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Patrick Duffy

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Everything posted by Patrick Duffy

  1. Agree WR will/should likely be priority, as for your comment about Gabe having full season of production.....his opportunities have been limited and when Sanders recently was out he got more time. With that said, he did very well with the increased opportunities and even better in the redzone which also started to improve the redzone offense some, just in case it slipped your mind. So your "Gabe not putting together a full season of production" statement is a little flawed....
  2. This is why you don't root for the Pats to beat the Colts other week 🤪
  3. Wonder how much worse for the Bills it would have to get before game getting postponed is even considered...
  4. Yeah need all we can get. Rather not try the Brown at LT again if possible.
  5. Don't worry, I don't apologize to ignorant people that choose to insult people that have any habits in their life and like a simpleton claims "dumbness" is the reasoning for those habits. I've seen you post really stupid stuff in the past but here you're going for the gold. Now here you try to change it and say "smoking" was dumb, when you clearly said people in general were dumb. Don't move those heavy goal post by yourself and make sure you get some help with it. Lift with your back...
  6. Actually, no I'm not, sounds like something someone "lacking intelligence" would say. There are professors all over that have a smoking habit. I'm a college grad who unfortunately picked up a bad habit. Certainly doesn't make me dumb. You're pretty ignorant with your statements. It's a bad habit people pick up for different reasons and it has nothing to do with being dumb or smart. If anyone is "dumb" here, you are definitely making a strong case with some of your recent post here. You got some soul searching to do bro. Good luck with it
  7. Doesn't make me or anyone dumb though. Plenty of dumb ppl that don't smoke too. You could be one of em. But people that have whatever habits happened for many different reasons. But that certainly doesn't make them dumb
  8. It's only the 2nd most contagious virus on the planet https://www.wkyc.com/article/news/health/coronavirus/omicron-variant-contagious-rate-university-hospitals-doctor/95-6c4cd1a7-a1f3-428a-9192-e50b7afd3cb5
  9. Yes but that's not what was said. See below in bold...maybe he didn't mean it that way, but it says people that are dumb, not the smoking.
  10. I don't know, but I would guess a lot. However that really has nothing to do with what I said, I'm asking why he thinks anyone that smokes is dumb?
  11. I smoke and it's a bad habit and tough to break, but I'm certainly not dumb. What makes you think people with that habit is dumb?
  12. You seemed serious here to me. But I'll give you the benefit of doubt. It seems like you are implying it wouldn't make any difference showing players that and be no more ready than they already are. Your "sarcasm" seems like a statement you meant, but anyways, I'll give it to ya
  13. Lol, you were not being sarcastic though and was seriously questioning it...I don't believe you....liar, liar, your tighty whities on fire!
  14. It's not half the starters though, that would be 26 and half players.
  15. Ah I see. Well I wouldn't say going all the way forward, but I'm confident in McKenzie taking over for Bease a couple games if needed...
  16. I literally just said the same exact thing to my wife...Only Tuesday, no telling how many more we may lose between now and weekend. But what ya gona do.....
  17. Some here were rooting for those Pats to win other day #NEVERFORGET
  18. Well 7 catches is because he rarely has been playing offense, which will change Sunday I expect.
  19. Yeah good point. That and as long as he gets through it ok is about the only silver lining. Hopefully he will be one of those with mild or no symptoms
  20. I'm not sure it does. Bills have decent WR depth, with Davis/ McKenzie. imo we should be fine
  21. Absolutely, it's known BB uses stuff like this with Pats players and this very Bills team has before also. You can't honestly say you have never seen coaches/teams use stuff like this?? Are you not aware?
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