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Everything posted by T&C

  1. Electric or acoustic? I've seen them both ways, both excellent, but I lean to the electric more. Actually have Jacks auto in a box somewhere's on a cocktail napkin... spelled my name wrong but it's all good.
  2. Err.. no, I did. But, it's ok here... you go man!
  3. LOL... I started this thread and that was changed.... WTG
  4. He's around and active, just not "here"... actually I'm not here much either but sometimes different points of view regarding the Bills are good reads.
  5. Good to see you man... was wondering where some of you all had scattered off to.
  6. Doubtful anyone won't be onboard with this... https://twitter.com/buffalobills/status/896733110343090177/video/1
  7. Wagner is where it's at for me whenever I listen to classical music and that isn't all that often.
  8. Jeff Lynne was a classical music lover... and it shows: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yt6o03K_y54
  9. Gravy could be it's own thread... one chick in particular made some of the best gravy I've ever had.
  10. My favorite sandwich is one that is made by someone else. Sure, I can make whatever but when someone else takes the time to make it For me it just has more appeal. Can apply this to almost any food... however, my fried egg, ham, cheese, pepper, etc. sandwich is tough to beat. Bacon grease.
  11. Definitely slimmed up since the last time in court... Correct.
  12. What kind of merchandise are we talking here? I have half a house of antiques, albums, etc. I'd like to get rid of for a fair price so we can get back to WNY..
  13. Lewis and Martin weren't "too" bad but Lewis on his own, not impressive. This guy grates on me, if he shows up on anything at all the channel gets changed: Gilbert Godfry or however the hell you spell it.
  14. Portillo's is great, they opened one up down here last year... about as close as it gets to Teds. Decent food at a good price. http://www.portillos.com/assets/1/31/PHD_FL_42_45_online_6.17.pdf We have chicfila's around here but haven't been to one in over 10 years, the lines and traffic are a hassle just for a chicken sandwich.
  15. If you save for three months more you can buy the dog a kayak... I'm sure it would love to go too, after all it's been through.
  16. Dangerfield and Rickles are the two main funny guys for me. I don't know why, and I grew up with his era, but Carlin never stood out to me although a lot of people loved him. Cheech and Chong albums still make me laugh...
  17. Funny, we had this exact same thread on the now defunct BBMB... and a lot of the posters in it said their favorite movie of all time to watch when eating cereal was The Goonies. Total/Wheaties then Total/Wheaties/Special K now... maybe some slice banana or raspberries thrown in there.
  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79LnaLLLwnY First time they ever played this live.
  19. I like it quite a bit but have always liked the Stooges/Iggy... Gardenia is the new take a walk on the wild side, whole album is pretty good, Homme was a good compliment.
  20. Long John Silvers has a $1.99 deal... seems like for forever, one piece of fried cod, and two hush puppys. It's not on their online menu but it is at the one around here anyways. It really is... and the Chik here too. The highly touted cheddar/broccoli soup tastes great (and is salty as $%^&) going in but after an hour it reminds me of any river in China... polluted and basically, unpleasant.
  21. Have to agree, decent little snack for a buck. Those McChicken things... have you ever taken a look at the "chicken" in there, it looks like baby food.
  22. Behind The Green Door... excellent acting for the time. I saw this in high school... there was another Big one but the name escapes me at the moment... to quote King Kev, tee hee.
  23. Im thinking about buying a tree for someone.. hey, you guys playing cards?
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