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Patrick Duffy

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Everything posted by Patrick Duffy

  1. The man doesn't do anything except make plays... There's absolutely nothing at all that would make me think this won't continue. I'm confident he will only make more plays with more opportunities now.
  2. Yeah I was wondering this. So they are starting Peters? I didn't know if he was starting or signed for depth. I don't know they're roster circumstances but there's something that they have enough concern about that made them decide to sign Peters.
  3. Few pounds of what, white hots? Or stork ankles?
  4. Yeah also as we all are aware, there's no Adams this time for Rogers. But he does have the beast Sammy Watkins now!! They will really need that running game to come through this time more than ever.
  5. Yeah maybe....he got a lot of miles on him though. But yeah I think I would probably go with him over lot of others who are available right now
  6. But you gotta do it for you sometimes man. Sometimes you just got to make yourself feel good and say ***** the family and friends lol
  7. Probably different up there, but I'm sad to admit that unfortunately I live in N.C and down here what they call red hots are just a very cheap, short dark red color sausage that is not hot or even slightly warm/spicy the least bit. Can get a bag of 12 of em for like 4 dollars lol. I'd rather eat the vulture lol
  8. Yeah, I've heard of red hots. But 1st I've heard them called white hots. They look delicious though
  9. Yeah man, people don't know nuttin bout that kind of delicacy....the vulture got that dark meat all over. Not like chicken etc where breast/wings are white meat. Vulture got dark meat all over. Got to cook em right though because meat can be tough.
  10. I guess so. First I've heard of em... Lol, yeah I might be only one that didn't know what it was. I'm not from the area so I was curious....
  11. I get it, but it's probably like that for every team to a certain extent. There's some fans of every team that probably are skeptical about one thing or other. Regarding Bills however, sure there's a couple things I would have liked to been done a little differently, but I'm still pretty damn confident in this roster. So we'll see how everything plays out
  12. I'm not sure how much any week 1 game can be considered an upset.
  13. Yeah man, some people just don't know how to eat and what's good like me and you.... We should meet over at the corner store and slap fives followed by an original fist bump!
  14. I don't know if that's really much of an upset either. If anything a Browns win might be more of an upset.....
  15. Mine would be (not sure how much of an upset it may be) Jags over Washington.
  16. Nice!! If you really thinking about maybe trying something a little different, I recommend bowl of mosquitoes served on a cellar door. Not those little ones either, the big ones that's around the swamp and whatnot....
  17. His presence is/should make a world of difference for the whole Dline. Excited to see them feast
  18. This special occasion calls for a mouth watering gourmet meal that will consist of a platter of fried stork ankles along with a bucket of fish heads wrapped in razor wire and for a complimenting side dish of smoked possum spine! What special dishes do you have in mind to celebrate this upcoming joyful event??
  19. At least that should leave them enough time for a new punter to come in and be ready for week 1.
  20. Are we sure she got raped? Like was it proven already or just going off her saying she was? Legit question because I honestly don't know. But for sentence in bold, what if there was consent and she don't remember because she was too drunk?
  21. Yeah it seems that way as more info is coming out
  22. So obviously a serious situation that can get him kicked off the team. Some posters seem to think he's good as gone already. So as of now if Bills are waiting for the investigation is complete to decide to take action if needed, doesn't Matt still gets to play during that process? Unless he ends up suspended by NFL. Is all that right in how things stand for now??
  23. Nothing to be concerned with. If anything I have more confidence. Unless one is concerned Elam may get lots of holding called on him
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