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Patrick Duffy

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Everything posted by Patrick Duffy

  1. And he probably selected those 2 particular ladies out of a cluster of many that were all sexy and got his 2 favorite lol
  2. Lol, I know you're being sarcastic, but that would be a majority of the country to look down upon LOL
  3. Exactly....that's my point, so I just don't see how one says and believes that any "math" proves anything at all about something we don't know squat about. You see what I'm saying? Lol, I know we are in agreement from reading your post. I just think it's silly when anyone says proof is there when it's impossible to get proof of anything out of something that nobody knows nothing about
  4. Ahhh yes, oh how I miss those days long ago when I could not only handle 2 ladies, but also satisfy them both. Now days I would do nothing but embarrass myself. Good thing the wife and I have been together for so long that she doesn't expect much from me now LOL.
  5. Lol, maybe the "hangover and forgot what happened" look.
  6. Hate to wonder if doing it due to the video of him
  7. That's for sure, we don't know nothing at that point, although that's a different cup of worms but I get it and agree. However, I was only talking about in a scenario where "if he did only hop down and ask if she was okay" and nothing more. Sorry for the confusion...
  8. I'm not sure what Devin's numbers are and don't feel like looking up, but I wouldn't think he is over paid or anything. I definitely agree with you about another RB being added. I just don't have much confidence in Moss, maybe it's just me, or maybe just need to see how he does with new OL coach/Dorsey. Either way I'd still bring another RB to compete with him
  9. Yeah that's true, pretty much can sue anyone for anything unfortunately...with that said though, it's really hard for me to see him being sued for simply asking her if she's okay. I mean he didn't make her fall and in this scenario he would not even lay a finger on her. Just simply hopping down there and ask her if she's hurt or not.
  10. Yeah really...Lol was wondering why the lawsuit talk came about....
  11. Unfortunately each and everything has gone up and likely will continue, which means you also have to go up. The buyers should understand one would think
  12. I would say Ford way before Devin or Edmunds and actually wouldn't include Devin. He did what well once he finally got more opportunities the blocking finally improved. But Ford for sure, I can see why you said Edmunds though,
  13. Lol, but seriously though....when determining "formulas" etc, things like that are known, or can be known. Like how large something is, or how large it can be built or all that whatnot stuff etc. Lol, I'm trying to word this the best I can so sorry if frustrating you in any way... But I mean, how can math prove anything 100% when there's an unimaginable amount that is and will likely always be unknown?
  14. Lol, well if I had enough money that I could afford losing either way, then I would place a bet on Bills too. I feel like next season is our season. Much better feeling than I had last year and I said same thing then. But just something a little different about this next season
  15. Lol, can't argue with ya at all here...Just for sh ts and giggles, I was always one of those ppl that wondered how can one really be confident in the "math talk" with something in which is beyond the imagination of how large or how far it goes and continuing to expand, also unknown number of galaxies etc? In other words, how can one attribute math to something which nothing is known about?
  16. I feel like we will see much less QB designed runs for Allen next season with Dorsey and Kromer, or least I hope so anyways. Probably will still sneak a couple in here and there if they feel the need, but I'm excited to see the run game/RB's continue where they left off and be even better.
  17. I wouldn't go quite that far as to say "dysfunctional". They did kinda pull it together shortly after the Gruden stuff etc. But I do agree Carr could use some better players around him. Interested to see how J. McD will do this time with a 2nd chance at HC.
  18. Lol, blame anyone BUT P. Mahomes because his veins are filled with perfection!
  19. Yeah that's kinda how it came off to me also. In any case I'm not going to speculate because I don't know what went on after the video stopped. Maybe he came back? Or maybe he went on doing what he was doing. I'd like to think he came back considering his wife was helping.?
  20. Lol, yeah I don't think that's the case. Injuries are something he should be used to in his profession,. Anyways, speaking for myself, if a person has an accident while I'm right there close by or in front of me I have/will always try to help if I can. At least check to see if they are okay... guess it's just an "instinct" kinda thing
  21. 100% agreed!! Absolutely right that people would travel from all over. I will be one of them for sure. Haven't made the 13hr ride in over 10 yrs due to hip/knee issues, but as the wife has known from day one, when that day arrives I will tough it out and be there for a Championship celebration parade. I will definitely be in pain and even more afterwards, but it will be worth every bit of it.
  22. Agree. I don't think so either. 100% all business and party after victory
  23. Lol, well we all have a flaw of some sort, but in any case, you will never see Josh in an "B. Mayfield" type image etc.
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