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cba fan

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Everything posted by cba fan

  1. Yes, if Rodak is right and teams can cut guys up to week 10 and then get the comp picks. Rodak gave some info he claims lives on after the recent deadline, so it is proper and expected that fans who hope Bills can win someday by getting in position to draft a QB(if needed) next year, would very want to discuss. It was my understanding the deadline passed and if you did not have a minus you were done. That only the loss column was affected if said players were cut up to week ten.
  2. Just playing devils advocate for all the Whaley haters. Maybe he planned on most of these FA he signed that counted against compensatory draft picks to be essentially a free 10 week trial. And would cut whatever he needed at that time to secure a 3rd and 4th rounder. Of course all depending on how the season went. If they became essential to a clear and visible playoff run then of course they stay. Otherwise if season goes south, as it usually does around week 10, then cut them for the future and get the picks.
  3. https://overthecap.com/compensatory-draft-picks-cancellation-chart/ deadline has passed for FA to Qualify as part of this compensation so Streator and the other guys just signed don't count. See the link. Those are only guys who counted.
  4. Ouch. That hurts. I was not aware of local hate. That is a very good barometer as they know him best. Thanks for info..
  5. Yes. Good thinking. No reason to rush. You have 10 weeks to decide. By then you can see how it is going in regards to former Bills FA cut by then.
  6. Looks like someone is reading our site. Good job Rodak. Glad I can help you write your articles. Next time just copy and paste to save time. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/193888-compensatory-picks-counter-for-2018-billsy-update/?do=findComment&comment=4369612 PS: you just know if Bills try this, someone. Brown or Goodwin on injury release, or Lerentee McCray who appears to have an overpriced contract, will be cut before week 10 and screw up Bills getting 3rd rounder. Bills need to cut 4 to be safer.
  7. That is what everyone tells me also when I point out my DNA tests shows it links back to the cradle of life mom named Eve in Africa.
  8. If you do not like NFL,Then go enjoy some other tax supported ventures like parks, museums, mass transit to get there, civic centers, opera houses, amphitheaters, concert halls, golf courses, Walmart, the Perry projects, etc etc......
  9. Good luck Sherman. You think it is bad in Seattle? Just wait until you get a taste of some other NFL destinations. Just retire already before you kill someone.
  10. He talks like that all the time. He has been like that at NCstate and WI also. My brain can hardly keep up with the speed of his words. And he sometimes gives an answer to a question that was not asked. It is kind of funny. I remember that MNF interview. I turned to my spouse and we just laughed as I said WHAT!!?? He is a winner. Where ever he goes he made the team better and they won. NFL has been a little different as that edge he had in HS and NCAA is dissipated a bit with all the NFL talent. Seattle I agree he has not been the HOF QB carrying the team. The D carries that team. But he does not beat himself either and can turn it on at times. I agree with you: Not sure why anyone would not like him, especially since he toned down the God references he use to give every interview.
  11. Agree wholeheartedly. Bills would be in playoffs with Hue Jackson as coach. Just my opinion, please dont' t have a meltdown, Rangers. I wish Whaley the best and hope he enjoys life.
  12. Pegula has virtually now invented owners-speak to compete with coach-speak. Owner-speak has been around for a while just off stage and J Jones really brought it out of the shadows and revealed its existence to the masses disguised as GM-speak since he held dual role. Now Pegula is taking it to another level. Seriously is their one Bills fan or any other person in this world who believes Pegula when he said they went through a process and suddenly figured out Whaley and all scouts needed to go hours after the draft just ended? Anyone?? Did they call a temp agency to send over 3 platoons of evaluators that did the job with military precision and speed hitting the hallways of One Bills Drive rappelling in on the rooftops form black helicopters just as draft ended? The Army of firing-ONE.
  13. Thank you. That is what I said. "players routinely try as hard as possible to cheat those protocols. Only someone(spouse) spending a lot of time around them can recognize this." cheat is synonymous with work-arounds.
  14. I am not arguing if Geisel is an idiot or not. However, any spouse or parent who lives with an athlete can figure out if they have a concussion. It does not take a genius. People are saying "this is a real problem" implying Giselle is the problem and out of her league on this as NFL says Brady never had a concussion. This is not the case. The real problem is he did have a concussion and NFL is unable to recognize this in their substandard protocols for diagnosing head injury as players routinely try as hard as possible to cheat those protocols. Only someone(spouse) spending a lot of time around them can recognize this.
  15. butt butt butt butt pucker butt butt butt dam what is up with all these !@#$ NFL players setting their clocks to horse racing. Have they never heard of multi tasking?
  16. Are you sure about that? There was an article about brainiack Fitz(and I mean that as a positive) that his class of friends from Harvard were doing better financially than he was and he wonders if he made the correct career choice.(throw in CTE risk and it is more career choice remorse) Tough crowd to compete against in these Harvard graduating classes. To be fair I think the article was before he signed his first mega deal with Buffalo in 2011.
  17. I guess you stopped short of reading the rest of the article then. After McD said that, he then immediately did a 180 pivot by answering a question, he actually asked himself no less, and said TT is not guaranteed to even be on the roster this year. I get what you are saying. I would like to have Matt Barkley over TJ Yates right now though as b/u or potential bridge if Taylor implodes.
  18. He is not the GOAT according to Tom Brady himself. And he never lies. I am kind of worried about you. Why all the crying?
  19. Yeah it has been a year and all they have done is move dirt and now started driving a few pilings. Something must be slowing them. If they think like most Bills fans who loudly refused to support Bills if they moved to Toronto....they will not get too many roadtrippers. I get the Rochester talk in ref to distance, however, Rochester comparison is apples to oranges. There was never a team in Rochester that then moved and forced fans to consider supporting them in another city with different name 2 hrs away.
  20. You are correct as players many times are shortsighted to long term health effects for short term monetary benefits. This new Zero1 is different though. It increases peripheral vison considerably, virtually to the human limit. I did not spec it all out but I bet it is lighter also which reduces whiplash etc etc....... The big deal is the crumple zones inside and the flexible soft outer shell reducing G's significantly. Add in players that have demo'd it and tested it have all come back with positive recommendations. We all know you can not stop the brain completely from rattling inside skull on hits, but reducing the g forces to head with this helmet will reduce this rattle. Even if this would reduce the onset of CTE symptoms and other negative brain effects for a number of years this would be a big improvement. Many players are going to continue to play for many different reasons. Let's do all we can do for them. Now lets get on with more head protection: no fighting in Hockey, no headers in soccer, head protection in boxing and UFC(or ban both now as they are poster child for brain damage) better head(and face) protection for baseball players, same for hockey/lacrosse/rugby, stiff penalties for anyone taking off helmets and fighting. Maybe every sport should wear this ZERO1.
  21. It's the "one drop" rule. Gets them every time. With these guys it is always the "off" season.
  22. Fill Rivers is married to Full Rivers.
  23. Teams do this every year. It is a salary cap issue the cba tried to sort out with the reduction in cap hit for vets. Maybe Orland Franklin does not qualify for this cap savings yet.
  24. He has goood Cromarti-somes. Seriously it was reported years ago he wanted to retire but could not due to the child support. Not seriously: I heard he had twins and asked his wife if both where his.
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