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cba fan

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Everything posted by cba fan

  1. I remember that game. It was 3-0 Pack in 4th Q when a Bills db intercepted Favre near goal line and ran it back 90+ yards for a TD to take a 7-3 lead. To then of course have a flag thrown that really was a very questionable call that clearly happened after the INT to of course have the officials say it was before the int giving the ball back to Favre who then threw a TD= game over. FU officials. Anyone remember this..
  2. Yeah that Florio is in full ass hat mode now. Why didn't his "sources" tell him why McCoy was not at camp since his "sources" advised him it was not contract related. He needs a new sorcerer.
  3. You can take the player out of Philly but you can't.............................. Classic comeback. HOF worthy. Thanks OHIO.
  4. This could be posturing to force Cowboys hand as Cowboys did not want to release him. No one would retire and walk away from some deferred or other future money or be subject to paying back some sign bonus. Except Barry Sanders, who of course, probably had no idea and was stunned when courts ruled he had to pay back millions in sign bonus. If Romo goes and talks to Favre for advice.......he could resurface several times yet.
  5. Jones is looking more and more like an inept ass hat now.
  6. A. And i am not a Canadianist. Some of my best friends are Canadian.
  7. That chaplain should have been fired immediatly after he told Rex not to challenge an obvious wrong call. Contributed to the loss that day. Good riddance dumb ass. Go coach a high school team if you think that is your calling. A Chaplain is for all religions.
  8. Holy Mel Kiper this Arians dude is going out on a limb here. Check 2013. O were ready to start and none ready at all as it turns out. So Coach Arians. Who is it??
  9. Pegs do not need to save their nickels for a stadium fund. They already have enough liquid cash then half the countries in the world. They will not have any problem forking over their share for the stadium when the time comes. I mean they wrote a check for 1.4 billion to buy the team. No loan! No financing! No interest! They are pocketing yearly profit from Bills.
  10. Clements was a tackling machine on run support. More consistent coverage skills. The clear choice.
  11. You have not heard? The Packers are moving to Toronto because that is what Goodell wants. Terry Pegula is going to be co-owner with Goodell. They will be officially corporately known as the Toronto Pegasus. They will be known as and go by the Toronto Pegs. Like the NY Metropolitans go by NY Mets.
  12. Bills are not on list for potential moves any more than Packers. Packers would be the ideal move however if you want to compare. The ownership by community model of Packers means they technically can not move. They would need to dissolve the corporation and cease to exist(including Packers name)and players dispersed in a draft. Then NFL could ask for bids for expansion team. Maybe make exception and let current players go to expansion team. This would increase the windfall they would be getting substantially with good players coming along and all cites could bid. Mexico Canada Japan Europe, London Toronto Portland San Antonio. If we are just talking about NFL wanting money then this is the logical and next move. Billions for the expansion bid as cities line up. Meets objectives NFL has now. Kill the community ownership model Packers were grandfathered in, new stadiums, get out of small markets, expand internationally, make billions more $$$$ more, etc etc etc.........No brainer in your world of thinking. Packers make very very little profit.
  13. Just say no to the salary cap buster. He is not worth 2.5 million cap space let alone the 8 or 9 mill he wants.
  14. No luck needed. Pegs and Kim have already stated several times that family succession is in place. First all to Kim then on down to kids. LA lost Chargers, Rams, and Raiders. They also lost the Rams to Anaheim.
  15. I hate color rush also however not as much as I hate a team nickname called the Washington Racial Slurs. PS: the Washington DC's whole uniform needs a makeover yesterday
  16. vet min would with vet cap relief would cost about same as a later draft pick so kick the tires.
  17. Locals almost everywhere you go in US complain about and hate something local. It is just in our American nature to complain about something and speak out without holding much back. It is good mostly and at times bad also. I prefer this over countries that locals stew quietly or are not allowed to voice their opinions.
  18. Found a great site. https://overthecap.com/compensatory-draft-picks-cancellation-chart/ As you will see the Justin Hunter signing we had counting as a FA loss for compensatory picks. But just a completely Billsy thing to happen is, he is one, One!!! spot off from counting as a loss in the calculations. You must rank 977 or better and he ranks 978. EJ manual we had also thought would count and he is further down yet.
  19. 2013 whole draft sucked. Not just the QB's which is never a surprise. But the whole draft was low quality. Unlucky 13 I guess.
  20. No so fast. Raiders say they will play in Oakland for two more yrs until upgrades are avail at UNLV, then one or two? yrs at UNLV until new stadium is done. Skittles(Lynch) likely will not play 3 more years. Even if he does, he likes to party, so Vegas is his type of town.
  21. Ha ha the Legend continues. Kiko is like the one ship Navy theory I heard a comedian use in his act.. We have always heard how the US Navy is building a ship that will do the job and replace 10 ships etc etc.......so eventually they will build a ship that will replace all the other ships. Wola we have "The One ship Navy". Works for Air Force too. That 1 plane is going to be bad ass.
  22. I agree with the first sentence. Plus Those two guys(jones and cassell) signed the franchise tender and then Pats traded them. Totally different from a team sending an offer sheet to original team. Yes this make perfect sense as stated. Thank you.
  23. Is anyone really paying attetion here.? Pats and Saints wanted to trade Butler for Cooks straight up, but since Butler had not signed his tender they could not include him. Pats instead gave Saints their 1st rnd pick #32,replacing Butler in the trade and establishing what they think Butler is worth. That is the pick the Pats want back. If it was as simple as you say in your estimation Saints can decide to give whatever 1st rounder they want like the lesser valued #32 1st rounder to Pats if they do not match, then Butler would have already have signed Saints offer sheet and Saints would have given it to Pats, and Pats would have announced they will not match and get the 32 pick. Done deal. So tell me how this works. Why do Saints get to decide, why can't Pats decide? see my logic? It has to be in cba that original team 1st rounder is what is in play here. for ex if Browns have 1st pick in a draft and also picks #29 30 31 and 32. Does this mean they can sign 4 players with 1st round tenders and ship off only the 29 30 31 and 32 for ea player? While keeping their original #1 pick? And who decides which pick goes to which team? It can only be original team pick in play. or as I just found out in the links below, if possible if you traded away your original pick previously and acquired a beter pick in 1st round NFL would likely allow you to use that pick to sign a 1st rnd offer sheet player. PS This is all I can find on this subject http://sports.stackexchange.com/questions/532/what-are-the-rules-for-nfl-restricted-free-agents-that-have-a-first-round-tender https://nfllabor.files.wordpress.com/2010/01/collective-bargaining-agreement-2011-2020.pdf article 9 sec 3
  24. That is why Butler is in a corner. After what they told him and then did opposite by signing Gilmore why would Butler believe them. If he signs the tender he is stuck with NE for 3.9 mil or about 1/3 his market value and Pats have been dicks in this case not talking about it and Bellycheat getting snarky. Although to be fair about it all he is subject to tender due to cba so his market value is not like a Gilmore UFA.
  25. So in this scenario the QB drafted would be wasted on PS and some other team would sign him off the PS.
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