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Everything posted by T&C

  1. I'm a big Dylan fan... he has always been a great wordsmith and song writer, but this one didn't do much if anything for me... didn't have the "send this to a friend" feel.
  2. Beatles, Deauville Hotel, Miami Beach FL 1964.
  3. T&C

    Name This Person

    The dude from the Jurassic park movies... name slips me.
  4. Parents thought this group was the devil himself back in the early 70's... and probably beyond.
  5. Don't think I've ever had the book, but a couple copy's of the LP... still have one of those.
  6. This is actually a very good idea... give everyone in your neighborhood two pieces of construction paper or whatever, one red.. one green. Especially helpful for the elderly. Green in the window is all is good... Red signals some sort of help needed.
  7. Thanks Hap... saw it breaking on my phone but couldn't get the link to go, it was a different one though. Same story however.
  8. T&C

    Name This Person

    Can't guess now lol.
  9. T&C

    Name This Person

    I have no idea... I'm pretty much out too. Only other person I could guess is that country rock singer who's name is Chris something.
  10. Most of the DMV stuff can be done online, not sure how that works with a new vehicle though. I'm in Florida and I "think" they waived off renewals for now.
  11. T&C

    Name This Person

    Who are we currently guessing? I'm no overlord but it would be cool if we could guess one and then just move on to the next. Either way no big deal but just a suggestion.
  12. T&C

    Name This Person

    I'll bet you are right... def looks like him.
  13. This would certainly apply to this thread. At the end of the article it describes what various banks are doing for account holders/mortgage holders etc. I'm sure this list will be updated because lets face it, no one (bank) wants to be called the slacker at this point in time. https://www.baynews9.com/fl/tampa/news/2020/03/20/efforts-underway-to-suspend-bill-payments-coronavirus
  14. I see... thanks for the clarification.
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