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Patrick Duffy

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Everything posted by Patrick Duffy

  1. What is..? Maybe it's floating over my head, but I'm not seeing it. Was it about his speed? Or biting on the P/A? Physical abilities? What's hilarious about it?
  2. Seems that way.....that's how I read it anyways...
  3. That's kinda what I was mentioning....Moss hasn't been that bad and didn't understand the amount of frustration. Cook is not an improvement over Moss at this point right now.
  4. I mean I believe we are in agreement with each other it seems regarding the Moss/Cook reps situation...Lol. I just don't feel Moss has been as bad as some seem to think.
  5. I feel ya, I agree Devin is the better back... but has Cook shown enough at this particular point to take Moss's reps? I can't say that he's there just yet myself
  6. Okay, I got ya. Yeah that was 1st time I thought of that particular loss myself. Was just the 1st game that popped in my head of "expecting an easy win" type games. Anyways, all good bro. If you've been a Bills fans as long as I have there are a LOT of scars from LOTS of losses lol
  7. While I agree about the short yardage stuff, at same time he has had couple big yard rushing plays here and there. I agree I too prefer motor having majority or touches, but have to disagree with you over Cook in bold, for now at this point that is.... Cook just needs few more games and hopefully has that break out game soon. But as of now, can't put him above Moss
  8. I'm not sure he's played enough games to determine that he's a "good back-up". I certainly would feel pretty confident it would not be difficult finding better for a QB2. You say you would want him as a back up, for me it would take a fairly desperate situation and slim pickings for me to want him as a back up. Wasn't long ago ol Duck was the better back up
  9. I agree with you guys that Devin should get the bulk of the carries/snaps. Just wondering why so much frustration with Moss, or the amount of frustration I should say? I mean I get having a little and maybe I'm interpreting it wrong as more frustration that it is, but Moss has had a couple good chunk yardage runs. I guess my question is what exactly about him sticks out the most that bothers you? As for right now in this particular part of the season, would you rather have Cook over Moss with how Cook has looked as if he's not quite ready just yet? I guess one could argue they'd rather see Duke. Anyways, that said....just curious what is main issue with Moss that makes you feel that amount of frustration?
  10. Of course he would never dump on Moss or any team mate for that matter.....however I don't see how one wouldn't have noticed the impact DS has made with many plays recently, especially receiving.
  11. I'm sorry, I'm a little confused....I'm one of many posters meaning what exactly? I agree with you that some hold on to certain losses and I'm in no way asking to be an ####### or anything.... lol Just curious what you mean I'm one of many posters? I try to be as respectful, level headed as possible lol
  12. Agree with you here. If he's ready then he's ready. I don't know if he might have any "rust" to knock off, but if he does then imo it's good to go ahead and get it out the way
  13. Well I assume you mean me since I brought it up. First and foremost....I didn't bring it up as a reason to not be optimistic nor am I "carrying any burden". I simply stated it responding to poster that said they are "expecting an easy win". Basically pointing out the obvious that no win is easy. Hope I cleared that up enough for you in that regard...
  14. Agree, some seem to not think so with the constant "Bills lose close games because of last season" talk..... But it is what it is I suppose....
  15. Don't know how it will play out, but he certainly is making a case for himself so far. Glad to see it
  16. You could not be more correct here. Last years close games keep getting brought up while not acknowledging the one before winning those close games. It's like they want to look to the past at close losses, but not the wins lol
  17. While the run game could still use a bit of improvement, I don't think it's as bad as some make it out to be. Devin and Moss has both broke a few runs for good yardage here and there. So anyways, clearly there's room for improvement....but I wouldn't refer to it as "absent" etc. Many saw a big easy win last season against the Jags also lol. Of course last season has nothing to do with this one, but I'm just sayin.....
  18. Yeah but Savage briefly came back and then went to locker room. Tua just finished the game. But I still see what you mean
  19. I'm opposite, it would be mind boggling for me if they did reach out to him. His time has been past for a few years now. May as well go with John Brown
  20. That's what he said and you're arguing with him lol
  21. You have to wonder what they have been watching for anyone saying Lamar is a glorified Tyrod
  22. In a few weeks it will be Pat. M, then after that back to Rodgers. The MVP talk will change from player to player as the season goes forward
  23. Yeah, I mean I'm more of a cocaine fan myself...but ya like what ya like.....
  24. He's exactly right. I couldn't believe it either last Sunday when he came back in the game. I thought for sure he'd be out for at the very least the rest of that 1 game anyways...
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