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cba fan

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Everything posted by cba fan

  1. Gase rolled his eyes.........and half the world died.
  2. lol this would be like dating Taylor Swift and breaking up. you know ***** about to hit the fan the min he separates from Pats. Dirt will come out. Can't wait.
  3. It is not a sunk cost. Teams get credit back to their salary cap when any player has to pay back a sign bonus or loses salary due to suspension.
  4. It does not really help them get more interested in their team like if they are Bills fans or whatever other team. Have you ever heard a big group of these guys watching NFL games in a sports bar? Schizo bi-polar at its best and it can drive a sane person crazy. They cheer for their team and then cheer against them at the same time sometimes during same play as some player on other team on their fantasy team makes a play.
  5. current media trolls making something out of nothing. Everyone knew what he meant. Belly grunts and makes weird noises when he talks. Easy to get confused.
  6. really? that influenced you in that weird way? You could not find time to expand your scope of knowledge of the world because your dad introduced you to sports? My father was not into sports in the least. I found it on my own and also still discovered all the worlds negatives and positives from school and news....etc....... sports never influences my view of the real world. Even the players/actors are acting many times when in public for the media attention so it is all just a show. It is just entertainment like a movie, concert, comedian etc etc.......
  7. Peterman. If he had not blown up vs SD and been replaced by Tyrod, Bills may not have made playoffs as Peterman lost games looking Ok and still developing in the eyes of McBeane. that above secario could have happened but...... yes Tyrod was the man that year. I give him credit.
  8. so build it further into the Perry Projects then. and all the complaints are just weird. So I would not buy a house I like and want due to 10 days a year I will see a football crowd around the area for about half the day? A day I can sell 25 or more parking spaces on my yard for $25 to $50 per car? With my older family taking care of that $1200 profit every game while I walk a couple blocks and go to the game?
  9. I would not say this is downplaying Simply that anyone doing it anytime is bad and unacceptable. And texting and driving is just as dangerous.
  10. I heard the gov't is working on a secret new invention that recently leaked out to my sources. working project name is: LIGHTS not for long. I heard a rumor that the new stadium for Rams Chargers will have a fixed roof. Same with Raiders they will have clear roof.
  11. he would be smart enough to deny that to his grave if it was TB. it is assumed the question imply's attending as a spectator/fan not a roster-ed player of any team.
  12. income does not dictate anything. Older fans who are weather sensitive will likely be further along into their careers and have more money to spend vs the younger students and college grads who like the weather factor who are just starting out working. main point is if studies show/prove you will be replaced by fans who want to sit indoors at Dec and Jan games you will be replaced. why would Bills care as long as Bills fans still show up? I believe attendance will be better with a dome as the area residents continue to get older. JMO but we will see.
  13. somewhere Robert Royal is on an exercise bike wondering when his number will be called. (for those who do not remember he thought he was on course for enshrinement)
  14. For all the die-hard outdoor fans who say they will not go downtown to a dome, that will not really be a factor if Bills/NFL studies show you would be replaced by fans who do not want to sit outside in crap weather etc etc......especially late season cold games when many of these diehards stay home. Those fans who want to sit in climate control I would venture a guess are the ones who have more money, spend more money, and would not care if they tailgated in areas where they must buy most of their food and drink. Hopefully the team can accommodate most by building one like MN has but making ample room for tailgating. I have been to MN and you do not feel like you are inside. It is amazing. If Bills put even more of the roof as the PTE glass than MN did and make it more like LA and LV roofs, and, make even more panels that swing open, along with Buffalo historical connection of some kind in good taste so as not to make it feel like a mall,(architecture, style, food, mini Niagra Falls somewhere? huge bison on the plaza outside, wagons circling the other plaza on opposite side etc etc) they could have a great stadium.
  15. also FYI: if you have a xbox one you need to download the blu-ray player app to run them. Kind of weird but we live in an app world now. Glad I could help you. I never thought this xbox one would be something I would use on a daily basis to watch movies and also youtube TV subscription when I bought it for my kid.
  16. xbox one, I know for a fact, plays DVD's and BlueRay discs. I believe all gaming consoles play DVD movies as they use DVD for the games.
  17. What? I said Hauschka was part of the good, not a problem. He was injured last year by Jets cheap shot and not the same since. We will see if he comes back OK or not, very soon. My point is by the time Bills get good he could very well be aged out. I will. Thanks.
  18. If you call putting out an offense that is marginally better then a middle school in northern Canada, then yes. Only thing on last years offense and special teams that looked like they have any potential was Allen, and to a lesser degree Foster/Jones/Dawkins/Hauschka, although if Bills ever get to Super Bowl contention status it is very likely they upgraded Foster/Jones/Dawkins and Hauschka ages out.
  19. average football athlete when trying to play track and field which requires him, and he seems to put 100% body prep into, to change his training from football player to track and field player.
  20. they don't count playoff game stats for a reason. Why would you give credence in a comparison for total stats to a guy who has played 2.5 more seasons games than the guys you are comparing him to.?? Too misleading. only way to properly evaluate in a total stats criteria way is players that played regular season games. Or on flip side compare all players post season games in a per game avg..
  21. well to be fair. The Moon is actually *moving away from the Earth at about 1.5" a year and seeing as how the universe was made from the Big Bang our destiny is predetermined. The universe is a sphere like a big bubble that keeps growing so if the Moon keeps going it will eventually circle the universe and hit Earth. Bam. Game over. *EX: Just like flying out of LAX non stop around the world. You are at the same time moving away from LAX and towards LAX at the same time.
  22. rookie camp, players working out together in off season, ota's, minicamp, training camp, 4 preseason games, then another over one week to prepare for opener. That is much more than a few months. I think they will be fine.
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