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Patrick Duffy

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Everything posted by Patrick Duffy

  1. Rumor is his improvement is largely due to Matt Patricia's creative top notch offensive scheme that was kept secret and finally after many years of so much success at DC , Coach BB deciding to unleash and declassify Patricia's Offensive genius upon the rest of the NFL
  2. Lol, true. I guess we all would fight dirty if came down to it and we had to. But Campbell will give off the impression with how he acts sometimes and his words. All that "eating knee caps" talk etc. Could be just putting on a show giving attempting to give an impression that makes some believe he has a crazy side lol. He does kinda have that look too. However, wasn't long after trying to make himself seem like a hardass with a side of crazy....few weeks later he cried many tears in an interview after one of the many losses his team had. Kinda showed the hardass, tough guy approach wasn't working at all for him lolo
  3. I don't know, Campbell seem like he might fight dirty.
  4. Yeah that's important. Have to keep that in mind if (not a jinx, not a jinx) another heart crushing KC type loss happens again. Lol, a single tear in slow motion fell down my cheek and onto the floor that day.
  5. Watch out for Matt Patricia drawing up all the trickery and amazing plays that will have heads spinning on Bills D. Lol, Maybe it is for me. Not for me it wasn't. Was expected without Brady obviously
  6. Lol, but when we saw the first day this thread was posted it doesn't feel like it's been 85 days since then already. I have been a little bit busier this summer, but not very much. Maybe ythat's why
  7. Lol, yeah I would hope this isn't surprising to anyone. Think just about everyone figured it wouldn't be from last week
  8. Not sure about anyone else, but with just 2 weeks away to me seems like summer/off-season flew by this time. Much faster than I thought it would anyways. I thought for sure it was going to take forever coming off that tough loss in KC. But to me it seemed to be much quicker than usual off-seasons. Seems like the older I'm getting the faster time goes though
  9. I would. Maybe if it's 75mph winds again. I'm not sure there's much difference than last season. Did they improve weapons for M.Jones very much in WR etc? Also Matt Patricia all oif a sudden jumping over to OC from DC doesn't concern very much.
  10. Well, seems like you took my post the wrong way a bit.....I wasn't meaning to offer any awards and I'm quite aware it's a message board. Simply a sort of "joking" type response to your "nailed it" statement saying it was a prediction most would have made after Colts punter went down. No sort of ill will intended,
  11. Yeah I'm sure a whole lot of people nailed that prediction along with you. Was a bit of a "gimmie" with there Punter hurt lol. That jackpot is shared by many lol
  12. To be fair, pretty much everyone on ST didn't look so hot when defending kick-off returns
  13. Lol, I remember that and always chuckled because there was quite a few posters that just believed any and everything he posted and was clear ( to me anyways) his "reliable inside info" was just as reliable as mine or yours. A lot of the claims posted turned out to me incorrect more often than not. Funny thing is people still kept eating up everything he feeds ...." Thank you for all you do DFT" etc....Was just funny to me.
  14. Some would consider them already at that level from last season.
  15. Lol, I don't know bro. I just googled to find a pic to post. I didn't pay attention to any ordering info lol. You should have no problem finding what you (or your friend) needs google searching with those key words lol. I wish you the best on your journey and may you find the biggest you need!!!
  16. Fully agree all the backs have done well thus far. As for Blackshear, while he has gained attention, to me it's fairly clear the top 3 RB's locked in are Devin, Moss, Cook, and T. Jones (obviously for ST more than RB). Depending if they decide to keep 1 more RB then it's between him and Duke. But if I'm not mistaken it's been 4 RBs that's usually kept on the roster past couple seasons? Anyways, my point is Blackshear is on the outside looking in and also another point of view one could have is while Blackshear has no question looked good, but against defenses 3rd stringers, how much stock can be put in it.
  17. Also claims to always wear that kind of underwear that makes your package look big.
  18. So much money and this is the best hair cut he comes up with lol
  19. Lol, I guess that could be said for every good dude right?
  20. I don't know, but usually when seeing a person that has a bit of a serious accident right in front of you, a decent guy (person) would at the very least check on that person or ask if they are okay. He didn't seem very decent that particular day to me,
  21. Yes that's for sure....and has been taking full advantage of those opportunities thus far. I for one feel confident that continues
  22. Yup, that's correct. And although he knew and somehow(not sure if it was Josh or someone else) it got made clear to public it was quoted from a t.v show and was in no way at all meant to offend, He still apologized and think he also spoke with each Bills player on the team one by one if I recall right.
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