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Patrick Duffy

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Everything posted by Patrick Duffy

  1. I'd easily take that over the stretch of QBs us Bills fans watched for years lol
  2. I don't think if getting pressured or "rattled" the very 1st drive of the game would change their game plan at all. imo they will for sure mix it up to try an catch Bills D off guard. Still won't be a whole lot of passing from them, but I believe we see a bit more than last game. They will have to get more from him, I mean your chances to win in playoffs are very slim being one dimensional I don't think if getting pressured or "rattled" the very 1st drive of the game would change their game plan at all. imo they will for sure mix it up to try an catch Bills D off guard. Still won't be a whole lot of passing from them, but I believe we see a bit more than last game. They will have to get more from him, I mean your chances to win in playoffs are very slim being one dimensional I don't think if getting pressured or "rattled" the very 1st drive of the game would change their game plan at all. imo they will for sure mix it up to try an catch Bills D off guard. Still won't be a whole lot of passing from them, but I believe we see a bit more than last game. They will have to get more from him, I mean your chances to win in playoffs are very slim being one dimensional
  3. I would love if Mitch stayed around for another year. I know that likely won't happen. No way to have an idea who will replace him til later on
  4. He will pass more than last game he against Bills. Also, someone mentioned upthread that as of now, winds look to be calm. If that's the case, imo he could have anywhere from 15-25 attempts possibly. They know Bills will be ready for run game. Majority of how ever many attempts he does get will likely be P/A. But he's going to have to throw more in playoff game
  5. I wasn't sure, but even then I believe Saints will still likely do what it takes to keep him at least for another year.
  6. I think they likely keep Winston a little longer. He played pretty well before injury and with him already familiar with offense it's hard to see Mitch going there. If he goes I think it could be Steelers, Broncos, WFT, or somewhere like that?
  7. Lol, here is one of those "wtf he gettin this idea from" type post that was mentioned couple weeks ago.... LOL....You know good-n-well it's crystal clear who Allen is and what he brings to the table. Also LOL @ "if 2020 was peak of his career". You can put better bait out than this one, although I know you will reel a few in here but anyways....
  8. Not sure if I'd call it underrated, but was a great trade to position themselves as best as possible since they were going QB. I'm just glad they went Allen instead "wrong Josh"
  9. Yeah I believe that's the reason it doesn't mean much for you. If you came along some years earlier I assure you the thought would make your stomach turn rooting for a division rival to win. I still can't make sense of it, but I do see the reasoning somewhat better.... As for "just getting in the dance and 2 or 7 seed mattered less to you", that's where I 100% disagree. And I'm sure as you're aware, you're definitely in the minority having that process. If the division is wide open for grabs along with your own destiny and getting a home playoff game is without question better than just slipping in. Anyways, as I said I was just curious and I will move on now lol
  10. Well that's kind of what I'm getting at. No clue how things would have turned out, if Pats had won it could have changed momentum and winning the games they lost. Not knowing what and how much would have changed....you stand by what you said and rather wanting Pat win vs Colts and Bills not having control of their own destiny winning division and getting home game thus putting Bills at 6th or 7th seed IF still making it in?? Well I was just curious because I can't wrap my head around it at all. I noticed in another thread you stated your fandom began around 2002? Not sure but if that is correct, then that may be a reason why it's not that much of an issue to you. See years upon years ago a good while before 2002 when your interest began, Bills and Division rivalry was a very serious thing that rose to the point of hatred, especially with Fins in those days, more serious that the Brady era. Lol, some would try and pick a fight with you if anyone said they rooted for a division rival. Lol,
  11. That's good news. Hope it stays that way as we move closer....
  12. Yeah for sure going to have to use those hand warmers lot more often if that cold. May see some with gloves that don't normally wear them
  13. Eager to see any difference this playoff team shows after the emotion felt from the KC loss and overall experience they gained from last post season.
  14. Yeah pretty much at this point he should just google all rituals to stop a jinx and spend the rest of the day with it
  15. I think they will be ok long as the wind is 20mph or less
  16. I can't compare him to anyone really. Some similar maybe, but as far as comparing the way Allen runs and makes plays with his legs only, I can't recall many QB's that moves like he does, can cut quick making a defender look silly, and last but not least, he will hurdle and defender making it look easy. I just can't compare to any other QB. Even Cam in his days didn't hurdle multiple players on multiple occasions and clearing it untouched lol Passing though I could compare with Elway some
  17. I don't know about a high amount, but he very well could get in the rotation considering he knows how things are done, other than maybe some of those small change ups.
  18. Well I'm fine with it. He's knows everything already so could turn out good
  19. Well it was a first for me, that's fur sure. The one and only single time to root for a division rival is when that rival HAS to win last game for your team to make playoffs. I mean I may be old school, but it's as natural as breathing to me lol
  20. Exactly 100%....I honestly could not believe it when reading those post that day. It's just unheard of lol. It was definitely a 1st for me seeing that
  21. He may not go anywhere that doesn't have a QB in place. With his scheme he has to have a established QB, and not just a game manager type QB. So depending how things are with teams QB situation wanting to interview him may play a big part. If he doesn't like what he sees, it wouldn't surprise me if he stayed with Bills another year (which would make some happy and some unhappy) Some think Mitch may go with him and that could happen, but may not work out that way and Mitch has other plans.
  22. Agree, I never did either. I'm not sure how long Wentz was signed for and no clue where Mitch will go..but I do think he will be the starting QB wherever he goes, unless of course he stays (which I doubt).
  23. I have to know....for those here that wanted Pats to beat Colts a few weeks back (mind boggling)....looking back do feel any different?? I have not at all forgot about those wanting this. Matter of fact it has literally popped in my mind each and every single day at least once since that day. Probably because it is the 1st time I ever heard of/seen a Bills fan root for a division rival (not just the Pats). Just curious if those posters feel any different? @GunnerBill
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