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Everything posted by T&C

  1. T&C

    Name This Person

    Reminds me of the cat on the memes...
  2. If the Dead are the poor mans version of the Allmans here is the rich mans version, and it kicks ass with Duane:
  3. Pretty sure the guy is bored or on quarantine to make this one.
  4. You are trolling us... no?
  5. I guess that would depend on the state you live in. I remember back in the late 70's someone managed to jettison a purple Javelin into the culvert/ditch we had in Wyoming county. Just ***** destroyed it...
  6. That is one car that even in mint condition isn't seeked out by anyone. Now the AMC cars on the otherhand... Javelin is my favorite car ever. Old lady had a Gremlin when I met her, wish we had that roller skate now, you never see any of the AMC cars on the road anymore.
  7. Brother Gregg Allman and John Fogerty...
  8. Was just about to post this one... glad I looked back. Nice live version here:
  9. T&C

    Name This Person

    Joanie from happy days?
  10. How many baby daddies did she have... I know nothing about this woman, have never heard of her.
  11. Including perhaps a Confirmation name if Catholic? I have one but don't/never have used it. But, who really uses all of those names all of the time. Doctors office: "Adeline Smith Joan Wisnewski, the doctor will see you now".
  12. He should have done one called "My Life is Full of Sunshine When She's Gone". Always a cool dude... this is how I like soul music, not the crap they tout nowadays.
  13. We have red tide down here a lot... stinky crotches bring it on earlier, especially with this warm winter.
  14. pensions are almost unheard of these days... you are lucky. I have property that will sell well but I'm waiting a bit... till this all blows over, if ever.
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