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Patrick Duffy

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Everything posted by Patrick Duffy

  1. I don't think they play any post season games on Monday nights. Just Saturday and Sunday
  2. Also kinda seemed like he didn't think ball was coming his way or maybe he thought ball was already thrown to somebody else. Agree wasn't bad, but was enough to make ball a little slippery. However I'd take that allday over a bad windy day
  3. Been a while since Bills won division 2 years in a row
  4. I thought that was reason for flag, but other poster says it was late hit. Anyways, doesn't matter either way
  5. I thought it was because Oliver hit Ryan helmet to helmet. Not because it was a late hit.??
  6. Lol you need to stop man...you prolly have a good ol time getting reactions from ppl. You know good and well you say lots of stuff that is either considered nonsense, off the rails, and some "wtf" statements that you know for fact will get a fired up response.... I personally don't care and majority of the time just smh and chuckle when you're reeling em in filling the cooler. But don't act like you're clueless as to why posters say some things they do. Lol, need to stop telling all them lies man.
  7. Not sure about that man. He's pretty good for sure, but "at worse just as good as Diggs"?? So in other words you're suggesting when not at his "worse" he's better than Diggs?? Would like to hear how you came to this conclusion...
  8. Exactly...was about to say it wouldn't make sense if it's true Arians wanted him in the game
  9. Yup, sure looks that way.. it really started with Steelers where he had the most success. I mean I would think if a franchise like Steelers can no longer put up with you, then that tells you (or should tell you) keep away from him. I'm really surprised how many chances he has gotten. I was 100% not on board when Beane attempted to sign him...desperately wanted to go a different route. Thankfully it worked out
  10. Yeah I agree...and I'm not saying he doesn't have mental issues....just saying imo it's more an a-hole, I'm going to do what I want, attention thing.
  11. Lol, if choosing between Fins and Pats on 1 making play offs, I'd rather the Fins for sure...but I felt confident enough to bet "all in" their winning streak would die with tenn
  12. Don't know who his ride was waiting out there, but if an uber or whatever I bet the driver was in for an interesting time
  13. Definitely agree... Only thing I would have liked to see less of is designed QB runs especially when the RB's are having lots of success.
  14. Kinda to be expected with conditions no?? Was no surprise to me, but it wasn't a "Lot" as you said though. Unless I missed some, I believe I only saw 3 or so drops?? I wouldn't consider that a "lot" by any means considering the conditions..
  15. Was nice to finally see. He can get some good yardage at times when a run play is called more than 5 times a game. I never did buy into the "Bills suck at or have no running game" talk. It definitely was never as bad as many thought or said it was imo. Any team that only runs the ball single digit attempts likely won't produce much on the ground
  16. Yeah I commented on this up thread...he didn't want to stick with McK when he fumbled though. Don't know if McK would have done better at KR or not today, but I was nervous each time Stevenson touched the ball. With the slippery conditions I suppose i would have been nervous with McK also though...
  17. Yeah you could tell Bease wasn't expecting it to come his way....Yeah the tipped INT, I agree and for sure believed he was going to/should have thrown that ball away
  18. I know some say he may have mental issues or whatever, I don't know for sure so I can't say if he does or not...But to me it's been he's just an a-hole and attention seeking, world revolves around me issue. But after this today I don't know for sure
  19. Looks like he runs into a waiting defender also to get "boom shocka locka-ed" with a big time hit
  20. Yeah tipped passes are going to happen sometimes...but that was one he should have thrown away imo.
  21. I loved it when Josh pump faked the defender out making him jump to block pass and Josh zipped on by for a 1st down lol He did have a really good day
  22. Agreed....not sure if it may have had anything to do with McK getting more snaps on offense or what...but I was definitely a little nervous each time Stevenson touched the ball lol
  23. Idk man, looked as if Josh was quite exceptional to me.... You hate to see INT's, but 1st was tipped and that happens. Only thing with 1st INT is I would have rather seen him throw that ball away. 2nd looked like miscommunication with Bease.. I was amazed Falcons CB made that catch. Great play by him. Anyways, Josh was cookin it up quite well passing and running...imo he was exceptional imo (as he usually is majority of time)
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