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cba fan

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Everything posted by cba fan

  1. Nice post and review. Thanks. fyi: you forgot Quentin Spain......
  2. Also: Bears in Halas Hall in Lake Forest and Cowboys in Frisco. It is over an hour from Soldier Field. Similar time from Cowboys Frisco training to Jerry's Place Stadium. Good think Kroft and Eiffert never talked to each other when on Bengals together for those 4 short years. lol
  3. and Andre Rison's mansion burned up so quickly.
  4. I believe all GM's are lying when they say they will always draft BPA. No way. If BPA falls and has great value but you are already stacked at that position you then trade back. Then draft player that fills need and is also BPA. If need be trade back again. Doing otherwise is stupid. EX: lets say QB's fell hard in 1st last year and Bills picks at 22 and 23 came up with both Josh's still available and they are ranked BPA left at that time. All the BPA spinners and Beane himself based on his/their very direct comments, then should have drafted Allen and then Rosen back to back. see how stupid this BPA thinking is?
  5. maybe that will cut down on his 30,000 monthly text messages. And prolong his marriage.
  6. Man. Bad week for Johhny. Loses wife then loses a football league for 3rd time. Vince could now market Johhny as the truest Ex-FL player.
  7. I agree Cory was pretty good in comparison to Dar Dar Dinks and Schmidt........however........everyone seems to forget the other Cory, Corey Carter, who looked to have a great chance of beating out Schmidt last training camp until he was injured in preseason.
  8. I 2nd that and 3rd that and what ever the hell else it takes to get behind your good thoughts. Josh brings hope like no other since JK. He actually can take over a game and will the team to victory. He does not care about stats at all. He just cares about winning and that by winning he knows that will keep him on the field. Bills fans all over the world have been waiting for this. Lets hope it continues to show and he continues to develop.
  9. Kiper is an entertainer. I like him. I know many don't. Yes he is wrong in the mock predictions just like anyone else, but you must consider it is a fluid thing and he does multiple mocks as the draft nears. Basing his mocks on information available at time of any mock. That is then all out the window as the draft begins and shapes. Kiper then predicts who will be going on actual events. I like his genuine excitement and his crazy loud speak at the draft. Especially when he disagrees with other commentators and they have a little spat. Funny guy.
  10. I would like to thank all those who contributed to this thread. It helped me learn something. I never knew you could by vote bots to swing twitter polls. Fascinating it is allowed.
  11. not sure what you watched last year but Bills went 2-2 vs Fins and Jets.
  12. Everyone knows that. At least anyone who spends any time researching it. It dose not mean this new stadium or renovation is not going to happen. It 100% will happen. Then this stadium can join the long list of public projects and expenditures that do not return well on the investment. Like roads civic centers schools walmart supercenters etc etc... selling bonds to fund large projects and sometimes very small ones also is a colossal waste of taxpayer money that only bankers appreciate as they make virtually no risk guaranteed profit from interest. If only the founding fathers knew how mucked up this kind of spending was to become they would have enacted some language in our constitution either fed or state that require all spending to be not borrowed. Make the gov't's save money and invest it in money making accounts and then can only spend that for the big projects. This would have made surplus budgets the absolute norm since this country started and fixed a lot of our financial problems. EX: in my area a permanent 1% county sales tax hike was enacted to build a massive new jail and court rooms. Approx cost 50 million. Tax took in 12 mill a year. They then immediately sold 50 million in bonds that will take 30 years or so to pay off if they do not extend them like they usually do. all they had to do was wait 3 years(probably less) or so until the tax had accumulated many millions and then hey guess what. No taxpayer money sucking bonds would have needed to be issued. They would have had plenty of money to pay cash for start of construction at about 2 or 3 years from sales tax start.
  13. you are joking. Thanks for that. lol no one would say a GM who had mixed results doing his job could in any way compare to the vile *****head soon to be in jail Smollett.
  14. I don't disagree with you. Maybe not his race as much as his LGBT group. Or his Hollywood group.
  15. you are correct about it being a degrading joke. I too share your outrage with vigor. Never in a million years has Whaley ever done anything, so stupid, so vile, so rotten, that will set back his race for decades, like Smollet did. I hope he gets a hefty fine and rots in jail for the proper amount of time as the courts see fit to understand how low he is.
  16. holy O's is that logo you speak of a real thing? Makes me want to cry.
  17. hell it's the Patriots. Why would that matter. Bill and Kraft have basically done the same or arguably worse.
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