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Patrick Duffy

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Everything posted by Patrick Duffy

  1. I wouldn't count on that just yet lol. Didn't impress much last season, but as a rookie it's expected to have bumps in the road. Great speed obviously, but he has quite a ways to go to prove to be a break out star.
  2. Actually I spoke about that earlier in the thread and a few responded, so not all of them are absent lol. Anyways, they were assuming Diggs would want T. Hill type of contract/money which gave the feeling he would get traded. I for one wasn't concerned the slightest. I have been highly confident the whole time Diggs would get taken care of at some point. No way he would get traded and thought didn't enter my mind. But for some reason some here thought Diggs would demand that type of T. Hill contract and nothing less I guess.. Lol
  3. The wait is never a long one. Josh spreads the ball around quite well giving everyone opportunities. So imo there is plenty to go around for all the lions to eat
  4. It's possible considering how talented and deep this years WR class is. Everything will depend on how things go. If a lot of WR's start to come off the board faster than expected then they may go WR before TE. Either way, as of now if nothing changes between now and draft day then it's shaping up to look like 1st two picks may be CB and WR.
  5. You think there's a chance they switch it up this draft and go offense with 1st pick?
  6. Lol, I don't know man....in that case we would have picked the wrong Josh. There have been a few times fans did get it right though
  7. Yeah man....I don't watch it very often, just 3 times a week or so. But yeah, I have noticed Mr. Herpe poking his face out on her upper lip on 3 different occasions the past 2 years or so for sure. I have been itching to say something about it all this time in one of the Kay Adams threads/discussing the show and she's brought up over that time period lol. But didn't ever do it. I mean you really can't miss it when it's one of those days because it's obvious. Especially for those drooling over her and all that, you know they are looking close enough to notice it LOL
  8. Even though they said they were not going to trade him you obviously wouldn't put much stock into it since lots of times a team says one thing then does opposite before you know it. I just think if they do happen to counter or explore trading him the asking price will be way too much and no team ends up doing it.
  9. Yeah I agree you wait and see with Knox. I do agree with @DrDawkinstein he did a hell of a job last season. Made one of the biggest improvements anyone could hope for and did play like a top TE. My thing is I just want to see that level of play will roll over to this upcoming season. Basically would hope to see consistency and not end up being one of those 1 season and drop off typethings
  10. Yeah, it was pointed out to me that was likely the case. Makes sense, I just wasn't thinking of it along those lines at the time
  11. Hmmmm, well I haven't heard anything about that, although I don't come across many Hawks fans. The couple I do speak to here and there have never mentioned anything like that. Anyways, I remember when some fans would say the same thing about a Bills player sometimes.... I don't know for sure either way, could be just some frustrated fans saying anything
  12. Oh for sure....will be the 1st time game against them since leaving for Bills. Big game for him written all over here.
  13. If Hawks did happen to counter for some reason it would be much more than what you suggested imo. I believe it would be at least 2 first rounders this draft and next years along with a 2nd round or 3rd round pick. Maybe more than that. As for QB, I don't know but this QB class isn't very impressive as many have said. I haven't heard anything regarding him "taking plays off" or whatnot myself. I doubt that he has. In any case, he won't be coming here either way if you want him or not lol
  14. Ah ok...I can see it being meant that way. Taking a little jab at those that started that nonsense.
  15. even if sarcastic it was a bad attempt. Been a right good while since that was proven to be nonsense lol
  16. Yeah, wonder what made him decide to use that word? He has certainly proved otherwise, but anyways
  17. Yup fully agree. I know you can never tell for sure with Beane, but really hard for me to see that happen. If he does throw a curve ball it would probably be just a few spots and nothing big. Like maybe moving from 25 to 17-20 range I would guess.
  18. I know this is directed to another poster.... but I would say not yet there. Certainly could be top 5 at some point or even better possibly. imo I'd like to see more than just 1 season of improvement. Was much improvement definitely, but I would hope to see it consistently.
  19. Bro, I'm 100% with you lol. She's cute and all, but I likes my ladies thick and juicy. Every dog likes meat on his bone..
  20. Exactly. That's what I was saying....going to take much more than just 10th overall pick. My guess is it would take a 1st round this year and next years 1st rounder along with a 2nd or 3rd. That may not even be enough lol
  21. Doubt they even trade him at all, but if they do happen to explore it I would guess it would take two 1st round picks along with a 3rd or 4th.
  22. Once in a while she will have a "cold sore" or herpe flare up at upper lip if you have ever noticed...possible evidence... Lol, ok I'm going to give that subject a break. Too many Kay Adams lovers here and may draw out some anger
  23. Yeah, also remember some times he impressed with his speed and would run someone down making a play when it looked as if offensive player was going to gain a chunk of yards. Hope to see a big jump this 3rd season from him
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