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Everything posted by T&C

  1. You might have a sharper eye than mine... I don't see it.
  2. T&C

    Name This Person

    The irritating Fran chick?
  3. T&C

    Name This Person

    Nice. When I first saw the pic I thought of Orson Wells... but then had to go help the wife with some stuff.
  4. Have never been but man they have some pretty cool shows coming up... The Musical Box, The Association, Ted Nugent, John Waite, etc. One of the places back home I never heard of actually, left in 78 for the most part with vacations back. This could inspire another vacation lol. https://rivieratheatre.org/events/list/
  5. T&C

    Name This Person

    The rule of thumb or, the honor system is that if you cheat and look to see who it is you don't guess. Otherwise, this thread would not be a challenge and therefore... a pile of *****.
  6. T&C

    Name This Person

    I agree, Flo with no makeup.
  7. T&C

    Name This Person

    Someone from Jurassic Park but don't know really. The other one I had to look... surprised is still around.
  8. I just noticed, whoever did the promo got the names mixed up.
  9. I've heard this many times about them... why not just stay at the house and crank it out into the backyard. Guy I know works in security in Tampa for concerts. Said when he did the Eagles show they were instructed to never directly look at any of the members of the group. And this was back in the tunnels and hallways. Kind of dickish if you asked me.
  10. Thought you in particular would get a kick out of this... the debut of the Stones:
  11. Haven't had any pop in at least 10 years...
  12. Ahh.. I didnt watch the vid. Tilapia is a garbage fish, I won't eat it. If it isn't certified wild caught I won't eat any fish. The farmed crap from random countries is just that... crap.
  13. Not sure what you mean by that.
  14. I'm the same... but, stamped out ray wings are pretty tasty for sure. Puffers are a pain in the ass just like ladyfish... not worth it to me anyways. Too many no hassle good fish to eat out there to even want to deal with a puffer.
  15. You triggered a nerve... I got them mixed up, thanks for the clarification.
  16. Was this attached to the Laff in the Dark? Or, wherever the air vents came up?
  17. I worked at Darien as a summer job in the mid 70's when school was off. All they had then were paddle boats and the new waterslide. My job was waterslide attendant... sat at the top and told people when to go or when to wait. The puss I extracted from that gig was incredible... lowest paying job ever/best job I ever had. I still have my employee manual. Amazing how that place turned into something completely different.
  18. I get what you are saying... I wouldn't wait 2 hours for a ride either. But, and maybe I'm dreaming here... the lines at Crystal Beach never seemed that long. I doubt my old man would have put up with it either. As kids the wait was kind of the lead up to the thrill of the ride.
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