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Patrick Duffy

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Everything posted by Patrick Duffy

  1. My life really can't handle losing 1st round to the Pats.....
  2. 1st down and it's a wrap for the Bengals...
  3. Raiders got to get a 3 n out now since they only got 1 T.O. If not they cutting it close
  4. They coming off at game time. Just keeping it loose during warm-ups..
  5. Absolutely. You make it a 2 possession game with 6;45 left. Defense has done well enough keeping Raiders in check. I mean it's not even a question to take the fG at this stage.
  6. Agree. In no way he should be handling any KR's/PR's at all during playoffs. I was in need of oxygen every time he touched the ball returning kicks couple weeks ago. I'm also a little nervous with McK but not nearly as much as Stevenson
  7. Lol, I'd hope so. You would be crazy not to have him on the field after he killed Pats defense last time. That way Pats have no choice but to put more focus on him which is great for us. Can put him in motion, jet sweep etc and at times just use him as a decoy. Either way I bet Pats have adjusted their D plan around him at least to some degree.
  8. Oh ok lol. Usually in that case one would post, "I agree". Lol so that's why It was almost like you meant "when in doubt, go with gunner's thoughts "
  9. Yeah mo telling with his b.s. Will be last minute possible before anything definite...
  10. Yeah and will need to watch for some of those tricky type of runs they do sometimes also the screens. Probably will see a solid dose of different screens from them
  11. I certainly hope to see Bills run Defense do much better than what both these teams have this game so far
  12. Yeah was browsing wondering that myself... Haven't seen anything that he's out yet, unless I overlooked it
  13. Not sure if you mean that as the temp it is for now at 5p.m or at gametime, but if 7-8 degrees now it will drop some at night by kick off as it usually does. Good thing is the wind is calm and won't make it worse.
  14. Yeah there's definitely been some frustrating moments, however if he goes I don't see much of a decline on offense if any at all with his replacement. Just having a lot of talent/weapons and a QB like Allen, I think the chances are more likely offense may be even better or about the same than chances it declines.
  15. Lol, well it's on a different channel than Bengals/LV so can't happen anyway...
  16. 4 hrs and some change left to go. Maybe Bengals/Raiders game will be a good one so I'll be occupied and 8pm will get here before ya know it..
  17. Yes it is...one of those I wouldn't mind blowing up and putting on the wall. Least we have a clear day even though it's super cold. Least it won't be windy and wet to go with it. Will take that anytime.....
  18. Yeah pains me to think about it. Not sure about you, but for me it would be a much harder pill to swallow than any other due to it's the Pats. That would just be a rotten cherry on top of a sh-t sundae....
  19. Lol, he had a little more height than what I've normally seen out of the few I've watched. Executed his jump well and keep good control of his body which enabled him to land a pretty good elbow
  20. Lol, I remember seeing your boy and it's clear he means business when comes to Bills. He sees anything Pats his face instantly goes to the "children of the corn" look . So dude had to get outta there and wanted no part of it Haha
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