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Everything posted by T&C

  1. T&C

    Name This Person

    Wow, would never have guessed. The pic reminded me of an actor that I still can't place his name. Well done.
  2. You are right... pure fear, it must have been horrible, can't even imagine it. From what I've read though their deaths were instant so there was no suffering. Also looks like all of the bodies have been recovered.
  3. Moons last performance ever, B-Stage at Shepperton Studios on 25 May 1978 Filmed by Jeff Stein for the closing sequence of The Kids Are Alright. Quality is excellent.
  4. This article is from earlier this morning: https://www.baynews9.com/fl/tampa/ap-online/2020/01/28/pilot-of-bryant-helicopter-tried-to-avoid-heavy-fog What really caught my eye was this part: "Details of what followed are still under investigation but there are indications that the helicopter plunged some 1,000 feet (305 meters). It was flying at about 184 mph (296 kph) and descending at a rate of more than 4,000 feet per minute when it struck the ground, according to data from Flightradar24." That strikes me as an insane rate of speed in foggy conditions.
  5. I was just joking with you as you put "he" instead of she... its all good.
  6. Kind of weird but hey... it takes all types to make this world go around.
  7. Not a meme but I didn't know where else to put it... good for a laugh every couple of years or so.
  8. From looking at the article you supplied I'm surprised that the helicopter was built in 1991... I know nothing about this kind of stuff but it is/was going on 30 years old, that seems like a long lifespan to me.
  9. John, Paul, George and Jimmie? On June 3rd, 1964 Ringo Star having collapsed with tonsillitis was hospitalized. The Beatles on the eve of their tour of Australia were in a real pickle. George Martin suggested using a stand-in dummer and he recommended Jimmie Nicol. Jimmie had been on a session that played Beatle covers titled Beatlemania so he already knew the songs and their arrangements. John and Paul accepted the idea but George out of loyalty to Ringo threatened to pull out of the tour. George: "If Ringo's not going, then neither am I. You can find two replacements." George caved. With a quick rehearsal at Abbey Road Studio, Jimmie packed his bags and 27 hours later he was on stage playing in front of 4,500 Beatle fans. Nicol was given a mop-top hairstyle, borrowed Ringo's suits and his black pearl Ludwigs (see photo). Jimmie played a total of eight shows with the Beatles. Ringo rejoined the tour on June 14th in Melbourne. Jimmie Nicol was a great drummer who came along and played Ringo's parts perfectly and then quickly faded into obscurity.
  10. The Who, Goldhawk Road Social Club, London, UK April 1965
  11. Its not just Iphones... my samsung has facial recognition. Their newer ones are basically an Iphone that runs on android.
  12. The beginning of the best years... if this doesn't get you moving you are already dead. Enjoy...
  13. T&C

    Name This Person

    One of those I can picture the face but cannot name the name deals here.
  14. T&C

    Name This Person

    Hehe, not him... the guy with the aged face and white/blond hair. I think its on CBS.
  15. T&C

    Name This Person

    The dude from Dateline? Can't remember his name.
  16. Mid to late 60's... unknown photo.
  17. Could be that they had to leave their comfortable place to work on the mono version of Pepper.
  18. Late 1967? London? Mick having tea and smokes, no idea who the chick is.
  19. T&C

    Name This Person

    Ha! I don't like to keep these hanging around too long so someone else can have a go... but, that is Debbie Harry... Blondie. Call HER lol.
  20. A "small" learning curve could help her out, it keeps the brain active. My Dad, who lives in Covington... not that far from Atlanta, is 84 now. Got him his first smart phone a couple of years ago and a smart tv last year. He still uses his phone book lol. I'm not up there much so he goes with what he knows. At least he can still follow the Bills and NFL action.
  21. I didn't mean to turn the corner on the thread topic... are you considering a new laptop for her? It will make her more mobile... but I don't know the full situation either.
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