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Everything posted by T&C

  1. T&C

    Name This Person

    Thought it was a part in some classical thing. I was into Genesis until after Wind & Wuthering. No idea who this is... Brooke Shields?
  2. T&C

    Name This Person

    Martha Stewart? She's the manliest looking female going nowadays imo.
  3. T&C

    Name This Person

    You are right... thought she'd always be slender. When The Shining first came out I remember thinking how sexy she was. Time comes upon all of us. Looks like a dude. Ozzy? Or, Phil Collins? He was in some sort of movie or tv show when he was young.
  4. T&C

    Name This Person

    If you don't reveal the answer its not cheating... its investigating. Edit: someone already guessed the Shocking Blue on a prior page.
  5. T&C

    Name This Person

    Here is the answer... life in jail it looks like. I'm heading out so it's someone else's go.
  6. T&C

    Name This Person

    Are you thinking of the Nashville Beavers? Still, no. Look at that face and imagine it a half a decade later... burn one and dig deep into you mind.
  7. To play here again... https://diamondhillclub.com/
  8. T&C

    Name This Person

    Not Santana, but someone who may have met him.
  9. T&C

    Name This Person

    Ha. Could be... or could be a guy I know at work too.
  10. T&C

    Name This Person

    Yep, was just going to post that. Guy on the right kind of looks like Walter Becker, threw me off just a little.
  11. T&C

    Name This Person

    You got it. I think Mariska Veres passed away a few years ago, don't know about the rest of the band though.
  12. T&C

    Name This Person

    I guess by your reply that you gave it away... at the end. If we google answers the thread is a pile of *****. Don't say no one will get it though, I'll bet row33 knows who it is.
  13. T&C

    Name This Person

    The chick in the picture is the daughter of a gypsy... and this band wasn't USA based.
  14. T&C

    Name This Person

    As a former performer you should know better lol.
  15. T&C

    Name This Person

    Not the Legs either... I loved this chick as a kid, along with Michelle Phillips.
  16. Well, that's a Gonzo way of looking at it. I don't drink hard booze but some of the prices out there for That are pretty crazy too. I had quit the cigs... guess "stopped", for 2 years. All was fine until my employ sent me to another location to help fix their situation. One day in I realized what a train wreck I had been sent to and bought a pack. Try to cut down now and am going to try to do what the OP is doing. When I had stopped I eased myself slowly down... 876543210. Worked then anyways.
  17. Ha. Well, I'm sure one is worse than the other... doubt I'll ever stop drinking beer, there are too many good tastes out there, but I'd sure like to quit the cigs. Funny though, I stopped smoking weed like instantly... many years ago due to my job. Once I retire I'll hit the weed again, kind of miss it... especially on a nice morning. Kudo's to the OP.
  18. T&C

    Name This Person

    Not the Mansons... there is probably a group with that name though.
  19. T&C

    Name This Person

    Ahh... you may have gotten it, sure looks like her.
  20. T&C

    Name This Person

    No, Frank Zappa from "my guitar wants to kill your momma".
  21. T&C

    Name This Person

    Not Dezi or Mike... I'll reveal the answer so someone else can have a turn: Frank Zappa Here he is with Mum & Dad 20 some years after the baby photo: If you notice, the art on the back wall became an Alice Cooper album cover.
  22. T&C

    Name This Person

    Not Joe, this kid/guy never was into sports.
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