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cba fan

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Everything posted by cba fan

  1. he did choose. He agreed to drop his 18 mill contract for 2019 in return for a 7 mill contract for 2019 and the trade to Skins. This facilitated the trade. He would have received that 7 mill, he will now get for PLAYING for 2019 with Skins, to finish out the guaranteed money on his 2 year deal if Denver cut him and without needing to play for that 7 mill. He should have held his ground and Denver likely cuts him or less likely keeps him for 18 million. If cut he would "right now" have as much money as he will have at the end of this 2019 season after playing ALL season for Skins. Then he could have chosen his destination and probably earned another 11 or 12 mill or maybe even more for 2019. He played it wrong or he has a poor agent.
  2. and I would add maybe not too smart. His deal with Broncos was 2 years 25 mill guaranteed. 36 mill total. He got 18 mill last year and if played this year on the deal would have made another 18 mill total= 36 mill. (7 mill of 2019 was guaranteed) Instead he makes 7 mill playing for Redskins that he would have received if Broncos cut him. He then could have shopped for best deal best team. He must have really wanted to go to Redskins as he is basically playing for them for free. https://www.milehighreport.com/2018/3/16/17131318/case-keenum-contract-broncos
  3. You do realize he wears the same exact model helmet as Josh Allen and many other NFL players. Right?
  4. double asshats twittering again. memo: it is not a rumor if you have no player names, to you know, make it a rumor!
  5. some choices I would consider over that list. (I choose Blue Collars for uniqueness and as some posters think this is for a baseball team so it is a good baseball name as their nicknames do not typically need to be masculine and aggressive like football) I like Buffalo Soldiers. (great historical reference if done right could be very positive)(might have racist overtones so tread lightly) and Buffalo Nickels.(one choice for Buffalo football team way back in 40's) and Buffalo Barrels. (sounds better than Niagara Falls) and Buffalo Breakers(like better then IceBreakers)(mix waves on shore with snow/ice shipbreakers) maybe logo like USFL Boston/New Orleans/Portland Breakers helmet. Like all almost equally although Nickels would incorporate a nice Bison logo. And mascot could be a Bison wearing a barrel. Logo would be a Wooden Nickel with Bison on it. Can you tell us what sport this is?
  6. that is basically what he has right now. Next 3 years are basically non guaranteed. Put up or shut up Brown time. Since he is such a Magic Johnson type entrepreneur he could just take a few of the millions he saved and buy a string of vary safe money making franchises like McDonalds, Starbucks, Jimmy Johns, Movie theatres, Microbreweries, mustache coloring boutiques, etc etc...and toss in some large apartment complexes....and he will be just fine, starting that up with no debt is the key to profiting handsomely from franchises and property holdings.
  7. his contract has virtually NO guaranteed money save for a 2.5 mill roster bonus for 2019. https://www.spotrac.com/nfl/pittsburgh-steelers/antonio-brown-6702/ That is why he is all out there stating he needs guaranteed money to move to new team. IE : he wants and demands new deal, and wants market rate. Right now team receiving him in a trade is only on the hook for 2.5 million guaranteed in 1st year and nothing guaranteed for year 2 and 3. I still think his end game is to refuse to report to new team and force a release.
  8. he is lowering his value every time he opens his pie hole. https://www.spotrac.com/nfl/pittsburgh-steelers/antonio-brown-6702/ He has almost a completely unguaranteed contract the rest of the years on his deal and likely any team trading for him will not give him any new years and any guaranteed money. Teams are almost forced into this stance due to the volatile talk coming from him. Why would any team put out salary cap/guarantees for a guy you can not count on from one year to the next or even one game to the next. Any trade could he also could be required he show up and play or deal negated. Also could include conditional assets going to Pitt depending on how chosen boy wonder acts later on into the deal once he gets to new team. Many teams will avoid him.
  9. also calling it myself now. Jones is a lock for the 53 all year barring injury.
  10. He will not be cashing any checks unless he can win a roster spot for regular season. Not likely to happen but you never know. camp and preseason they only get a per diem that covers their expenses.
  11. If the girls that bopped him are underage he could be in for major trouble.
  12. yes. https://fieldturf.com/en/why-fieldturf/cost-analysis/ probably less than 750 k as the infrastructure under it is already there.
  13. Jauron did not do a good job in Chicago. https://www.pro-football-reference.com/coaches/JaurDi0.htm He was all but fired going into 3rd year as Bears hired a new GM Jerry Angelo and he wanted to clean house. Always a problem when GM and coach are not on same contract schedule. Tight wad Bears ownership would not let Angelo fire Jauron when Angelo was hired as he was on a 4 yr contract and was just about to start the 3rd year. Wanted to see what he could do with one more year. Then miracle of all miracles happens and Bears start scoring unbelievable amount of defensive TD's and get many critical turnovers when needed and finish 13-3. QB Jim Miller has a career year never to be duplicated. They then lose first game in playoffs partly due to QB was injured. Jauron was then named coach of the year and new GM was stuck. He then had to sign him to an extension and Jauron went on to suck just as bad after the 2001 season as he did before the 2001 season. Angelo was a puppet. Lesson to be learned: Hire a GM and give him power or you end up in hell like Bears did and Bills have also.
  14. as others have stated you are confusing salary with dead cap money that has already been paid out to player earlier and prorated over life of contract. It now must be accelerated onto the teams cap when cut or traded. Clay cost bills nothing this year in salary or cash. 4.5 mill is added to cap as prorated portion of his sing bonus he was paid years ago. So Bills have 4.5 million of dead cap in 2019 for Clay and then nothing more. If he had stayed on Bills, Bills would have owed him his contract salary of 4.5 mill in cash and his cap hit would have been 9 mill as it was last year of contract so last of sign bonus(4.5 mill) was to come due anyway.
  15. I love a redemption turn my life around story. Let's see how this plays out before we condemn Karlos. We do not know his situation yet. I know past actions are the best predictor of future actions, however, he could be an exception and go on to being a great person after all the poor lifestyle choices he did in his past. I am rooting for him wherever he plays.
  16. I was only talking about your women comment. Did not think it was appropriate to the debate. Kap can do what he wants and then choose to be surprised about the consequences of his own actions or not. He caused it either way. Employers set workplace rules. NFL allowed it. NFL had no say in how fans and others chose to respond. He would cost a team money and damage their brand financially if they signed him, so they chose not to. Pure business decision just like the settlement.
  17. No. No it is not. Your analogy is so far off base I refuse to offer a funny comeback in respect for those women you reference in your comment.
  18. Fish also shot themselves in the foot(fin). Fish fall back option was Browns FA Jordan Cameron, who came pre-concussed. The fact Cameron did very little before predictably and unsurprisingly being concussed out of football about a year and 3 games later, it was a bad move by the Fish. Fish should have restructured some others and matched Clay's restricted FA tender. Then they could have traded him a year later when he would have been worth a lot more. In the meantime he would have helped Tannehill develop.
  19. if $3500 is the best salary available due to market conditions(that you caused by the way) then yes he is not interested in working in that field, AT ALL.
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