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Patrick Duffy

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Everything posted by Patrick Duffy

  1. Well imo Sanders may not be a "big" improvement over Brown, but to me he has been an improvement so far.
  2. Well I mean it is 6 days away. A lot can and will change between now and next Monday night. But would be nice to get a home game with decent weather for a change.
  3. I hope you're right and Bills do win convincingly, however you can't go off anything from last season. Totally different this time around. But Bills definitely are a team that can win convincingly that's for sure...
  4. Hopefully we get OL back in tact along with Star back. Whatever the case, I'm not sure Bills "beat them up" or not, but I think Bills do take care of business at home this time considering how they got embarrassed at home by the Colts. Have a feeling they won't let that happen again....At least I hope not anyways
  5. Yeah maybe for now. Will likely change a few times between now and Thursday and so forth.... Saturday's forecast will be the earliest to get a better idea
  6. Lol, yeah I have had the pleasure of coming across some of those type of statements myself.
  7. Figures! Too early to get an idea though so not putting any stock into a forecast tht's a week out.
  8. I have to agree unfortunately...I definitely found myself eating a plate of crow due to my own predictions of how he would do before season started and early into it. Also think Pats coaches are putting him in the best position to get the most out of him along with coaching him really good in general. As far as "he's going to be a good one", well imo too early to tell. I'm sure Pats fans feel it's looking promising, which they should feel that way, however you never know how it will turn out the next season and so forth. In any event, as of now he has surprised me with his level of play, that's for sure.
  9. Also would get the ball out faster which would help alot since Oline is struggling so bad. He just doesn't get enough time with this change up on the OL often at all when holding the ball waiting on deeper plays to develop.
  10. Thought the same. Not sure what would make anyone think it would be. Maybe someone thought, "Coach McD/Beane playing their former team" and for some odd reason thought fLeX GaMe possible.....I don't see why though lol
  11. Well if I recall correctly, after trade deadline came and went I believe I read somewhere Beane said "decision for not making any moves is he had confidence that the roster in place could get it done"...or something along those lines. But Captain Hindsight has made an appearance.
  12. Agree, I'm fine with the rotation but same time keep the hot player on the field as much as possible.
  13. Lol yeah really. If they can lose to the Jags they can lose to anyone. No clue what to expect from them Lol, well was rather easy for him. Wentz really didn't have to do much since Taylor made it such an easy day at the office for him
  14. I'm sure you're not alone. Saints RB probably has gotten popular in fantasy recently
  15. lol, dude I was browsing through the local female escort listing and an ad some dude that wasn't even supposed to be in female listings that said , "a mouth is a mouth, bro jobs are better". I was like, damn man. Dude must be desperate. Anyway, for some reason this made me think of you
  16. Well they needed to improve the pass rush anyways because they had none last season. So that was going to be addressed anyway since it was obviously a need and that decision was done focusing to get pressure for every opponents QB and not just KC...
  17. I'm sure nobody would. Kind of a common sense thing that should go without saying.. At least I hope nobody would and be serious lol
  18. Well I mean of course the team was pumped and eager to get a piece of KC with the Championship game loss on their mind. I'm talking about Beane in general as other poster said. A GM would be doing a bad job if focusing the entire off season making decisions/roster moves etc basing it off one team.
  19. I'm not sure the whole focus was just on beating KC. I'm sure was definitely part of it, but I find it hard to believe Beane as a GM made every decision/etc just for KC. I think it's possible that part of reason for quiet off season could be because he had/has the confidence that this same roster can get it done? But yeah, I agree some of the focus was KC, but not everything
  20. Think he likes you bro, says things knowing it will get your attention and ruffle your feathers. Likes it like that.....maybe get ya one of them "bro jobs" lol
  21. Oh I agree. Even with important players out etc, I didn't expect them to be as bad as this...
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