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Patrick Duffy

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Everything posted by Patrick Duffy

  1. I think chances are more likely than not that Allen will have some sort of input in that. I feel like they would at least talk to him or see what he thinks. Anyways, as for learning new offenses, it happens to pretty much all players at some point. Josh seems pretty smart, if /when he has to learn new info, I'm confident he'd be just fine
  2. It would be cool if Peyton Manning ever decides to take a crack at being an OC. I think he would do great!
  3. Thanks, I posted below in regards to him being only one spoke about contract negotiations currently
  4. Yeah I wouldn't put much stock into this just yet with him being the lone wolf saying that lol. It's clearly possible, but will wait to see if anyone else reports it
  5. Yeah one would think. Never know what's on the mind of ppl though. Maybe the bigger payday is more important, who knows...
  6. ok, I didn't see that yet. He the only one saying that? Haven't seen any other reporters saying that yet. Unless I missed that too...
  7. Really? Where you see that part at? I saw something about Daboll may want him, but nothing about "maybe already out the door"
  8. Thought there was something about he could be announcer or something? But yeah, he will be a HC anywhere he went
  9. Yeah it's like their maybe basing a bit too much into Super Bowl wins. imo Josh and PM are neck-n-neck. Anything PM can do Josh can do and has done. Just can't see any other way but them at #1 and #2
  10. Well, guess it won't be long now that we will hear what happens with Dorsey
  11. He is fine when the OL blocks decent and he gets more than 5 or so touches a game. I mean we saw the difference last 5 or 6 weeks of the season. Once they got the OL right he started getting chunks at times. From then on Daboll finally gave him a few more opportunities. His attempts didn't go up a whole lot, but definitely got more than usual. With all that said.....I do think they still need another RB that's a little speedy and reliable hands because I'm not sure about Moss and Breida obviously isn't it.
  12. Well congrats to him and a big thanks for his time with Bills, but I can honestly say I'm excited to see what the next OC can do with this Offense and the amount of talent it has.
  13. Lol, I know right..speaking for myself I'm not worried very much. I mean some OC's can be a little better than others, but OC would have to be awful if they can't be successful with Josh at QB and the talent around him,
  14. For sure....definitely is and has been Reid. It's Reid's offense and the OC makes his adjustments/tweaks of whatever you want to call it.
  15. He may have been by some, but there were some that didn't it seemed. I just recall seeing something along the lines of he had trouble learning the offense or was slow learning it, something like that. Think I remember something about he and Brady were not on the same page many times too. And was other stuff like he would never be like he was with Bengals because he struggled to learn new systems...something along those lines. Anyways, obviously I don't know for sure, just a little something I remember
  16. Wonder if he'll run the ball there lol QB designed runs coming your way D. Jones 😁
  17. I don't know much about him, but the "tired of ex Panther players" will start back up lol
  18. I'm in the same boat regarding Bass and whatnot...I have a hard time seeing how other ST players knew but not Bass.
  19. Lol, remember when he tried the Chad Johnson"ochocinco" experiment? It was said he wasn't the brightest crayon in the box. Whatever the case, he didn't hang around long that's for sure.
  20. I really hope to see them get another CB opposite of Tre. One of the better ones if available somehow, or an up and coming one. Drafting one is fine, but I'd prefer one via trade or F/A if at all possible. Wallace is decent, but we need better. I haven't looked at any F/A CB list or possible trade targets or anything yet, so just spit balling here
  21. Lol, yeah it does seem to be quite a few of these, "13 seconds/coaches blew it etc" type threads.
  22. I'm sure they are aware they blew it, main thing now moving forward is learning from it.
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