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cba fan

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Everything posted by cba fan

  1. team he signed the contract with the guarantee is responsible. Unless he has offset language in the contract then it depends on those details. Offset does not matter to team acquiring. They sign him for what they both agree to then if offset language some of that money could go to the team the player had just been on.
  2. what?? Taxpayers pay a premium for roads. Fuel tax. Misc back door taxes to improve roads. Surcharges/taxes to upgrade storm sewer run off plus retention ponds from roads. City crews salaries and benefits to maintain roads including winter snow work. City street cleaning. Lights needed for certain roads for driver safety. Free books from Library? Lol. Libraries cost millions to build and maintain. Workers salaries and benefits also big cost. RE taxes have a levy for library district property owners. You want pro sports to stop asking for subsidies? Then gov't also needs to stop the most profitable corp in history from getting tax money to build Super Walmarts...etc etc...... FYI: I am against giving tax money(tif districts etc) to private companies, especially very profitable ones, but until it is stopped I won't fault pro sports for trying to get their piece of the corp welfare pie.
  3. let go, downsized, job eliminated, office reorganized, duties redistributed,
  4. Bills just need to resize the logo back to the red helmet size and get ride of the mullet. They downsized the logo 15% as NFL insisted they needed the space to put NFL stickers, US flag?, concussion stickers, on back etc etc...real reason was the mullet added. I call BS on NFL statement as Bucs just started using a helmet logo you could see from outer space.(Bucs since downsized a little and looks better) So enlarge Bills logo 10% instead of the 15 and call it good. ??
  5. if is always possible a scout who maintains possible close relationships/friendships(maybe even romantic relationship with one or be supplier of drugs or other vice etc etc......) with higher ups in the NFL org he works for just might be able to get some info.. ? Some wrong some right as org plans change throughout the processes.
  6. If Rogers does not die unexpectedly resulting in Toronto bid getting split, Jon Bon Jovi refusing to give up controlling postion while being woefully undercapitalized to make competitive bid(due to NFL ownership% rules for controlling party) resulting in a limit for their bid that Pegula easily topped.......... You could very well be talking about Bills about to become the Toronto Bills and opening new stadium in Toronto for 2021 reg season opener after exercising the $28 million lease buyout this past off season. https://buffalonews.com/news/deal-solidifies-bills-presence-here-troubling-exit-clause-gives-team-an-out-after-seven-years/article_17c0a3fc-4b47-5e2e-9a9a-29d5efe72b72.html That was Jon Bon Jovi/Rogers Toronto group plans. Jon Bon Jovi was scouting stadium locations in Toronto in midst of submitting bid for Bills.
  7. ?? the sooner the players get it the sooner they are protected.
  8. lol. https://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/domed stadium https://definition.org/define/domed stadium/ https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/dome https://www.almaany.com/en/dict/en-en/domed+stadium/ https://www.encyclo.co.uk/meaning-of-domed_stadium https://webster-dictionary.org/definition/domed stadium domed stadium meaning was changed many decades ago to mean any stadium with a roof.
  9. Goodell and J Jones both wanted Bills to consider Toronto, and loved JB Jovi, before surprisingly Pegula swept in and bought the team. Jones was muttering babbling dumbfounded on interview when he found out. No one including Bills trust commissioned to sell the team were doing anything but selling to highest bidder.
  10. what??? lol. it is 11 miles and 31 min drive from Jets/Giants Stadium to NYC City Hall (in civic center area) it is 10.9 miles and 19 min drive from Highmark Stadium to Buffalo City Hall.(or 10.6 and 21 on other route) most are as govt sells bonds.
  11. you are correct. I was wrong kinda. If you add in Rochester it puts Bills at #30. Only NO and GB then are smaller. But if you add Rochester to Bills pop then NO will want to add Baton Rogue and Biloxi so that then puts Bills back at #31. 🤷‍♀️ GB remains smallest even if you add Milwaukee.
  12. yes you are wrong.
  13. wth. lol. that's not true. Bezos/Net worth 193.3 billion USD 2021 he would have to accumulate or earn another 7 billion before he could give ZERO Americans a billion dollars to then be left with 200.3 billion. If you meant 1 million. He would need 331 trillion and be left with ZERO money for himself. If you meant just $1000 he would need 331 billion and be left with zero money for himself. 🤷‍♀️
  14. if Bills hit open market right now they are going for 4 billion. If new owners see path to move possibly more.
  15. Yess but multiples. The Football Gods
  16. he is not a "free RB option." When designated for the program, he can not be activated to the 53 or play in any regular season games.
  17. please let this NOT be true. Sad if it is.
  18. this is pic. The vid did not have faces blacked out and you seen same angle as pic. Really could not see much except her go down on him. Her pic also w jersey on did not have her face blacked out. https://blacksportsonline.com/2013/11/bills-fan-paid-for-jersey-with-blow-job/ vid is removed. Can't find it anywhere. lol
  19. ??? Stadium experience sucks in Buffalo? Why? I always loved it. you don't hear all the "screaming morons announcers, analysts, and "personalities"' at the stadium. Good place to get away from them.
  20. there was a vid also.
  21. Agreed thank you. This has been proven by pschy professionals with testing. The human brain workings are testable and pretty consistent once all factors are known and results of tests concludes. The results say what you say. Somehow that phone call becomes more important mentally than convo in car.
  22. i agree mostly. One thing though. Seatbelts keeps driver in seat to control car after impact and that can be of great benefit too to reduce lethality of an accident..
  23. Hardees are very good too. But Wendy's new fresh cut w sea salt are the best ever. For major chain fast food ff only. The Chicago area Chicago style hot dog joints FF's are better than any.
  24. his "cash to cap" spending philosophy took Bills out of running for FA's and exiled them to mediocrity for approx. two decades. It was a good plan "IF" he could have gotten the other teams to follow it. But only a couple did. Bengals for one. Not a winning model to follow.
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