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cba fan

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Everything posted by cba fan

  1. much less throws at much lower speed. Less wind up and follow through. Arm does not go as far back as a pitcher. No mound to fall forward and down on to increase speed and stress on arm. No snapping of elbow sideways to throw curves, sliders, and screwballs.
  2. hmmm. So if his gf had died in the crash too then life in prison? But hitting a girl at 156 mph in city street coming home from bf place and burning alive along w her dog as bystanders heard her screams and tried in vain to get her out is not ?? I don't know. Glad I am not a judge and have to face all the families with my decision.
  3. I still have hope for Kolby Listenbee......and Greg Salas..dam it......lol
  4. as long as you have a very rich owner willing to lay out money early for sign bonuses then it can continue forever. At some point you would think a smart NFL would have two salary caps running concurrently. 1. for salary allocated to the cap as we have now. 2. a limit on total cash outlays allowed per year regardless of it counts on current year cap. Look at spotrak and you see sal yearly cap money on a contract and then the total cash outlays by team on that contract also. Big difference in many cases. (FYI: Wilson tried to implement this and held Bills franchise to this thinking. Calling it Cash To Cap. Hindered Bills and resulted in the drought) ex 2. to explain this would limit teams from giving multiple, large sign bonus sucking in FA's like flys on ice cream contracts per year. This would close the competitive gap between super rich owners teams with big revenue and smaller capitalized owners and smaller team revenue. Of course as NFL seems to want to sell all teams up for sale now to multi billionaires this may never happen and instead the less rich owners will be pushed out.
  5. he needs to reallocate some of those work hours and attend game management seminars to learn how to coach in high pressure late game situations. Failures that he has consistently failed at. 13 secs being the call for help. That is his only weakness that is apparent right now.
  6. Like Brown, Kyle Williams also was not from the drought years. He made playoffs.......😎😂 I would take Jason Peters, Spikes, Lynch. Drought year guys. That was the assignment.
  7. yes most of them. Gordmans moved into some. Then sadly died during Covid shutdown. In my area one was smartly remodeled into a Farm and Fleet. Sort of a Lowes or Menards geared for Farmers. W car repair garages too. And Walmart execs in abandoning mode......take note...Farm and Fleet original building right next door was demolished and replaced with Casey's convivence store and gas. Also a bank. I mean check out how sweet this redo is. https://www.google.com/maps/uv?pb=!1s0x88086bd3a539ea05%3A0xf38fac260fd3f277!3m1!7e115!4shttps%3A%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipP2fJArlqTBz1ZrlNy7Ck5nl3eegElZYJ_pkdMJ%3Dw240-h160-k-no!5sfarm and fleet freeport il - Google Search!15sCgIgAQ&imagekey=!1e10!2sAF1QipP2fJArlqTBz1ZrlNy7Ck5nl3eegElZYJ_pkdMJ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjZxJ3O_5z4AhWot4QIHc_qB-oQoip6BAhVEAM
  8. they will tear it all down and build a Super Bronco Stadium 2 miles down the road. lol
  9. that would be smart af. Just build it now to cover current stadium and of course have a much bigger footprint of the roof like SoFi did.......then can just build a new stadium under it at any time.
  10. he said when he entered he planned to play 8 years in NFL and retire. so why did he sign contract into and through 2024? year 11 ??? and now he wants an extension?? To kick in in 2025? year 12 !! 🤣 🤣WTH, is he on glue?
  11. i have chronic back pain. Prove i don't. i have a headache. Prove i don't.
  12. you can't prove pain. if player says he has pain, team is stuck.
  13. Yes. There is "Life" and then there is "Sports Life." Life moved on as it always does. Sports Life?....that died a little that day and is never coming back. Coaches blew it.
  14. because if PFF takes bribes to boost the players ratings it is a fraud masquerading as vital intel on players play, talent, and worth.
  15. every week is a "new" report 🙄🙄
  16. Gore played a hundred years of CTE inducing CTE trauma football. And likely due to that, thought CTE inducing boxing was a good career move. No. Gore is not winning. Sadly.
  17. you got me lol. If the real Donte tried a comeback he would switch positions and be a Half back.....lol
  18. they should have shot the *****. they will find a way. If not media they will read books etc etc..........
  19. Cook county has more millions. Also: Do you believe this info graphic? Blue is majority Cubs fans. Black is White Sox. Red is tie.
  20. zero. He was a FA.
  21. dam you......😁😁........did you know there are no White Sox fans in US? 😁😁 PS: Queens still has more Mets fans than Yankee fans.
  22. did you know there are no Cubs fans in the US? 😁😁😁
  23. you are wrong. Mets are large majority in Queens.
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