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cba fan

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Everything posted by cba fan

  1. That is all true. What many are saying is AB should have picked better. He will be past his prime when Raiders start winning again.
  2. oh crap. I completely forgot about the OTB. SMH. In IL they have them and I drive by one all the time. Thanks.
  3. Do you think stadiums would have separate single location sports book in it? That would be the only way the odds would change when Bills fans bet Bills. Like at a dog or horse track. All self contained betting. I would guess the final look of in stadium sports gambling will be on a much broader scope. That some existing sports books would put satellite shops in the stadiums that would run on game day and also during the week as part of a big sports bar club restaurant juggernaut type setup. Like internet based betting sites like fandual or youwager sportsbook etc etc........ or even an existing sports book in Vegas allowed to open satellite shops. NFL then taking a cut of profits. I could see NFL partnering with a sports book or two and have them in every stadium. This would make the line stay current to all bettors around the country and even international bettors and not just crazed fans at one stadium. I would think that would work best for all. I would not bet if it was self contained at stadium and if the line would change like in greyhound betting right up to kickoff. No way. Stupid.
  4. we can only hope. I am really pumped to see EJ Gaines again. Poyer Hyde and White seemed to really like him as they were a bit salty/sad when he did not resign after his one injury plagued year in Buffalo. Bills do seem to have picked a lot of guys coming off injury or who are injury prone. So safety in numbers it appears.
  5. use of "into" precludes needing to make that long winded explanation for clarification. #1 If you are just trading back from say 9 to 18. That would be stated as: The Bills are trading back, in the first round to pick #18. #2 If you trade assets to get a 1st rounder like pick #26, as you want a good player falling, that would be stated as: the Ravens are trading back INTO, the first round for pick#32 to draft Lamar Jackson." #3 (you would say "back INTO" if you already used a 1st round pick that year like Ravens did.) You would drop the word "back" if you had no 1st round pick that year. Who would be the target trading back, in the bottom of the first round?:::::::::::::: That means #1 Who would be the target trading back into, the bottom of the first round?::::::::::: That means #2 Who would be the target trading, into the first round?:::::::::::::: That means #3 proper comma placement helps also. That's my long winded explanation. Thanks for reading. lol.
  6. It has potential to get very very funny if this season goes well for Bills and Raiders go 5-11. Perfect example Doc Brown. Thanks......lol.
  7. lol........... considering that location is rent controlled, and basically low end projects, it all makes more sense now.
  8. never a fan of teams winning on gimmick plays. on-sides kicks suck. hail mary's suck. lateral plays on end of game kickoffs/punt returns suck. (and the massaging of the rules allowing multiple fumble recoveries advancement not allowed in real play) any team that clearly outplayed/dominated an opponent should not be subject to losing by some super low % gimmick play. I know many like the chance to see that, and the drama/entertainment value it provides, but it rewards luck over skill IMO. Not a fan at all. It is the equivalent to those trivia games where each successive round is worth so many more points then the previous round that in almost all cases the last question answered correctly determines the winner. Stupid as *****.
  9. weed. Then skittles. That is how Marshawn Lynch did it. Allegedly.
  10. 100% agree no one should tell him to kill himself. But Rodak and his media supporters needs to toughen up. This is normal when a fan of your biggest rival(NE Cheatriots) gets assigned to be your beat writer. WTH did they all expect.
  11. lol...looks like he did not run for a reason and looks like he is running nowhere fast. Pass. NFL needs speed. If Bills want a slow RB, trade for Howard from Bears. They have seen enough of his non-breakaway speed.
  12. Not true. Not true at all. experience channeled the right way certainly helps no doubt but the world is filled with experts who know more, and are able to teach more, than many who have actually played or experienced any task we are talking about. Good coaches see things players can not see as they have a completely different angle, and mental point of view, to the plays and see the big picture. Players are involved in heated close in one on one battles and can not always see the finer points of playing until they watch film and have it pointed out by coaches. other EX: EX: military, martial arts, hand to hand fighters, etc etc teachers, there are many who can train you to effectively subdue and kill when appropriate human threats and yet they themselves have never killed anyone ever. EX: Hall of Fame coaches Vince Lombardi, Paul Brown, Bill Walsh & Bill Belicheck never played any NFL or significant football. EX: Manhatten project nuclear bomb scientists never built or detonated a nuclear bomb in battle. How could they possibly have known everything needed to build one? my point: Everything ever accomplished in this world was done by someone who had never done it before. I totally discount the argument people throw out in a fit of rage "well you never did it(or went through it) before so how would you know" card. That is pure BS. JMO
  13. this is prime moneyball moves. Upgrade incrementally for less cash then big splashes. As others posted the line went from having 1 above avg player to 3 now. That is a very big upgrade and they are not done yet. Draft or even an unexpected trade could up the ante on talent more yet.
  14. starting RT or swing Tackle/Guard if Bills draft high for RT and rookie RT grabs the job in preseason.
  15. what does this mean? Howe does OBD knowing or not knowing Kalil was to be cut have anything to do with the decision to sign Ty Nsekhe? So you think they would have not signed TN if they knew Kalil was going to be cut and then sign Kalil instead??
  16. lol......those Davis family reunion/vacations home movies are probably gold for internet viewing.
  17. no one has to give permission either way. it is just a verbal commitment. Just like verbal NCAA scholarship commits before signing day. Reportedly: Perriman seen the handwriting on the wall after Browns acquired OBJ and he/agent in a courtesy move talked to Browns GM and requested release from their verbal non binding commitment. GM agreed and granted release. It was a good PR move by Perriman/agent to do this when they could have just called Browns and said we are backing out.
  18. agreed. Although I don't think it is a slam dunk as in that scenario AB must do option 1 and AB then must repay, it has been reported, about 11 mill of earlier paid sign bonus. I think he would have a real problem with that. But yes it would be problematic for option 2 and that is why I go with option 1. Just because I am a hard-ass GM.
  19. If I was Pitt i would have played hardball. They already did it to Bell so whatever was lost is lost in player/agent perception relations. Option1: Tell AB he is playing for Pitt next year or he can retire and pay back apporx 11 mill in signing bonus.(that 30 mill he claims to have banked would be down to 19 mill just like that) I doubt he would do that. If he did this it would lessen considerably all the dead cap Pitt will not acquire due to the trade. depending what Brown/Drew do with Option 1 option: Option 2: Alternately would offer this: tell his camp AB/Drew they must gag ALL comments until after Pitt trades AB for best deal possible.(hint: it was not the Raiders deal by far) This would allow Pitt to try starting a rebuild keeping in mind by the time they start winning again it will be post Big Ben retirement. I would also look into off loading Big Ben before his toxic personality ruins whats left of the team concept in Pitt.
  20. I am not going to believe a word of this Gore corpse idea until the walruss AKA: Antonio Brown, tweets some info on it.
  21. then you must not have listened very hard. It was clear PR control most likely ordered from Bills PR staff. It could not have been any more obvious. This show was the only one on any media platform trying to spin this story into something it was not.
  22. this was the real deal showing how ***** up / inept the Bills FO was back then. Report was Kelly and agent were in the room with Bills negotiating the final details and Kelly about to sign. Then some unnamed ***** head FO secretarial worker took a call from Houston/USFL and somehow she got into the room to tell Kelly's agent he had an urgent call. Agent took the call and was told Houston would offer a lucrative deal. He and Kelly then left without signing to then go on to be courted hard and signed by his hometown USFL Houston Gamblers. Only in Buffalo would someone be able to interrupt that room. She should have been tarred and feathered and fired.
  23. Steelers mucked this up. They should have talked to mustache boy and his agent and formerly accepted their request for a trade. Then set ironclad parameters. No public comments from either until trade is approved and finalized. Steelers trade for best deal they can get and then brown decides what he wants to do with new team. If that is not agreeable I tell mustache boy 's camp to go retire or play on current deal with Steelers. Apparently the Bills agreed to a conditional pick next year which would have softened the loss if mustache boy refuses to report and new team would then have to trade him again.
  24. Beane should have went back to Pitt and said AB and agent are balking. I will now reduce my offer from a 3rd and take the risk of him possibly not reporting and take AB off your headache list for a 4th round pick. Then I wait until after AB 2.5 mill roster bonus is due and payable by Bills thereby increasing AB value to new team and then shop him for a minimum 3rd or better best offer from anyone else.
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