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Patrick Duffy

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Everything posted by Patrick Duffy

  1. I think Landry may be better at blocking, but yeah I agree, if could choose I'd pick the one that's familiar with everything Agree, no argument from me there
  2. I'm not saying they can't find better whether it be the draft of F/A. I'm simply saying he isn't a terrible WR like you were making him out to be. No idea what Bills decide to do, but if they did happen to somehow sign him I wouldn't hate it
  3. He may be considered a POS to some still not over that hit, with a hard pass from you isn't anything I was responding to you about. If that's your opinion that fine. I only quoted you in regard to your statement that he doesn't get YAC and showed that he does in fact have YAC ability.
  4. I don't think anyone is saying they don't need to get better in certain areas, clearly they do. They have started addressing it today with an upgrade at G. A short term upgrade, but an upgrade. It's not like they only have the first day of F/A to address other areas.
  5. Lol, seems as if some had expectations today that were a bit high along with perfection... So much anger that isn't warranted
  6. We will never know, but I believe they would have won against Bengals in OP for sure. Maybe struggle with Rams, but don't think would struggle enough to keep them from winning.
  7. I agree there's been a couple contracts that were questionable. There's been some good ones also. Nobody is perfect, it happens all the time. In any event this team is one of the best in the league and a Super Bowl favorite. Just because they haven't signed certain players you may want the first hours of F/A doesn't change that.
  8. It makes you wonder if that's the case that something is lined up for most part because he has not been mentioned at all with any team today to my knowledge. With him considered a pretty popular name available it's a little surprising I haven't heard him mentioned yet
  9. Disagree, he has 274 in 2018 436 in 2019 341 in 2020 and 273 last season on a Browns team that had a bad year in passing game where Baker was complained about a bit. https://www.pro-football-reference.com/players/L/LandJa00.htm#all_detailed_receiving_and_rushing So he most certainly has YAC ability
  10. The AFCCG loss the interior OL was definitely a good part of reason that game was lost. I clearly recall KC blowing through on a consistent basis making Allen's day a very miserable one. The recent playoff loss couple months ago was obviously coaches doing as I'm sure you're aware has been discussed more than enough. I agree with you they need to somehow work numbers etc out to get a solid player in a position of need that can possibly get them where they need to be. But it's well known the cap situation and certain things have to be adjusted to make moves for any impact type player and that could take a more than the 1st few hours of day 1 of F/A.
  11. I don't think anything was said about taking less money, at least I don't think. It was said a player reached out to Bills wanting to play for a contender and that was about it. Nothing about possibility of taking less money, at least I didn't see that. But I agree with your post, just don't think the money aspect was ever mentioned. I think some maybe just assumed the player reaching out and wanting to sign with a contender possibly assumed they would take less money to play for a contender? Which it's certainly possible a player would take less in this situation, I'm not saying they wouldn't by any means. Just saying to my knowledge it hasn't been anything mentioned about it
  12. With Jones considered to be one of the popular names, I'm kinda wondering the reason he hasn't been mentioned yet today so far of any news about him (unless I missed something)
  13. He has certainly made a name for himself it seems, but he falls off the map against Diggs for some reason lol. Although Diggs makes most CB's look silly....some a little more than others. But Jackson has had the hardest time with Diggs a bit more than other CB's that are hyped like that.
  14. Well guess Bills only have expressed a little amount of interest lol
  15. I'm not arguing that part. Just simply saying Saffold is definitely an upgrade there. Just because they haven't signed Chandler Jones or Gronk, Kirk etc does not mean Saffold is not an upgrade.
  16. Yeah I get all that, I just think it wouldn't be a problem at all getting better than he and Sweeney imo
  17. Saffold is for sure an upgrade at the position and 34 he's got a few years left, especially looking at the shape he is keeping himself in. I don't see how one can argue he is definitely a short term upgrade at the position
  18. Not so sure about that. Many will argue he isn't starter material at this point. Although better than Sweeney, however that's not saying much since it only takes an average TE to be better imo
  19. Lol, yeah I can see how it seems that way for some when seeing the "Bills interested in C. Jones and Gronk" threads for about a week now and some getting excited. I guess after seeing those reports last few days some may have expected some action early within the 1st couple hours.
  20. Well it's only been like 2 hours since it started. They will all likely have a long, busy night.
  21. Star CB they say, not so much when against Bills across from Diggs. He might be happy getting away from Diggs lol
  22. Well, probably less likely D. Williams resigns now since Saffold may fill that position. Never can tell though, any positions easily can shuffle during TC
  23. Maybe at times many of us are just having fun or giving ppl a hard time in a harmless manner, it might can be helpful if we can add a "Lol" ending the particular statement sometimes that one might take personal...Lol, I know I've done it a few times myself when joking or giving someone a hard time and received an angry, insulting response. Unless of course the sole purpose is intentionally getting one angry for entertainment lol. And I will admit that can be fun at times when doing it to certain posters that are the type to basically deserve it. I also tell it like it is as you say, or at least tell it like it appears or as we think it is anyway. Most times I try to be clear I'm not intending to be an ass. Although as I said, there are a few posters I don't and purposely try to get their feathers ruffled for a good chuckle. Anyways, whatever the case, I guess you pretty much know what I mean. lol
  24. He likely won't be the only F/A Jags will overpay. Seems they think the young QB will make a huge leap if they get better weapons.
  25. For the F/A's that are a bit more of an impact type player than others it will come down to if they are serious about wanting to sign with a contender and willing to take a certain ,yet reasonable amount less for a chance at Super Bowl or not.
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