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Patrick Duffy

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Everything posted by Patrick Duffy

  1. Guess the Josh McCown interview didn't go as well as expected
  2. Yup, imo that's about the only thing it could be, if anything at all.
  3. Are you the same "ieatcrayonz" poster and just changed your name or whatever? Just wondering because I went to first 1-5 pages from 2011 and the "ieatcrayonz" posted same things as you and both say Indiana. Lol, crayonz posted a lot of "any updates on this" and also lots of "math" posts. Not trying to be an ass or anything so hope you don't take it that way, was just curious because the post are basically identical. Posting the same responses from 2011-2022, it seems this is and has been something that you have an overwhelming amount of investment in.
  4. That what you are thinking Giants would want for him? A 4th?
  5. Don't know what the reason may be or if it means anything at all, but if he does happen to go play baseball or whatever, Cards fans would be like....
  6. Be thankful it was just an evening for you. For me, was not only my evening, was also my night and majority of the following day lol
  7. Yeah I don't ***** with pizza hut anymore man. I may as well sit on toilet as I eat it
  8. Also never know what Giants asking price would be. But yeah, if so his health will definitely play a factor for any team negotiating with them
  9. Lol yeah really, real head scratcher there. I can see as a QB coach to help with Mills or something, but I don't get it as HC.
  10. Thanks, just something that can rattle ya a little. I just hope person was lucky enough to see their family again
  11. Yeah he doesn't really look the part that's for sure. Interested to see how he handles it
  12. Lol, looks like they had a good time being against each other. Got a chuckle out of our Diggs pointing at his bro falling down as he runs into the EZ. During that draft I was hoping Bills would have grabbed little bro.
  13. Yeah man exactly. And being right in front of me was that much louder. I don't know if that person lived through that or not because all of us that was at intersection couldn't get all the way down to spot that the truck and what was left of the car finally came to a rest. But many people that were that far down had also immediately gotten out, so if anything could have been done there were many ppl there to assist. To my surprise it didn't take long at all for emergency personal to arrive. At least it didn't seem like it, was so much going on it seemed quick anyway
  14. Maybe, when he's on the field or healthy enough. Seems like he's been injured a bit and not sure if any of the injuries could affect his play.
  15. I don't do much cereal, but back when I did it was Frosted Flakes that was always my favorite with Captain Crunch Berries 2nd.
  16. Myself and others got out and wanted to check but the area and intersection is one of those you can't really walk due to traffic. Also the truck took the car a rather good ways down the highway so was kinda hard getting to area they finally stopped. But no, I didn't "just drive away" for ***** sake...Many of us gave statements and they got my dash cam footage Was about the only thing I could do really.....
  17. I have had 3 total that I will always remember, 2 being years and years ago, however I'm just going to share the most recent one which was today.... Was at stop light and was 1 car in front of my in my lane. Well, as light turns green and start to move one of those big dually work truck types was hauling ass running red light and T-bones the lone car that was in front of me by only 2 car lengths or so. I mean straight up wiping the car off the map, was like it vanished. Was so incredibly loud and so bad I was in shock. Have witnessed and came across many wrecks in my day, but this was above and beyond the worst, scariest, and up close and personal I have ever seen. Was like the car just disintegrated and if the person or person(s) somehow made it through that I would be utterly amazed. I'm not one of those that's super religious all the time, but I most certainly have been saying some prayers for the ones in that car today and thanking God it wasn't a mere second or 2 later because that's all it would have took for me to be in that spot the car was when taking that hit. Anyway, my nerves are still kinda all over the place and if anyone has their own story please share if you'd like.
  18. True, but chance of success for them are much greater with a top QB. Allen is certainly that and also with the talent around him makes chances even better. I'd say the new OC's probability of success is very much greater than not with this offensive roster.
  19. I just know that soon someone will post, "If you hate the site right now then leave". It is inevitable....
  20. Lol, won't be long there will be a new thread with title reading, " It's Saturday and 1 day from a whole week and I'm still hurting"
  21. Who knows, could be bigger pay day might be more important. We'll see soon enough
  22. If he draws up the plays in that particular playbook it would be his property right? Or could be considered the teams property since done while employed...my guess is it would be the teams. But good question, not really sure
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