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Patrick Duffy

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Everything posted by Patrick Duffy

  1. Was cool Bills didn't punt at all against the highly spoke of BB defense.
  2. I'm sure I will do that with someone if they win the Super Bowl. My emotions will be over the top so it will be very easy to take advantage of me. Please be gentle
  3. That's what they said the last 4 times Bills were next on the schedule to play them. And that hasn't been the case against Bills. I mean Bills drop 40-50 points on them. Lowest was 2nd game this season where Bills scored 28 ( I believe). For some reason Josh and Bills offense makes that Fins D not so excellent...lol
  4. Lol, well we all are wrong sometimes, but I for sure think you are definitely not in the ball park here simply if looking at Daboll clearly hasn't used him hardly at all the whole season compared to last season. Many including myself have questioned why. He's just been KR for most part while doing pretty well other than that fumble and only got back on offense when Bease was out. So highly doubt it's anything about scheme last 2 games...however I do hope his opportunities increase from here on out and into playoffs. He certainly earned it
  5. My fish is bigger than yours bro, since 2004 for me sadly. Not because I didn't want to that's for sure. Unfortunately it couldn't be helped but expecting to finally get back next season lord willing.
  6. Lol@ goes through for 20 yrs....why that long I wonder??? Maybe because they were spoiled for pretty much that same amount of years so they believe it's only destiny that Buffalo hits back for 20?? Lol Idk, maybe just exaggerating from frustration....In any event I definitely hope he's right and I live the next 20 yrs to see it
  7. Just to add, Davis while only getting those limited opportunities he has like 30 receptions (or close to it give or take) and 6 TD's. I'm not sure if there's much difference from last season and this one in the number of opportunities he's had, but he had 7 TDs last season. I think he at least gets that again or maybe gets 8 with the extra game assuming he plays. But would love to see what a whole season with him getting starter playing time would look like.
  8. Each game next Sunday will probably have some kind of ceremony for him.
  9. Hate to hear it...saw him other day talking with someone about that documentary and seemed happy and smiling. Can't talk history of NFL without Madden in it a big part forsure.
  10. Would be nice if it works out to where they are playing for last wildcard win and you're in.
  11. Well yeah Bease is going to have more catches since he's the starter and McK isn't on the field hardly at all when Bease is playing besides KR.. You can't get a lot of catches/stats when not playing. But yes obviously we can use both, I meant wanting to see more opportunities for McK.
  12. Agreed. Highly doubt Shea's would do that and risk all that headache if caught. And you're right, there have been a few things that made it clear he was vaccinated.
  13. Nah bro...I shooed her away. She wasn't good enough for you man. I mean other than the meth bumps on her face and a few teeth needing some work(which you've seen a lot of that)... but she got a nice ass though. But nah man, she wasn't worthy of the Teef
  14. See what had happened was, I stopped at a friend house Friday an there's usually about 5 others there. One of the chics was being nosy when I was on here. She saw couple of your post and said you were funny. So guess your humor or whatever made her curious....
  15. I can agree regarding his covid decision and whatnot... As for the ankle injury, that didn't come on until the playoffs (Colts) or may have been couple games before. All in all though he had a very good rookie season and did as good as one could hope with limited opportunities then as well. Not sure if he's having any issues with ankle this season or not, but either way you split it those few plays he does get, he can only do what he can and produce (which he 100% has done) with that limited chances. Maybe Sanders is not the only reason for the limited playing time, but Sanders is a good majority of that reason it seemed to me. I don't know about you, but when Sanders was out Gabe was on the field quite a bit more (as one would expect) and continues to make the most of it. So my main point is basically we don't know what a full season of production as a starter will be yet. But I certainly can't wait to see it because there's a good chance it's going to be very good. Hopefully next year he takes the starter job
  16. While that scenario is possible, it's a very slim possibility. A whole lot has to happen for this. imo even considering if (god forbid) Allen can't play against Jets, I feel good about Mitch playing well enough to beat Jets.
  17. Yup, they would be hating it if running him that much and he happens to go down similar to Tenn losing Henry. However him getting a lot of carries is likely what they have to do for best chance to win. Yeah that was while before the Saints though if I'm not mistaken? Did he say only for Colts? I thought it was a different team?
  18. Dude, don't ever speak of such sorrow, suicidal things.....Enough stress as it is lol
  19. Yeah for sure if looking at it that way. I took it as "originally drafted 1st round picks" from OP's title, in which case Diggs was a 5th round pick. But if talking about a 1st round pick being used in general via trade etc...then yes I agree since a 1st round pick was used to get Diggs
  20. Yeah don't see anything coming from it. He already turned down Saints (think it was) when they tried not long ago
  21. Yeah especially Allen's rookie season. Poor guy had one of the worst, if not the worst group of WR's in Bills history. Not to mention the awful OL to go with it. Any small amount of confidence that did exist going into that season vanished very quickly
  22. I agree with you. Although still a team I hope to avoid if possible in playoffs, I'm not as shaken as many others seem to be. Reason for me is if Bills do play them again, large majority of the time the 2nd game is much different than the 1st. I just don't think Bills let that happen if given another opportunity. I personally am hoping to avoid the Titans a little more than Colts with Henry back and Brown too by then
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