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Patrick Duffy

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Everything posted by Patrick Duffy

  1. Yes, I bolded it because I was pointing out the way you worded it sounded like you meant as fact. No big deal either way.....
  2. I guess you didn't intend to, but below you said in bold, "70-80% will go for 2 as 2nd team-knowing that".... I'm sure some will at times, but I don't think any where close to that number. I think more times than not they will try XP
  3. Lol, yeah don't want to pull a Matt Hasselbeck and end up looking silly
  4. I think it would still depend on circumstances, but I do more times than not with Allen and this offense for sure
  5. This is a situation I can certainly see a reason to defer. When a game is like BUF/KC was against Pat.M. Other than him I don't see another opponent that can go toe to toe like that against Bills offense.
  6. Correct, one of the reasons I would take ball if winning coin flip in OT. I don't see many teams stopping Josh and Bills offense from getting into FG range. Also with a K like Bass gives an advantage for sure.
  7. I don't think they would. Far from it actually, also not sure why you're stating these percentages as a fact. I mean we don't know since obviously it's a new rule. Some will probably go for 2 when a situation presents itself. I just think the percentage of kicking XP will be higher than going for 2.
  8. I'm confused with your post..if I misread I apologize. But why would you hope their D can prevent a FG if that's all you would need to win?
  9. As I said,it would depend on the team and game flow situations when making the choice. Against Mahomes or any game like we recently saw with KC/BUF where neither D can stop the other, I can agree you may want to consider defer. However if an opponent where your D has had some success against I take ball
  10. I mentioned something about that... In a huge game like that I don't know how many would go for 2. As I stated though, it would depend on the team and situation. If said team doesn't have confidence in their K that would be a factor in going for 2. Or if a bad weather/wind type game we saw this past season would be a case you go for 2. Otherwise imo I think most coaches would kick the XP more than going for 2
  11. Agree. I can see the advantage both ways. Depends on the situation I agree. Definitely the KC game no question you take the ball. That way you pout their D right back on the field with little rest
  12. I'd take ball with Allen and this offense knowing it's likely they score. If other team matches all you need is a FG. As for the 2pt conversion, I'm not sure many coaches attempt it in a high stakes playoff situation. Guess it would depend which team it is and the confidence level. In any event I always take ball in OT
  13. I've seen a lot that believes OL/OT is their biggest need. We are talking about Jags correct? Wanted to make sure we talking about same team here lol. Anyways, that's your opinion or assessment of their biggest need, or right pick. They may think differently.
  14. Lol, yeah really....I've had many say to me, "if not for the OT rule yall would have won". Although I believe most of us know that wasn't the case
  15. Not necessarily.....depends which way Lions management feel is best way to approach improving what areas they feel is most important. Could be couple different positions that may be the "right pick"
  16. Keep playing....if tied end of OT then I assume goes into 2nd OT with 1st score being winner
  17. Maybe, but with the AFC stacked like it is it's a solid chance we could see more Bills/K.C type games
  18. Even if something like that were to happen, I think the owners would still be who selected a replacement and what's the chances a minority is picked in that situation
  19. Agree, Can certainly see Jags going OT also. They got better at WR in F/A and landed Scherff at G, so easy to see why OT would be the pick
  20. Yeah, I'm not sure how popular the QB class is this year, with how it went with Goff at QB I'm curious how they play this. If they try and just improve around him or if they take a QB
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