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Patrick Duffy

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Everything posted by Patrick Duffy

  1. Lol, well to be fair Bills are technically "in the hunt" now. If they lose it's definitely going to be a uphill battle for sure, but still would have a chance to win division. Also,where in the world do you get "probably 2nd in division for next 10+ years"?? That's 100% a silly thing to say. I'm literally still smh at that comment. Whole time I have been typing I was smh and still will be after hitting submit
  2. Yeah the TE's are playing well. I still think Baker had way better weapons by quite a bit. Just in response to OP comparing Jones to Baker and hitting their "ceiling" I just don't really get comparing the 2. But that's just me..., Also just to mention...Pats OL seem to be doing a pretty good job too. Which of course is a major factor
  3. I do like the extra few days for Pats game though. Hope they take advantage of it much as possible. Usually seemed it was always Pats getting the extra rest all the time when it happened. Nice to be other way around this time.
  4. I understand this is your prediction because obviously have a ways to go to get any idea what kind of QB he will be. But not sure what you basing your prediction off of? I don't see how you're comparing him to Baker either really.. Baker has had really good weapons to throw to, M. Jones while he has solid WR ect around him, not nearly the same talent Baker has had. Also I would argue that the Pats coaching staff are bringing him along very well, when the coaching for Baker imo hasn't been as good. So we'll see how it goes..
  5. Totally agree 100%. I don't see how they take him off the field. I assume McD said that to not give anything away, although on other hand it seems pretty obvious Breida will play so probably pointless anyway
  6. Hope they stick with the Brieda/ Singletary combo rest of the way. Like how they looked together and with the OL back in tact could have better success.
  7. Lol, must have really done something super special for a gift like that.
  8. Yup, that's right. But these particular ones claim they are "die hard for life, loyal like a german shepherd raised from a puppy". And would be 40+ yrs old, so should know if a fan since childhood. lol
  9. Lol, yeah this is true. I have experienced it with a few different "Pats fans". If they did name anyone before Brady it was Bledsoe, or C. Martin. Most of the time was Bledsoe though.
  10. That's awesome!!! I would hope it is authentic and whatnot. Did any kind of proof of authenticity come with it? I know in most cases people would want that. With that said, in the situation you explained how it happened doesn't seem like it wouldn't be authentic.
  11. Lol, was wondering if anyone was going to say, "another Pats thread" this time
  12. Yeah I remember 3 I think. May have been 2, not sure but was definitely more than 1.
  13. Yeah really....all that "soul food" and lots of sweet tea. Not many have the sweet tea up that way.
  14. Well yeah, I mean there are lard asses every where. Large portion of the country is considered obese. Just not sure why some single out Buffalo though.
  15. Lol, I have heard ppl say countless times over the years that Bills fans are mostly lard asses. Not sure why, I assume there are fans of every team that has a fair share of rub ah dub chubs. Also have heard a few times that Bills/Buffalo women are ugly/fat etc. However I can honestly say for a fact that I've seen a LOT of sexy women from there. So not sure where or why some ppl say this, but anyways...
  16. Lol agree. Seems like every "white out" game everything goes to ***** Could be wrong, but I honestly don't think Bills won any of those "white out" games.
  17. Not sure if I may have missed it or not, but any new developments on if Feliciano will practice? Thanks EDIT: N/m, just saw the thread about it. I seemed to have missed it. Lol sorry bout that
  18. Yeah he's pretty decent. He does seem to bite on the double move a little more than you'd want, but he's learning. Also he tackles well and that's a good thing. Anyways, he's getting his chance now for sure so hope he takes advantage of it.
  19. Yeah I can see that for sure. That makes the most sense. He was just replying to some random dude or fan anyway I think.
  20. Yeah @YoloinOhio confirmed for me. Kinda hard for me to see McD telling him he'd be inactive rest of season when anything can happen with 6 games left and could need him again.?? Not sure of any other reason why McK would say that unless McD told him that. Unless of course like yolo said he was just saying whatever..?
  21. Well guess that means both teams are going to test it out to see what they can get away with. Could see a lot of holding that won't be called this game. That's fine and dandy as long as they call the bad, obvious ones. Oh well, see how it goes...
  22. Lol ok. Yeah I thought that's what he said. Just seemed kinda weird he would say/assume that. I mean still a fair amount of games to play so was confused as to what made him think rest of the season when anything can happen resulting in him being back in the lineup. But anyways, yeah I'll go with what the majority decided with the tipsy and posting nonsense lol
  23. I was trying to remember what McK said in that post? Didn't he say he was going to be inactive rest of the year or something like that? Or did I misread?
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