
  12. just to clarify. You are correct in spirit. NFL, Modell, Browns, Dogpound fans behind lawsuit, City of Cleveland behind lawsuit, Baltimore, etc etc all agreed to keep Browns HX and colors/logos in Cleveland in return of a promise to get a new Browns team either by expansion or relocation in agreed upon time-frame.(1999 deadline) and Ravens to get Cleveland franchise moved to Baltimore and rebrand. As part of the deal all parties agreed to stop all litigation. So courts never ruled and unsure how they would have. NFL probably did not want a court deciding precedent and decided negotiation was the best way to proceed and settled for presumably what they thought was a better and fair deal for all.
  13. ??? ??? ? ??? in Morse code 2 longs, a short, and a long, signifies "Q" as one combined signal send. broken up it spells "MET" should it not be 3 shorts 3 longs 3 shorts ? http://www.askaprepper.com/10-ways-signal-sos/
  14. oh yeah. That is like sandpaper to the ear canal. Thanks for answering Bills bud. It was a soccer thing that inexplicably migrated to college and then onto NFL. Garbage crap.https://deadspin.com/5875933/how-the-song-seven-nation-army-conquered-the-sports-world released in 2003
  15. I think he has a slight chance if wind is strong in direction needed and he throws a perfect spiral running towards the wall. There is a gap between the M&T bank club and the Wall of Fame(Jim Richter). On that end after he scored he was very near the wall and when he cocked his arm it appeared he was aiming for that gap. Same gap on other side. Both gaps on that S end zone seem lower than the gaps on N end zone. Man if he could do it the sports headlines would be epic.........
  16. I thought they did away with that??? many players routinely hand the ball to fans after TD's.
  17. I was joking which is why the smiley guy has shades on. I like the horn at hockey it signifies a great thing, does not happen all that often in most games, and I love it when a goal wins a big playoff game and the horn guy gets a little overly excited and blows it extra. They use it right in hockey.
  18. I 2nd that. If I won an all expense trip to the Pro Bowl, I would certainly go but only if it was in Hawaii as I would take advantage of the free vacation. I would try to sell my tickets for the game and festivities although I doubt there is much of a market for that. I would not go to the game and likely none of the festivities either. I would be on the beach and doing tourist stuff etc etc........
  19. So what is it that the crowd does or did? or did not do?
  20. I wish they would stop doing that annoying long horn blow at hockey games.?
  21. I agree with what you are saying here. Except the XFL comment. the OP measuring stick was quality starter. Not hit big on picks. All we listed are "*arguably" that. *Anyone who starts in my book is a quality starter. As it is very difficult to rise up in your position to start any games in NFL based on "merit" only and not a case where starter is injured and others fill in. All these guys are/were starters and had risen to the top of their respective positions.
  22. I would add those 7 also. Reggie starts and is a two down run stopper. Shaq is effectively a starter now. Jones is effective now and flashes 2 td games which puts him in quality but of course not consistent quality. Cockrell was a Rex stupid error letting him go. He has graded out good ever since. Seantrel started 28 of 35 career games and Texans had him penciled in as starter after impressive preseason then he was injured and IR'd after first game this year. K Seymour played in all 16 games in 2017 and was effectively the starting nickel back. Then was starting until injury in preseason this year.
  23. They just needed to go in another direction clearly, however, no one could have made this group of lineman even average. Coach takes the fall most times.
  24. 3 yr plan does not start until you have your QB. This was yr one. Even less considering Josh did not play all of the year.
  25. Patriots defense did not do jack *****. Bills themselves mostly and refs on 1 TD did them in. 1 TD: Foster forgot his Foster Grants and went back to can't track a train. 2 TD: Bills receivers dropped one TD(Thomas) and on same series one play before, MaKenzie was pushed away from the ball in end zone. Even announcers said it was PI all day. 3 TD: Foster should have caught the backdoor in front of Gilmore for a TD. 4 TD: Croom croomed the ball on the 5 yd line. 28 freaking points there for the taking.
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