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Patrick Duffy

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Everything posted by Patrick Duffy

  1. Really means much of anything though. All the ranks are different, one may have a player ranked much higher than another. Anyways, I will say I do feel better about Boogie than I did when Kelsay came along lol I don't know. Probably about the same at this particular point
  2. Lol, looked hard for him without Miller too, Lol, he will have to let go of it quicker when trying those deep shots. Or Hill going to out run his arm a lo
  3. I don't know for sure either, but seems like I recall he got injured too? I may be mistaken
  4. Maybe he just started his warm up lol. I don't know, but looked like on the throw he gave the "stink face". You know that face when you are attempting to put your strength into it. When you puttin dat mmmmmppppppffffffff in it
  5. Lol, almost kinda looks like Hill may have came to a complete stop
  6. Agree. I remember another game he made an impressive play with his speed and ran the play down stopping what should have been a big gain.
  7. Lol, you really wonder if he has "value" in a trade? Lol, I have to question what exactly do you consider value??
  8. Going to see quite a bit of INTs under throwing T. Hill like that. Which is fine by me.
  9. Ahh yeah, I remember prophet for sure. I do recall the other name now that you clarified a bit lol. Many fascinating ppl lol
  10. Sounds familiar, but doesn't stick out to me at the moment. There's about 5 or 6 from back then that are hard to forget lol. Thrasher77's molten hot lava anger really sticks out LOL
  11. Yeah agree...will be interesting to see how it plays out. Although AJE showed a flash or 2 here and there last season he clearly still needs some work. Some seem to have lost some confidence in AJE, but hopefully 3rd season's a charm for him. If he doesn't pick up the pace Boogie might end up making it an easy decision
  12. Well still could combined with Miller. I would guess that's part of reason they decided to move on from Hughes because of confidence in the younger players.
  13. Lol, you remember back a few years before he retired some posters complained about DE's were white guys and wanted black DE's (Bills message board).
  14. Hmmmmm, I mean Dorsey would have to really, really do awful and I can't see that. With the weapons on this offense he has everything anyone could ask for to be successful.
  15. Lol, I know right...sad thing is many ppl get paid for much worse
  16. Fully agree. This is pretty much best way to describe it
  17. I will take a guess there's more that didn't remember or didn't know than there is that did remember/knew lol
  18. Ah ok, I got ya. Yeah Bills definitely aren't going to rush him. No reason to anyway being start of season. Anyones guess if he is ready week 1 or not, however I'd guess my odds would be higher than yours. According to what I understand, wasn't long ago (month or 2 maybe) I saw that his recovery has/is been fast and with how much hard work he's putting in it along with Bills top notch facility that he could be ready by then. Anyway, it's just one of those wait an see deals...
  19. Where you see those odds again? Maybe a typo, but you said "d put the odds of Tre ready opening day at 5%".... Who is this "d" you speak of that came up with those odds? Not at all trying to be an ass or anything, seriously curious because I haven't heard anything like that.
  20. Yeah me too. The comments I've came across have all been positive, even from a couple Fins fans and few Pats. 9 times out of 10 it's either , "Allen is amazing!!", "took long time but you finally got a QB worth that wait", and "he's 100% going to get Bills a SB win, more than 1" Lol, Fins fan only said, "I'd appreciate it if for just 1 time Josh Allen would stop beating our ass" lol
  21. Not sure he starts out like Tre did back then, but I can honestly say this is the team that gives him the best chance to have a start like that if he's going to do it. This staff has definitely proved they know they're ***** when it's comes to CBs. I don't carry the slightest bit of concern they won't get the best out of this kid.
  22. I get what you're saying, but is there really much else left to discuss about this topic? I mean Bills didn't get him, he got picked in 2nd round like most predicted and seems everything else has been discussed that one can think of lol? I'm curious what is left? Just predictions on how he does on the Jets? Not much left to know until he gets some action on the field.
  23. Yeah have to do better especially when in those crucial situations.... As for statement I put in bold, I'm optimistic they can because he has been more aggressive than in the past. Wasn't long ago many complained he wasn't aggressive in certain situations, for example many times on 4th down he kicked it away and should have went for it. Now recently he doesn't hesitate and keeps the Offense on the field much more. So guess I'm just saying that at least he has improved in being aggressive so hopefully better decisions are made going forward,
  24. Whaaa? Bass is clutch and has been. That's an unusual choice
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